The reward of the Holy Pilgrimage had not yet arrived, but the current Spirit Stone on Lin Yuan’s body was also a huge number.

If nothing else, the 10,000 Absolute Spirit Stones given by Li Chunqiu at the beginning were enough.

“The host realm is detected to be too low to actively read the fine works, so please try to read the host after upgrading to the Jindan realm.”

Prompt sound in the library.


Lin Yuan couldn’t help but scold.

If it really does not condense the Golden Dan, it is not counted as the Golden Dan Realm.

Looking at the ancient tea tree of the Enlightenment Dao that was like an immortal tree in the sea of consciousness, with one hundred and eight virtual dans hanging on it, Lin Yuan didn’t know what to say.

I am now a hundred and eight false Dan.

Lin Yuan was not uncomfortable because he did not break through Jin Dan.

Instead, he wanted to obtain the Heavenly Treasure and could only read ordinary works.

At present, in ordinary works, the magic magic techniques obtained, as well as magic weapons and the like, are useless to Lin Yuan.

And these magic weapons cannot be sold because they are bound to him, otherwise, they are not ashamed.

Therefore, if you read ordinary works, if you don’t get the cultivation type of heaven and earth treasure, then you will lose, and it is better to directly absorb the Spirit Stone cultivation yourself.

“Go to the Hall of Merit to see if there are any good things, there are definitely many heavenly treasures in this Heavenly Destiny Academy, and by the way, dispose of the things on your body.”

Lin Yuan thought in his heart, pushed the door out, and went directly to the Hall of Merit.

When Lin Yuan appeared in the Hall of Merit, it attracted the attention of countless people.

His cultivation had just broken through, and he had not yet completely calmed down.

The body exudes an invincible qi machine power, and there is a feeling of surrender and worship.

This is the breath of the gods suppressing everything.

Some students who had not cultivated enough directly knelt down at this moment.

“Meet the Chief Master!”

“Meet the Chief Master!”

“Meet the Chief Master!”

Wu Mathma bent down to Lin Yuan, his face respectful.

This side is the head of the courtyard!

Chief Master Brother of the Academy!

Wherever they go, other students must salute respectfully.

“Hmm.” Lin Yuan’s face was very calm.

He was in command of a million troops, and he had seen a big scene in the direction of the Xuanhu Kingdom.

At the same time, Lin Yuan converged on his own qi machine.

He also saw that his qi machine was exposed, and at this point, he had already mastered his own flesh and qi mana in detail, and it was still no problem to want to converge.

All the disciples gave way one after another.

In the inner hall of the Hall of Merit, several extremely powerful elders sat down, sensing Lin Yuan’s breath and opening their eyes.

“Hey, congratulations.” Elder Gong De appeared, couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air, and congratulated him.

Then he continued, “Are you here to exchange things today?” ”

“Yes, I have something to deal with and exchange for something at the same time.” Lin Yuan behaved very politely, taking out a string of storage rings and placing them on the table, “Elder Trouble looks at how valuable the things are here. ”

Looking at the meritorious elder in front of him now, he could already sense the other person’s qi machine and see part of the depth.

If he opened the Martial Heavenly Eye, he could see more.

This represents an increase in his strength.

“Okay, I’ll see.” Elder Merit took the string of storage rings and inspected them one by one.

After half a ring.

“It’s worth a total of 58.8 billion contribution points.” Elder Gongde looked at Lin Yuan and opened his mouth.

When the words fell, he couldn’t help but ask, “You won’t rob the Xuanhu Kingdom’s treasury.” ”

“Is that the only point?” This Xuanhu Kingdom is really poor. ”

After Lin Yuan heard this, he shook his head slightly, and said like this,

This was not only the treasury resources of the Xuanhu Kingdom, but also the resources looted by breaking through the thirty-six cities in a row.

However, the cultivation resources inside were all taken out by him.

But Lin Yuan still felt that there was too little.




The other students of the Hall of Merit heard Lin Yuan’s words and looked at his figure, almost stunned.

Even the meritorious elder looked at Lin Yuan and didn’t know what to say.

It really cleared the treasury of the Xuanhu Kingdom.

Five hundred and eight billion contribution points is five hundred and eight billion lower spirit stones.

You are a student, a student of the Divine Realm, in less than two months, you have obtained so many spirit stones, and it is still too little.

No one knows what to say.

But think of Lin Yuan’s god-like battle record.

There’s nothing more to say.

But my heart still couldn’t help it, envy and jealousy.

“Elder Trouble will help me redeem them all.” Lin Yuan continued and handed out the head token.

The valuation of the stuff inside was a little less than he expected.

But it’s almost there, there are almost six billion spirit stones.

On average, five billion spirit stones can be read in one book, and twelve books can be read.

“No problem.” The meritorious elder held the token and processed it against the jade book.

It won’t be long before it will be fine.

“Five hundred and eight billion contribution points have already been entered, do you need to replace them with spirit stones?” Elder Gong De handed the token back to Lin Yuan and said.

After all, Lin Yuan had directly exchanged it for the Spirit Stone last time.

Lin Yuan shook his head, “Is there anything that can be the best elixir, the elixir, something that assists in cultivation, or something that can increase the origin of life.” ”

“All of this, I’ll make a list for you, and you’ll see for yourself.”

Elder Merit nodded, looking very polite.

“Trouble Elder.” Lin Yuan nodded, also very polite.

Elder Merit took the jade book and wrote a few words on it.

It’s a bit like a computer screening keywords, putting the requirements of elixirs, elixirs, and life sources into them, and those that meet the conditions will appear.

After a while, Elder Gongde gave Lin Yuan a piece of jade, and it was something that met Lin Yuan’s needs.

Lin Yuan put Yu Jian in the center of his brow, and the information appeared in his mind in an instant.

There are tens of thousands of these things.

But it’s very detailed, and the effect is also marked on the back.

Aikidan: Crafted from Aiki flowers, it has the purpose of accelerating cultivation and assists in mana condensation, with 1,000 contribution points/piece.

Hao Yuandan: Refined from Hao Yang Flower, it can solidify the Yuan Pei Ben, enhance mana, and contribute 3,000 points/piece.


Tianlei Ganlin Dew: Refining the Heavenly Thunder into liquid with great divine powers, turning it into Ganlin Baolu, containing the power of Heavenly Thunder and the origin of life, with 50,000 contribution points/drops.

Lin Yuan saw Lei Ganlinlu that day and felt good, but he did not stop and continued to look down.

Five Elements Blood Coagulation Dan, Jinyang Burning Pill, Qianyuan Creation Jindan, Nirvana Blood, Ziyang Egg…

To tell the truth, how the specific effect is, he can’t confirm, because there is only a simple description, which can only be confirmed by the price.

However, he knew that these elixirs, such as auxiliary mana condensation, would definitely be a loss if he exchanged them.

In his current situation, the mana was so thick that the auxiliary effect of this level of elixir was naturally useless.

As for the Heavenly Thunder Ganlin Lu, it is not clear whether the specific Heavenly Thunder Force has an effect on him.

At this moment, Lin Yuan saw something.

Demon Abyss Spirit Spring: Transformed by the demonic qi in the underground cave demon abyss, the material pole will contain a magnificent life source, and it needs the Yuan Divine Fa Phase to be refined, otherwise it will be infected by the demonic qi to the mind, and three thousand contribution points/drops.

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