Lin Yuan sacrificed the six Qiankun diagrams and hovered in the sky.

Ancient words emerge, such as ghostly craftsmanship, namely life and death, space, thunder, netherworld, burning the sky, and devouring.

These twelve ancient texts represent the extremely high mysteries of the array, the formation condensed by reaching the ultimate of the array, and the infinite array evolved inside.

At the same time, pieces of materials appeared in Lin Yuan’s hands, acting as a shower eye and began to deploy the array.

After obtaining the True Solution of the Formation Law, Lin Yuan’s current Formation Achievement could not be underestimated.

Although there are six Qiankun diagrams, complete self-confidence can resist everyone and directly trap them.

As the saying goes, be prepared, everything is calm and secure.

Lin Yuan’s hands were constantly sealed, and the formation was constantly condensed.

“Sizzle! What a terrifying Taoist might! This is a superb Taoist device! ”

When the crowd saw the six Qiankun diagrams, their faces were shocked.

The Absolute Dao Instrument is already the top magic weapon in this world.

They didn’t expect that Lin Yuan actually had a superb Daoist instrument on his body.

The level of Daoist instruments, the quality of each level, has a difference in the world.

This is also why, among the rewards given to Lin Yuan by the Heavenly Destiny Holy Dynasty, the Dao Instruments are also the Lower Grade Dao Instruments.

They even had a feeling that Lin Yuan was now attacking them, and the power of this Dao Instrument could kill all of them here.

As Lin Yuan began to seal the cloth array, the breath of the Six Qiankun Diagrams began to be introverted.

“When the head of the courtyard used a magic soldier euphorbia, it was also a superb Daoist weapon!” Simply envious. ”

The horse golem fairy spoke.

Between the words, I thought of when Lin Yuan was promoted to the head of the academy and sacrificed the Great Desolation Battle Heavenly Sword.

At that time, as soon as the Great Desolate Battle Heavenly Blade came out, the ferocity of the Absolute Dao Instrument was simply breathtaking, and it felt a tremor in the soul.

“Two exquisite Daoist instruments, is it not possible that the head of the academy has obtained the Immortal Inheritance?”

“I suspect more than that, there is also a statue at the head of the courtyard, although it is not a superb Taoist instrument, it is also very extraordinary.”

“The last time I heard the elders say that the Yuan God had already transformed into the Yuan God when he crossed the Golden Dan Raid.”

“Sizzle! This is the true child of destiny, unparalleled luck and strong strength. ”

Everyone was talking about it and couldn’t help but sigh.

“This array of methods is so exquisite, the master brother even knows the formation method, and the formation method is so superb!”

A student opened his mouth and said that his name was Yang Fengfeng, and he was a core student of the Array of Formation Hall, proficient in Formation.

At this time, seeing Lin Yuan’s formation gradually taking shape, he couldn’t help but speak.

“I didn’t expect that Master Brother still understood the Formation Method, wasn’t he only seventeen years old, the Formation Technique is together, broad and profound, I once spent ten years when I started!”

Another student of the Array Hall couldn’t help but say.

Not only them, but many people are speechless.

There are few students who can become students of the Destiny Academy, and in the field, they are even more Tianjiao among the Heavenly Pride, most of the core students.

But once compared with Lin Yuan, it instantly felt like a commodity comparison and had to be thrown away.

However, in this way, they had more confidence in Lin Yuan.

Before that, some students wanted to ask if they wanted to lay out an ambush here.

However, some people retorted, saying that they should be upright, and Lin Yuan had already placed the Eight Wilds Town World Banner here, so it was not done.


Almost half an hour, Lin Yuan completed the arrangement of the formation.

At this time, there was a white mist in the heavenly dome, covering up the six Qiankun diagrams and the Eight Wilds Town World Banner, so that people could not see anything strange at a glance.

Unless one of the people in this group has cultivated the Heavenly Eye, he can almost see the difference.

But if you want to cultivate the Heavenly Eye in this realm, it is too difficult and too difficult.

If Lin Yuan opened the Heavenly Eye of Martial Arts through reading, it would be very difficult to open the Heavenly Eye.

“You can just watch the fish that slipped through the net.”

Lin Yuan smiled and said like a group of students.


Lin Yuan’s momentum instantly exploded, causing the entire sky to be filled with platinum, and a dignified, divine image appeared in the void, stepping on the sun, moon, and stars.

The God King Chariot appeared, and the golden-winged Roc Bird took off in the air with a chirp and landed in front of the God King Chariot.

The golden-winged roc bird pulls the chariot, and Lin Yuan stands on the chariot of the God King, like the Heavenly Emperor surveying the heavens, punishing the world.

Except for those who were at the level of the Holy Son and the Holy Daughter, few people dared to make such a big publicity.

Because, in the eyes of others, this is a complete provocation.

At this time, a stone stele fell, with several iron pens and silver hooks on it, and powerful characters.

[Here, Angelica Destiny Academy, foreign monks, leave after buying the travel expenses]

“It’s just too domineering!”

When many disciples saw this scene, they were simply excited.

Leave the toll to buy!

It can be said that one person is an official.

It’s a domineering exposure!

However, there are also some students who tremble, trembling with fear.

They were afraid that Lin Yuan would lose, and when the time came, they would not only lose face but also be beaten.

Little by little, the time passed little by little, and the time for the Tianyun Secret Realm to close was getting closer and closer.

Many of the monks inside had almost gathered with their own forces and were preparing to leave.

Finally, a group of people came to the exit, and when they saw this scene, the whole person was stunned, confused, and did not react.

Whether it is the stone tablet in front of you, “This place, which belongs to the Destiny Academy, foreign religious monks, leave the purchase fee and leave on their own.” ”

Still in the sky, Lin Yuan, who was pulling the cart by the golden-winged roc bird, or the formation at the exit, and the students of the Three Hundred Heavenly Destiny Academy, all shocked them immensely.

But they reacted quickly, reacting instantly to what was happening in front of them.


They came from the Heavenly Xuan Sect, a great sect in the Eastern Wilderness, not a holy place, but not weak, located in a first-class force.

However, in the current situation, they knew that they were not the enemies of the people of the Destiny Academy, and they planned to leave first.

The reason is very simple, in their view, the Destiny Academy is simply looking for death, seeking its own death.

When other forces came to the exit and saw such an act of the Mandate of Heaven Academy, they would certainly rise up and attack it, at that time, how would the Mandate of Heaven Academy stop it?

“Since you’re here, pay the toll.”

A voice sounded, like a thunderclap, reaching the ears of the Heavenly Xuan Sect, magnificent, vast, and mighty.


It’s horrible!

Through this sound, the entire Heavenly Occult Sect felt the terror of the master of this sound.

They looked up and looked at Lin Yuan on the God King’s chariot in the sky, and their faces changed drastically.

At this time, Lin Yuan did not look at them at all, but stood with his hands in his hands and looked up at the sky.

Instead, the golden-winged bird, with its golden eyes, stared down at the crowd in a downward posture in the sky, as if looking at the prey to be caught.

“This Heavenly Cloud Secret Realm is jointly occupied by all forces, and it is still located in the Eastern Wilderness, even if it is, it also belongs to me and other Eastern Wilderness forces, how can it be owned by your Heavenly Destiny Academy, and why do you collect the travel fee?”

Among the disciples of the Heavenly Xuan Sect, a man dressed in black and cold walked out and spoke, his voice not humble.

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