After receiving the five-colored divine light and turning it into his own life divine power, Lin Yuan left the system space.

When he stepped out of the cabin, the guards who had been guarding the outside immediately bowed down and saluted, very respectfully.

After experiencing the battle of the Xuanhu Kingdom, everyone now respected Lin Yuan to the bone.

Along the way, Lin Yuan’s powerful means and revealing majesty naturally made them truly surrender.

“Meet Lin Shuai!”

Zhu Fan also stepped forward and paid homage to him.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Yuan asked, it seems that the other party is obviously staying here, waiting for a long time.

“There are eunuchs who come to proclaim the reward, but because you are in the retreat and don’t let anyone disturb you, so.” Zhu Fan said.

“Let’s go.”

In an instant, Lin Yuan knew what was going on and nodded.

Stepping out of the cabin, a eunuch immediately stepped forward, and it was the same eunuch who had been the last time.

“Young Marquis, Right Attendant of the Army, General Lin Yuan of Zhaowu listened.”

When the eunuch saw Lin Yuan, he smiled and looked very polite.

This time it was not a holy will, but a sealed reward, so it was not as sacred as last time.

“Lin Yuan took the order.” Lin Yuan surrendered.

“Fengtian Transport, the Holy Lord’s Edict, seal the Lin Yuanyuan snake fighting costume a raid, a phoenix-winged purple and gold crown, and a Xuanhuang Dragon Foal, after entering the city, you can ride a horse to the Imperial City Heavenly Destiny Bridge.”

This time the posthumous seal was completely for Lin Yuan to create momentum, and the original flying fish fighting suit was added to the Tengsnake fighting suit.

This is second only to the existence of the Dragon Fighting Suit, and in the entire Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage, there are Tengsnake Dou Clothing, which is only ten fingers.

And Lin Yuan directly obtained the Tengsnake Fighting Suit, which can be described as a great grace of the Holy Grace.

Moreover, there is also a phoenix-winged purple and gold crown, which also belongs to the Holy Grace and is more rewarded to young generals.

The appearance is just like Sun Wukong and Lü Bu wearing on their heads, which can be described as extremely windy and has a group mocking effect.

As for the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal, it was a strange beast with the bloodline of the Divine Beast Dragon Horse.

The strength of the adult Xuanhuang Dragon Foal is comparable to that of the Jin Dan Realm monks, and it can soar through the clouds and ride the fog, traveling thousands of miles a day.

“Thank you very much!”

Lin Yuan bowed his hand to the edict and immediately took it away.

“Congratulations to the young man, after returning to Beijing this time, the Holy Admiral will be rewarded heavily.”

The reward eunuch then congratulated Lin Yuan.

Zhu Fan and the others next to them also congratulated in unison, while looking at Lin Yuan’s eyes, full of envy and admiration.

“To kill the enemy for the country, it is the duty of the people.” Lin Yuan waved his hand, looking very polite.

Immediately afterward, the reward eunuch took out a bright yellow robe, a purple and gold crown, and a jade medal.

This bright yellow long suit is naturally the Tengsnake Fighting Suit, and the difference with the Flying Fish Fighting Suit is that the flying fish pattern on it becomes a Tengsnake with a body like a river and wings on its back, and there are many auspicious clouds around it.

Its quality is still the lower quality of the Tao.

This serpent fighting suit mainly represents a gift, the holy grace is great, and its quality is secondary.

The phoenix-winged purple and gold crown is one level worse, but it is only a treasure.

However, Lin Yuan would pay attention to the quality of this thing.

And that jade medal is called the Royal Beast Card, and with just a single thought, the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal can be released.

Lin Yuan held the Imperial Beast Card in his hand, injected mana, and as soon as his mind moved, the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal inside was revealed in an instant.

Eight feet tall, a body as white as jade, with a thin layer of crystal scales on the surface of the body, like dragon scales, limbs are extremely strong, muscles are knotted.

This Xuanhuang Dragon Foal was naturally tamed, and it was extremely convenient to have the Royal Beast Card.

“Young Hou, don’t forget, the Holy Father will let you wear a Tengsnake fighting suit and a phoenix-winged purple and gold crown on your head, and ride the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal directly into Beijing at noon tomorrow.” The reward eunuch once again gave a command.

“Okay.” Lin Yuan nodded.

From the current point of view, there are still three hours to enter Beijing.

In this case, he would have to wait outside for half a day before he could enter Beijing.

Immediately, Lin Yuan took a short rest in a small city thousands of miles away from the capital and waited until noon tomorrow to enter the capital.

“Chief, you should pay careful attention after you enter Beijing this time.”

Elder Liu opened his mouth and reminded Lin Yuan.

“What is the reason?” Lin Yuan asked back.

“You have made great contributions to heaven this time, and the dean has been creating momentum for you these days, and finally please seal a pinhou, but Wuhou said that you are too young, and you have to suppress it, and finally the two sides struggled, and there was almost a big fuss in the Fengtian Temple, and finally the saint opened his mouth and stopped.”

“Although this matter is over, it will not be easily abandoned, and the dean suspects that Wuhou will make a fuss in other aspects, so you must not pay attention to it, and maintain your own image, otherwise, you may be made a big fuss.”

Elder Liu said to Lin Yuan, with a heavy heart.

Although Lin Yuan was extremely talented, in the imperial court, in addition to strength, there were many invisible sword and light sword shadows, in their opinion, Lin Yuan was still too young after all.

“Okay.” Lin Yuan nodded, his eyes flashed, and his appearance was incomparably calm.

I couldn’t help but feel angry in my heart, I didn’t expect that Wuhou Lin Xuanji had actually suppressed him.

He didn’t believe that Elder Liu would deceive him, that he would dare to deceive him.

Because if this matter is so big, it is easy to verify.

However, he now had the Heavenly Destiny Academy, and the Heavenly Destiny Holy Pilgrimage as a patron, and he was not afraid of Lin Xuan’s opportunity to do something to him.

During these times, what he wanted was to accumulate strength, quickly acquire resources, enhance his strength, and in the future, he would step into the Wuhou Mansion and ask Lin Xuanji for his guilt!

There was also the fourth lady, the untouchable woman of the Zhao clan, who not only made it difficult for him since he was a child, but also sent assassins to assassinate him after he left the palace, and in the future she would surely slaughter his entire clan in one fell swoop!


The next day, the hour came.

Lin Yuan changed into a Tengsnake fighting suit and wore a phoenix-winged purple and gold crown on his head.

If this phoenix-winged purple and gold crown is ordinary casual clothing, the phoenix-winged must be hidden, otherwise it will appear frivolous and ostentatious.

However, with this snake fighting suit, it is not at all ostentatious, but more heroic.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan, who was already rich and handsome, was even more heroic and noble at this moment.

Then he took out the Imperial Beast Card, summoned the Xuanhuang Dragon Foal, and rode on it, followed by a hundred elites.

Lin Yuan was in such a demeanor, and returning to Beijing would shake the government and the opposition.

“Lin Shuai, you see, even at this hour, you can still see that there is a lantern in the capital, this is for you to celebrate!”

Zhu Fan opened the way for Lin Yuan and said with an excited face.

I saw the gate of the capital city, in the middle of the day, hanging rows of big red lanterns, bursting with bright red light.

“Welcome young Hou back to Beijing!”

As soon as he arrived at the East Heavenly City Gate, the guards guarding the city were shouting loudly.

Along the way, many people in the street watched and shouted “Young Hou! ”

“Young Hou!”

“Young Hou!”

Rarely in the whole capital has it been so lively.

Among them, I don’t know how many people looked at Lin Yuan, their faces full of envy, regardless of age.

The big husband was like that!

Lin Yuan rode the dragon colt directly into the capital like this, and then walked all the way to the Imperial City Chengtian Gate.

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