Lin Yuan was in a very happy mood at this time.

In both masterpieces, he obtained three items after reading them in one time, allowing him to avoid having to read them repeatedly.

A lot of time is saved.

What pleased him the most was that the golden-winged roc cub was rewarded in this way.

No matter where the golden-winged roc is, it is an extremely extraordinary and extremely fierce existence.

In the novel The Peerless God of War, this golden-winged roc bird was picked up and adopted by the protagonist Qin Tian when he was a child.

The latter two are even more brothers.

In the book, this golden-winged roc bird and the protagonist have broken into the world, which has this great help to the protagonist, and finally has the name of this golden-winged roc heavenly dignity.

However, after all, the novel is in the novel, and the specific reality is still judged according to the information obtained.

In an instant, three things appeared in the void, and at the same time, a message appeared in Lin Yuan’s mind, allowing him to understand these three things.

There are four species of golden-winged roc birds, oviparous, viviparous, wet and metaplasiatic.

Represents four qualities.

Oviparous golden-winged birds can eat oviparous dragons, and viviparous golden-winged birds can eat viviparous and oviparous dragons; The wet goldfinch can eat the wet, oviparous, and viviparous dragons, and the metamorphosed goldfinch can eat the metamorphosis and the rest of the dragons.

In general, it is the worst egg and the strongest metaplasia.

And the golden-winged roc bird that Lin Yuan obtained was born out of the womb.

Its potential is immortal.

But when Lin Yuan looked at the golden-winged roc bird cubs that appeared, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The golden-winged bird feather in front of him had just been born, only the size of a watermelon, and his body was like a golden cast, and his eyes were star-eyed.

Originally, I thought that I had a good pet and mount, but looking at it like this, Lin Yuan was a little bored.

Because he didn’t have time to wait for this golden-winged roc bird to grow, the other party could not keep up with his growth rate.

This golden-winged roc bird is full of spirituality, because it is obtained through reading, and it is absolutely loyal to Lin Yuan and very close.

As if sensing Lin Yuan’s mood, he couldn’t help but fly onto Lin Yuan’s shoulder and rub him.

“By the way, Demon God Flower.”

Lin Yuan looked at the other dazzling immortal flower next to him, this flower was just these five petals of flowers and leaves, five colors, and there was a Dao Dao Xia light flowing on it.

The four-colored buds of the Demon God Flower were dazzling, and there were strands of light like silk dropping, and the golden egg was absorbing, becoming more and more extraordinary, like a divine fetus in the womb.

This flower is called the Demon God Flower, and in the Peerless God of War, it is the holy relics of the Demon Clan.

Just like its name, it can help ordinary demon beasts to purify their bloodline, spirituality, root bones, etc., change heaven and earth, and forge the foundation of demon gods.

In the book, the golden-winged roc bird has swallowed the Demon God Flower, changed the heavens and the earth, gained a new life, and made further progress in all aspects.

At the same time, the growth rate has also been greatly improved.

“Come, Yuanbao, eat this.”

Lin Yuan took the Demon God Flower and directly handed it to the Golden-winged Roc Bird and spoke.

This golden-winged roc bird was full of gold, so Lin Yuan gave him a simple name, Yuan Bao.

After all, if you have a name or something, you can’t always call it Xiao Jin or something.

This Demon God Flower was naturally useful to Lin Yuan himself.

He cultivated and swallowed the heavens and created no Shinto, no matter what demon holy relics you were or demon holy relics, as long as they contained aura and energy, everything could be swallowed.

But the help of this Demon God Flower to him was far less than the effect of the golden-winged roc bird all the time.

If Yuan Bao swallowed the Demon God Flower, it wouldn’t take a year to reach adulthood and have the strength of the Fa Realm.

“Whew!” The golden-winged roc bird was full of spirituality, heard Lin Yuan’s words, issued a voice of excitement and gratitude, and directly swallowed the demon god flower.

In an instant, countless Dao Shen Yun flowed around it, and you could see that the Demon God Flower was directly refining its blood, roots, bones, and divinity.

Immediately, Lin Yuan placed the golden-winged roc bird on the ancient tea tree of Wudao and let it digest quietly.

The ancient tea tree of the Enlightenment is a mythical object in Platinum’s works, an immortal elixir that has a mysterious effect, which can make people meditate and enhance their understanding next to the tree.

So Lin Yuan put it on the tree and also wanted to see if it could be good for it.

Anyway, in a short period of time, Lin Yuan had no intention of releasing him.

“If you can get the Golden-winged Roc directly, is it possible to read and get the characters in the book?”

At this moment, an idea suddenly popped up in Lin Yuan’s mind.

Once the system had an introduction, you can get everything in the book.

But he never thought about it.

Now, he had to think about it more.

If it can really be done, then it can be described as a big profit for Lin Yuan.

Because the characters obtained from the book are absolutely loyal to him.

Of course, if like this golden-winged roc bird, he got the young protagonist of the book, Lin Yuan was afraid that he would not be able to help but slap him to death.

Next, Lin Yuan looked at the other four items.

Shura Heavenly Recipe, Shuluo Mask, All Souls Ancestral Blood, Great Zai Qianyuan Divine Dan.

One exercise, one lower Daoist device, and two good things that assist in cultivation.

As soon as his mind moved, the Shuluo Heavenly Technique was directly transmitted as a graphic text and appeared in his mind.

Tadpole-like words and pictures appeared in Lin Yuan’s mind, expounding the truth of heaven and earth.

For a long time, Lin Yuan had already realized this practice.

This practice is the practice of the protagonist in the novel Shura Supreme.

The double cultivation of the Fa body is naturally not weak.

But Lin Yuan didn’t need it.

In general, in front of the Divine Elephant Town Prison Force, they were all slagged in a second.

Immediately, Lin Yuan directly forgot about this practice and picked up the Shuluo mask.

As soon as the mask was in his hand, a strong smell of blood came out.

Lin Yuan slightly injected mana, and then countless blood-colored rays emitted from this Shuluo mask, revealing a vicious pattern mark.

Carrying the Shura Mask can shield spiritual attacks while invigorating the explosion of their own strength.

Inspired by mana, you can use this bloody breath to mobilize the killing intent of the other party.

It is a magic weapon of the auxiliary class.

However, this magic weapon also has its disadvantages, as it continues to stimulate its own strength, the Qi of Shuluo will also invade its own brain, making people fall in love with killing, and even fall into killing.

Lin Yuan took the mask and put it on his face.

Suddenly, Shura’s mask seemed to be directly attached to his face, as if there were nothing.

Lin Yuan then injected mana into it, stimulating the power of the cultivation mask.

Suddenly, the pattern mark on the mask seemed to come alive, turning into a small tadpole and spreading to Lin Yuan’s body surface, and at the same time, there was an endless blood sea of blood-colored pictures emerging in Lin Yuan’s mind, like Ruo Senluo Hell.

A killing intent poured out of his heart.

“God and Elephant Zhen Hell, Suppress Hell!”

Lin Yuan let out a cold sigh, and the giant elephant particles in his body trembled in unison, emitting a heaven-shaking roar, and suppressing the killing intent in his mind.

The power in his body was constantly rising and surging.

10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50!!!

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