After several encounters, the two sides also understand each other’s bottom line.

After all, both sides are testing each other’s true strength, and the real hole cards are not revealed.

The two of them can be said to be a family that does not enter the door.

They all have the ability to kill with one blow, and they can kill in an instant after revealing the hole card, but they do not act hastily.

Because they are waiting, waiting for a moment, waiting for a time when they can really kill each other,

“I didn’t expect that after only a month of not seeing you, you have such a powerful strength, and the real afterlife is terrible.”

Lin Xuanji began to gasp, not because he didn’t have enough mana, but because the number of fights was too much.

So the age gap began to manifest.

Although age cannot bind you after the ascension, because both sides are in the fairyland, there is no real ascension.

Therefore, both physical strength and age will become direct factors affecting combat.

“Lin Yuan, I’ve always wondered why you’ve been thinking since you were a kid that I didn’t care enough about you, and that I have to stay by your side every day to do it?”

“You know that as a Marquis of Wu, I have to go to war often, and this is not what I want to go to, but when I come back, you will not go to me.”

“Are you my son, and if you go to me, I won’t let you meet me?”

Lin Yuan heard Lin Xuanji’s words, but only looked at it faintly and did not answer.

“King’s Kill!”

The Heaven and Earth Destroying King’s Dao Killing Fist was once again placed in front of Lin Xuanji, and this time Lin Xuanji did not dare to resist directly, but could only dodge.

And Lin Yuan saw that Lin Xuanji was constantly dodging, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he used his second exercise.

“All word secrets” “King Dao kills fist!” ”

Lin Xuanji looked at the mana that was ten times stronger than just now, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he didn’t expect Lin Yuan to directly kill him.

Moreover, he could not keep dodging this punch, so he could only resist hard.

“Heavenly Fist”

This was the first practice that Lin Xuanji had used, and it was also his most basic practice.

After all, as a Cheng Wonderland, he could be said to have studied countless times, and he was always looking for the right practice for him.

Therefore, he saw that Lin Yuan was using a fist technique, so he decided to use the fist technique to resist.

The fists of the two sides collided again, but this time it was different that both sides used their true strength.

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

Three consecutive fists collided, and the sound was incomparably loud, and the clouds in the air were trembling slightly.

Then, in an instant, the clouds in the air were blown away in an instant, and cracks began to appear in the air.

And the two were quickly blown away in the huge dust.

Both sides landed heavily on the ground, but the place where they landed was smashed out of a big pit.

“Whew! This guy, why is the strength so terrible, didn’t he just become a fairyland? ”

Lin Xuanji lay on the ground gasping for breath, this time he felt the pain.

After all, the huge mana of the two people collided, causing both of them to be slightly injured.

Lin Yuan was also lying on the ground, motionless, and quickly entered the spiritual space to heal his wounds and replenish his mana.

Lin Yuan understood that Lin Xuanji must have been hurt as well.

Therefore, he was afraid that Lin Xuan would jump the wall and directly carry out counter-killing, leaving Lin Yuan behind.

Therefore, Lin Yuan could only keep healing.

Only in this way will he feel a little better in his heart, and he will be able to make a reasonable counterattack at that time.

And while both sides were healing, the pot exploded in the capital.

“What’s going on! Why such a loud explosion! ”

“And if you look in the air, that rift is not man-made.”

“What the hell is going on?”

Everyone looked at the huge rift in the sky, and the sense of fear emanating from their hearts enveloped everyone.

The ordinary people in the capital began to feel afraid, after all, the most vulnerable to injury in this situation was ordinary people like themselves. ,

So these people are preparing their own things, preparing to run, after all, they understand that staying here will only be more dangerous.

“I know, it was the champion Hou who directly challenged Wu Hou after he returned, and now it is the two sides dueling.”

“I heard that the idea of both sides is to kill each other directly, which is why such a huge explosion will occur.”

“The new Wuhou Mansion disappeared without a trace in the battle,”

“Isn’t it? How can this father and son still have a duel?”

“And if it causes such a big impact, won’t the Holy Emperor come out to take care of it?”

“You know what, this is the Holy Emperor’s acquiescence, otherwise both sides would have been robbed of power last time.”

The panic in the capital was growing, though they knew why.

But the two battles into wonderland everyone knows how terrifying it is.

Therefore, in order to save their lives and not be hurt by the aftermath, they can only decide how to run.

“Hopefully someone will be able to take us in, I’m going to wait until one of these two people dies before I come back”

That’s the reason everyone gives.

Because they feel that even if this fight is over, but the next time they fight, they will still be hurt.

So they decided to wait until one of the two people was gone, and then they would come back.

Then the greatest hatred in this capital will also end.

In the midst of the pilgrimage, the Holy Emperor sat on his throne with a serious face.

“What’s going on! How could it be such a huge explosion,! ”

“Pray to the Emperor that it is the Champion Hou and the Wu Hou who are dueling”

The Holy Emperor knew that these two men would have a fight, but he did not expect it to be so soon.

In fact, when Lin Yuan returned, the Holy Emperor knew that these two people might duel in the near future, but he didn’t expect it to be so soon.

“Li Chunqiu, inform everyone in your academy that we must ensure the safety of the people.”

This was an order given by the Holy Emperor, which also indirectly showed that the Holy Emperor allowed them to have a duel.

Moreover, the Holy Emperor knew how big an impact the duel between the two immortals would have.

Therefore, only the disciples of the cultivator’s Heavenly Destiny Academy could be entrusted to complete this task.

If ordinary people do these jobs, they can easily be killed directly.

After all, ordinary aftershocks will have a huge lethality.

And the Holy Emperor sat in his seat, and said to himself with a serious face:

“I hope you can decide the winner and loser quickly”

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