What reward do you want?

When Lin Yuan heard these words, his mind immediately thought about what the Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor meant.

The so-called thunder and rain are all heavenly blessings.

How can you ask yourself what reward you want.

From the time when Li Chunqiu was able to directly ask the Heavenly Mandate Holy Emperor to seal the task of pacifying the chaotic Qianzhou.

Lin Yuan had a guess in his mind.

That is, the Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor also wanted to suppress Wuhou Lin Xuanji.

No, not repression.

It should be said that it is to balance the DPRK-China forces.

Now Wuhou Lin Xuanji’s momentum was really too great, so the Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor wanted to suppress Lin Xuanji.

He once told Li Chunqiu that he wanted to be crowned king.

So does the Mandate Saint Emperor know?

However, at this time, Lin Yuan’s request for this reward was undoubtedly self-inflicted humiliation.

A Xuanhu kingdom wants to be crowned king, but it is not enough.

Unless he included the territory of the Great Xuan and Great Yin Dynasties into the territory of the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty.

However, seeing Lin Xuanji, who was standing still, Lin Yuan’s heart moved.

“To serve the country, it is the duty of a subject, and the subject does have a request, please ask the saint to reward the birth mother of the subject.”

Lin Yuan said respectfully.

In his opinion, he could not be crowned king, so it did not matter what other rewards.

And for his mother, one is the original obsession, the dream.

It was also a counterattack by Lin Yuan in the face of Wuhou Fu, a curse.

As a concubine, Ye Bingyun’s spirit card not only could not enter the ancestral hall of Wuhou Mansion, but also the tomb could not enter the Lin Family Cemetery.

Then Lin Yuan asked the Holy Pilgrimage to seal Ye Bingyun as the Lady of Commandment.

After he set up his own portal, he moved the spirit tablets and the tomb over.

In the Wuhou Mansion, those who did not have official positions, or whose official positions were lower than Ye Bingyun’s commandments, had to kneel down at the tomb to worship.

When Qunchen heard Lin Yuan’s words, he couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air in his heart.

This is entirely aimed at Wuhou Fu.

Ten years ago, Wuhou Lin Xuanji killed his wife and son, and many ministers in this palace knew about it.

But not many people dare to stand up and say anything.

Because this is a matter for the Wuhou Mansion, it is not something that ordinary people can mix.

Lin Xuanji did not open his mouth, who dared to say anything.

“You Lin Yuan is the son of man, Wen Tao Wuluo, the head of the Heavenly Destiny Academy, and the national merit, and the mother of the Zigui, that you have sealed your mother Ye Bingyun as the Lady of Erpin.”

The Heavenly Destiny Holy Emperor did not hesitate in the slightest, and directly opened his mouth to seal it.

There are nine pins in the Lady of the Commandments, corresponding to the nine pins of the official residence.

However, there is no real power, just a symbol of fame and wealth.

If Ye Bingyun was given the title of Erpin Commandment, then the entire Wuhou Mansion, except for Lin Xuanji and the Grand Madame, would all come to Ye Bingyun’s tomb to kneel down and worship.

“Your Majesty Qi Yu, as a master and in charge of the affairs of the world, should set an example for the world’s subjects, and his concubine Ye Bingyun is a member of the Daqian royal family, and is criticized by the world, if he is ordained as a commandment, it is really unliturgical and law-based, please ask the Holy Father to ban the canonization.”

Lin Xuanji stood up and said so.

Be quiet!

Dead quiet!

Lin Yuan turned his head and looked at Lin Xuanji slightly, his eyes were indifferent and merciless.

A wave of anger grew in his heart.

Sure enough, strength, you still need strength!

Only strength can best stomp Lin Xuanji under his feet.

To be condemned is also based on absolute power.

“Enlightened on the Holy Lord, now Qianzhou has long since returned to his heart, and all of them are the people of the Holy Pilgrimage, and whoever has the people of the Great Qian Dynasty, this canonization is even more a manifestation of my holy pilgrimage authority!”

Li Chunqiu stood up and confronted Lin Xuanji.

Just when other ministers were about to stand up and support the proposal, the Mandate of Heaven Holy Emperor raised his hand in a gesture.

“There is no joke about it, now how can you say it?”

The Mandate of Heaven Holy Emperor said so.

“Holy Lord!”

Lin Xuanji bowed his hand deeply and did not continue to say more.

He respects the law and pays great attention to the rules, and the law of monarchs and courtiers is the biggest rule.

Lin Yuan also bowed down.

The Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor looked at Lin Yuan and continued to speak.

“You are only seventeen years old, and many ministers say that you are young, so you were previously made a young marquis, and in all the dynasties, there was a marquis, which was set up for young generals.”

“You command an army of 100,000 people, suppress the turmoil in Qianzhou in one day, traverse the Xuanhu for thousands of miles, and are invincible, and everywhere you go, you are invincible and invincible!”

“Since this is the case, you will be crowned the Marquis of the Mandate of Heaven and the Marquis of Yipin, and you will be awarded the title of General of the Hussars, and you will be given 100,000 Spirit Stones, one Champion Marquis, and three Daoist Instruments… Continue to serve the Pilgrimage. ”

“Thank you for the grace of the saints, and the subjects must be for the holy pilgrimage, for the people of the world, and the liver and brains are destroyed.”

Hearing the Heavenly Destiny Holy Emperor’s reward, Lin Yuan could already confirm his guess.

Behind himself, it is not only Li Chunqiu who is pushing.

Instead, the Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor was also using others to balance Lin Xuanji.

In the imperial court’s conspiracy, these people in high positions are very unsimple, incomparably deep, and immeasurable.

He was still a little too tender compared to these people.

Lin Yuan didn’t care about this, he was circling around it, and all he wanted was resources.

Lin Yuan’s thoughts swirled in his heart, plain and incomparable, but his mouth emitted a sound of joy and worship.

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Yuan’s joy was extremely normal.

A pint!

It is difficult to become an immortal if you want to seal a pinhou.

In addition to those princes who were hereditary in the founding of the country, over the years, Lin Xuanji, the Marquis of Wu, was also given the title of Marquis of Yipin, Marquis of Wu.

However, Lin Yuan was directly enfeoffed at this age, and in the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty, Lin Yuan’s status could be said to be no weaker than Lin Xuanji.

This treatment is simply envious and jealous.

However, in Lin Yuan’s current view, he pays more attention to resources than to the position of this champion.

“There are also the 100,000 generals in the army, and the cabinet household department will discuss a reward charter.”

When the Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor saw Lin Yuan’s appearance, there was a hint of inadvertent taste in his eyes.

“The subject obeys the order!”

Tobe Shoshu and the cabinet ministers received orders.

“Since there is nothing to do, there is a retreat over there!”

The Mandate of Heaven Holy Emperor opened his mouth and announced his retirement.

The delay in this imperial meeting until now was entirely due to Lin Yuan’s enfeoffment.

Now that the matter of sealing the marquis has been decided, it is natural to retreat from the dynasty.

However, Lin Yuan’s champion Hou and other rewards naturally could not arrive now, and it would take some time.

Moreover, when the time comes, the matter of the consecration will also be announced to the entire Mandate of Heaven Holy Pilgrimage.

“Congratulations to the champion!”

“Congratulations to the champion!”

“Congratulations to the champion!”

After the Heavenly Destiny Saint Emperor left, he walked out of the main hall and immediately a group of ministers congratulated Lin Yuan.

Seventeen-year-old Yi Pin Hou, what is this concept.

It’s indescribable.

A true dragon that has been in the air for nine days.

“Congratulations to Marquis Wu.

Li Chunqiu suddenly walked over to Lin Xuanji and congratulated him with a happy face.

Lin Xuanji had no expression on his face and looked at Li Chunqiu indifferently.

Walking straight outside, when he walked to Lin Yuan’s side, he took a step, looked at Lin Yuandao, and said slowly, “Your identity ascended to the sky one step at a time, thinking that I had no way to take you.” ”

He was incomparably indifferent, incomparably ruthless, and condescending.

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