Chapter 0618 This talent is really terrifying!!!

Everyone's eyes widened and their pupils shrank violently.

His face was full of horror and shock.

No matter those super dynasty backbones in Nirvana realm.

They are still those super dynasty leaders who are at the first level of Shengxuan Realm.

This is true for everyone.

His eyes were horrified, and his mouth was big enough to stuff an egg into.

The expressions on their faces were all filled with great shock.

It was as if I had seen the most incredible thing in the world.

There was no reaction for a long time. thump!

The two halves of Liang Yun's body fell to the ground.

There was a sound.

It was this sound that made everyone present react.

Everyone reacted.

The shocked look on his face not only did not disappear.

On the contrary, he was even more horrified.

The surrounding area also became an uproar.

"He is dead. Liang Yun, who is at the third level of the Shengxuan Realm, is actually dead. How is this possible!"

A super dynasty leader couldn't help but said in shock.

His lips couldn't help trembling.

His face was full of disbelief.

"That is the peak of the third level of Shengxuan Realm."

"Moreover, Liang Yun’s attack just now was so shocking"

"But to be killed by Gu Yun with one sword is really shocking."

"Killing Liang Yun, who was at the third level of the Mysterious Realm with one sword, I... I wasn't dreaming, right?"

"Xu Qing slapped me with his true energy to wake me up."

It's not just him.

It's the same for everyone.

Because they can't imagine that

Liang Yun, who was so bloody and terrifying before, would be killed by Gu Yun so easily with one sword.

You must know that Liang Yun at that time was at the third level of Shengxuan Realm. The pinnacle.

The pressure shocked the world.

But such a terrifying person was killed by Gu Yun with a sword.

Everyone at the scene couldn't help but mutter to themselves.

There was no way, it was too embarrassing for Liang Yun to be killed by Gu Yun so easily. They were shocked.

They had thought that Gu Yun was dead.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, the two halves of Liang Yun's cold body fell directly into a pool of blood on the ground.

Some of these people have not yet recovered.

"The rules of kendo, he actually understood the rules of kendo! #?"

"How can this be."

In a super dynasty alliance, a young man wearing a brocade robe and costume couldn't help but said in shock.

His face was full of shock.

Among Gu Yun's swords, the first person to realize the rules of the sword was Liang Yun.

That was why Liang Yun was so shocked when he found out that the protagonist understood the rules of swordsmanship.

Anyone who can understand the artistic conception of the rules means that he has the qualifications to become a king.

In the future, he will definitely be able to enter the realm of becoming a king.

And the sooner Understand the artistic conception of the rules.

That means the higher the talent.

Even in the King Realm, they are strong.

Some old monsters who have lived for thousands of years may not be able to understand the artistic conception of the rules.

In the ancient battlefield, the geniuses under fifty years old Only then was he able to enter.

And Gu Yun understood the artistic conception of the rules before he was fifty years old.

That was why Liang Yun was so shocked.

And after Gu Yun slashed out with his sword, the artistic conception of the kendo rules was also revealed.

These people at the scene were all The geniuses of the super dynasty have basically understood the artistic conception of martial arts at the seventh and eighth levels.

Naturally, they know the rules of swordsmanship.

That's why they are so shocked at this moment.

Understanding the rules of swordsmanship.

That means that they will definitely become a sword king in the future..

And what made them even more shocked and envious was Gu Yun’s current age.

The ancient battlefield was said to be accessible only to geniuses under the age of fifty.

But for all dynasties, especially super dynasties and high-level dynasties, everyone knows that it represents Super dynasty and high-level dynasty are the monsters who enter the ancient battlefield.

Almost all of them are in their twenties.

What's more, they can enter at the age of seventeen or eighteen.

In this world, everyone knows that a man who is hundreds of years old There is no doubt that the talent of a first-level Shengxuan realm in his twenties is even more terrifying than a first-level Shengxuan state in his twenties.

The same is true.

In this world, anyone who can break through to the King's realm They are rare existences.

Even in that huge Xuan Realm, this is the case.

Most of the powerful people in the King's Realm are almost thousands of years old and have survived the Death Xuan Realm.

And like Gu Yun, who is in his twenties.

He has directly understood the rules of swordsmanship at his age.

That is even more terrifying.

As long as there are enough resources , the King of the Sea will be defeated within a hundred years.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a sense of shock.

The King of King Realm is more than a hundred years old, and the King of King Realm is several thousand years old.

That 's a huge difference

"He understood the rules of kendo when he was in his twenties"

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is this?"

"This talent is so terrifying, I’m afraid it can even be compared with the top monsters in the Mysterious Realm."

"Don’t forget, his current cultivation level is only at the peak of the ninth level of Nirvana."

"Those at the ninth level of the Nirvana Realm can kill opponents at the third level of the Shengxuan Realm."

"And he also understood the rules of kendo"

"Who else in the entire ancient battlefield could be his opponent?"

"I'm afraid even the leaders of the four ancient dynasties are no match for him."

"This time the leader of the Hundred Dynasties War must be him."

"Moreover, those super sects that enter the Xuan Realm will definitely be able to directly become true disciples."

"By then, with the resources of the super sect, the kingship realm will definitely be reached within a hundred years."

Many super dynasty leaders present couldn't help but sigh.

Their expressions were full of shock and envy.

The King's Realm is the realm they dream of.

But for Gu Yun, the King's Realm is just a starting point.

Gu Yunhui Reaching a higher realm of martial arts.

How could they not be envious of this?

These people all thought that Gu Yun was in his twenties, and that he only understood the rules of swordsmanship at the first level.

If they were to know,

Gu Yun's age was only Eighteen.

And the rules of swordsmanship have been understood by the eighth level.

Then they are not shocked. They are doubting life.

And below.

The Qingyu Dynasty and others who were worried about Gu Yun before.

The same is true.

Seeing Gu After Yun so easily killed Liang Yun with one sword, he was also shocked.

After a moment, he was sure that he was not dreaming.

Then he burst out with a voice of excitement and surprise...

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