Lin Yuan had never imagined that casually walking around to Ximo could also meet Lin Xuanji’s enemies.

“So what do you want to do,” Lin Yuan didn’t know what the man’s goal was, so he had to ask what the man wanted.

“I don’t have anything to want, I just think, since you want to kill Lin Xuanji”

“Well, I can help you, after all, two people are better than one”

Lin Yuan was obviously stunned when he heard Hei Tong’s words, because he didn’t expect that Hei Tong had actually come to help him.

Although he also understood that two people were indeed better than one, but there were no masters around him, it was difficult to even meet the perfection of the Fa Realm.

Therefore, Lin Yuan would always act alone, after all, he felt that in this case, a person would not have too much burden.

Otherwise, if you take a low-level person, not only will you die, but it will easily become a burden.

“I know what you mean, but you have to understand that Lin Xuanji is the perfection of the Immortal Realm, and we are the perfection of the Fa Realm.”

“Don’t hide from you, before I came here, I had a battle with Lin Xuanji.”

“But after playing against him, I found that Lin Xuanji’s strength was really too strong.”

“So I may need a companion, but what I need more than a companion is to improve my strength.”

“If even I can’t cause damage to Lin Xuanji, then I can’t accomplish these goals.”

“This is also the purpose of my coming to Ximo, after all, I have to improve my strength, so I need a place where no one knows me.”

“But I didn’t expect it, but I still recognized it by you,”

After hearing Lin Yuan’s words, Hei Tong fell into contemplation.

This is also a problem he considered, because there is no absolute strength, and the past is also sent to death, and perhaps it may become a burden.

“I know, I know what to do, come with me”

Hei Tong said and went ahead, while Lin Yuan stood in place and thought for a while, thinking that it would be okay to follow, so he followed.


“Where did Lin Yuan go?” Li Chunqiu shouted at the pony.

But Xiao Ma said that he didn’t know, and he really didn’t know, because Lin Yuan didn’t tell him where he was going when he left.

So when Li Chunqiu came to find Lin Yuan, he could only say that he didn’t know.

“Damn, disappearing at such a critical time, was it secretly solved by Lin Xuanji?”

Li Chunqiu thought so and angrily went outside.

The reason he came to the Champion Hou Mansion was because he heard that Lin Yuan had clashed with Lin Xuanji.

Moreover, this conflict led to the direct collapse of Wuhou Province.

When Li Chunqiu heard the news, he was very excited.

Because he also did not expect that Lin Yuan would declare war on Lin Xuanji so quickly.

But I also heard that the two did not fight like you and me, but only retired after two moves.

Because Li Chunqiu did not understand why this kind of thing happened, Li Chunqiu came to Lin Yuan to ask for clarification.

But Xiao Ma told him that Lin Yuan was out of the far gate and no longer championed the Hou Mansion, which made him very incomprehensible.

After all, at this time, it should be prepared for war and consider how to Lin Xuanji.

That’s why he was so angry, but it was useless to be angry, Lin Yuan had disappeared.

“Lin Xuanji, did you secretly assassinate Lin Yuan?”

“Why did Lin Yuan disappear out of thin air, what really happened between you?”

Li Chunqiu looked at Lin Xuanji, who was resting in the new Wuhou Mansion, and asked. ,

But Lin Xuanji closed his eyes tightly and said very clearly, that is, he didn’t want to pay attention to you.

Li Chunqiu looked at Lin Xuanji’s attitude, although he was very angry, but he also had no way, after all, the two sides could not clash now.

“Good you Lin Xuanji, if I find out that it was you who caused Lin Yuan to disappear, then the Destiny Academy will not let you go.”

Li Chunqiu finished speaking and walked towards the college.

Because he was ready to send someone out to look for Lin Yuan, only in this way could he know whether Lin Yuan was dead or not.

“What are you thinking about Lin Yuan, why are you missing?”

Lin Xuanji slowly closed his eyes when he finished.

And the news of Lin Yuan’s disappearance spread throughout the city.

In an instant, everyone in the city knew that the head of the Lin Yuan was gone.

And these people also knew that Lin Yuan disappeared after a conflict with Lin Xuanji, so they naturally pointed the cause to Lin Xuanji.

However, Lin Xuanji didn’t say anything, because he didn’t know where Lin Yuan had gone.

Therefore, in a matter of speculation, it became a topic that every household would discuss in an instant.

“I heard that the head of the forest court is missing, what the hell is going on?”

“Who said that he was missing because Lin Xuanji saw that Lin Yuan was growing too fast and killed Lin Yuan.”

“It’s not so excessive, no matter how to say it’s your own son, you can’t say kill it.”

“It’s not easy to say, Lin Yuan fought a war with Lin Xuanji before he disappeared.”

“Then it must be Lin Xuanji who killed Lin Yuan, and it must be jealous of Lin Yuanshou’s talent.”

“Who knows, anyway, Lin Xuanji still can’t get close to it later, this man is too scary.”


“Where are we going?” said Lin Yuan, looking at the endless desert in front of him.

But Kuroki didn’t explain anything, just walked forward with his own care.

Although Lin Yuan wanted to leave several times, looking at Hei Tong’s serious appearance, he still stayed.

After all, if Hei Tong really had any secret to improving his realm, he couldn’t miss it.

So in the guess, Kuroki finally stopped.

“Here, this is the secret realm of the Western Desert, which is one of the secret realms that the Western Desert has no return.”

“And the name of the Western Desert is also for this reason, I heard that the first emperor of the Western Desert was because he entered here, and then Cheng Xian created the Western Desert.”

“I heard that there is an opportunity here, maybe it will become a god, maybe it will die”

“Since you want to improve your realm, it is better that we go in and see what is in it.”

Lin Yuan heard Hei Tong’s explanation and was moved.

Become a god, or die.

“Such a tempting place, so let’s go”

After hearing Lin Yuan’s reply, Hei Tong nodded and walked towards a cactus.

And the black tong just touched the cactus, and a time and space tunnel appeared in the air.

And the mana coming out of the space-time tunnel can be described as extremely thick.

“Let’s go”

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