Lin Yuan looked at the strange girl in front of him, he began to reminisce wildly, and then he made sure that he had not seen this girl.

However, at this moment the voice of the system rang out.

“Ding-dong, since the host has reached the Immortal Realm, the system has been upgraded to 2.0”

“In this system, because the host’s realm is the lowest, it is temporarily impossible to redeem books, and can only be borrowed”

“The host realm is the consummation of the pseudo-fairyland, and the book can only be exchanged when the host reaches the heavenly wonderland”

Lin Yuan heard the system prompt and was directly stunned in place, because the meaning of the system was obvious, Lin Yuan soared successfully.

“Is this the Immortal Realm?” Lin Yuan said.

The girl also nodded slightly, because she thought that Lin Yuan was a person of the Immortal Realm, but now she found out that Lin Yuan did not know the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, there was only one purpose, that is, Lin Yuan was flying privately.

Flying up privately, that means that there is no sect yet, so the girl quickly turned her head and ran out of the room, because he needed to tell the suzerain.

When the Sect Master felt that it was possible, Lin Yuan would become a member of his own Sect Gate.

Lin Yuan didn’t care when he saw the girl run out of the room, because all his thoughts now were on the Immortal Realm.

“I didn’t expect that I had actually ascended successfully, Immortal Realm, this is the upper world?”

When Lin Yuan had just decided to get up and leave, the girl returned.

Moreover, the girl was followed by an old man, and Lin Yuan could see at a glance that the old man’s strength was unfathomable.

“Did you soar privately?” Then you’re from the lower world, aren’t you? ”

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, determining that he came from the lower world.

“Then are you interested in joining our sect gate, I see that you are also a pseudo-fairy realm consummation, and after ascending, it becomes consummation, but it is rare.”

When the old man saw that Lin Yuan was a pseudo-fairy realm consummation, he wanted to pull people’s own sect gate.

Because after the ascension, it is a situation that is directly the consummation of the pseudo-fairyland, and now that it has appeared shows a problem.

Lin Yuan is a genius.

However, Lin Yuan was not interested in joining the Sect Gate, because he needed to find Lin Xuanji, but he also knew that he could not find it on his own, so he decided to ask the old man in front of him.

“Old man, have you heard of Lin Xuanji, who flew up not long ago?”

However, when the old man heard Lin Yuan’s words, his pupils shrank sharply.

“Lin Xuanji, he, but the elder of the Holy Sect, is ready to become the deputy leader.”

“By the way, I remember he’s also from the lower world, don’t you know?” He is the reincarnation of the former patriarch of the Holy Patriarch.”

“After he ascended, he received a lot of mana from the former suzerain, and now he can be said to be the most famous ascendant.”

After Lin Yuan listened, his heart was very confused.

He had never imagined that Lin Xuanji was actually the reincarnation of the suzerain.

He suddenly felt that it was not unreasonable for Lin Xuanji to be able to use the Celestial Wheel of Life and Death.

It is not so strange that such a powerful being can control life and death. 、

“That old man, what kind of sect are you here, how do I join?”

Lin Yuan set a goal, that is, to join a sect gate.

Because you have joined a sect, then you will also have a backer, so that you will be more convenient in the future.

Moreover, Lin Yuan suddenly remembered the people who had come to find trouble for him before.

That’s when he realized why they were coming to him for trouble.

If he wanted to kill their former suzerain, he should steal the pleasure without sending a hundred people to hunt him down.

And when the old man heard that Lin Yuan had agreed to join the Sect Gate, he was still quite happy.

After all, if there is a genius in his own sect, then his own sect will also be recognized.

“It doesn’t take much, I’m the Sect Lord, and I’m qualified to make you a member of the Sect directly.”

“You’re also so lucky to be picked up by my daughter, or we might have missed it.”

After the old man finished speaking, he took a sign for Lin Yuan, and the sign said the word Tianyi.

“Our sect is the Heavenly Sect, before it was a first-class sect, but because of the annual Immortal Championship, our results were too poor, and we became a second-rate sect.”

“But now that you’re here, you can cheer up for our sect gate, and I’m sure you can, you just have to talk to the Green Fairy directly if you need to.”

Then the old man pointed to the woman.

And the woman also shyly bowed her head, after all, Lin Yuan’s appearance was already invincible.

Therefore, when the girl came into contact with Lin Yuan’s eyes, she would still behave a little shyly, so she lowered her head.

“Thank you, Patriarch, I will try, and thank you for being able to take me in.”

“One more thing, Patriarch, why are you willing to take me in directly, and are you not afraid that I am a bad person?”

This was Lin Yuan’s doubt, after all, even if he was a genius, he would not be so welcome.

“This is my woman’s exercise, you can see your memory,” the old man explained.

And Lin Yuan also looked at the Green Immortal.

He didn’t expect to have such a magical practice and see the memories of others.

“I know you’re blinded by hatred, but I look at what you’ve done before, and I think you’re a good person.”

The Green Fairy suddenly explained.

When Lin Yuan heard Qing Xianzi’s words, his face was full of embarrassment, because he felt that he had been issued a good man card.

You are a good person, you are a good person, Lin Yuan is really a good person.

“Lin Yuan, you don’t have to worry, the Green Fairy has no malice, just hope you can work hard.”

“Lin Xuanji’s things you put aside first, after all, now you have no power to fight back in the past.”

“You work hard first, then the Immortal Realm Tournament will be free to challenge any Sect Elder, and then you can challenge Lin Xuanji.”

“And the challenge is a life-and-death battle without surrender.”

The life-and-death battle without surrender, that is, who dies first will end,

It is impossible to surrender, only to fight non-stop, and no one will intervene.

Hearing this Lin Yuan suddenly had vitality, because this kind of challenge was what he wanted. ,

Thinking about these Lin Yuan, he decided to stay here and cultivate, and the first thing he had to do was to improve his realm, otherwise there would be no way to exchange books.

“Can you take me out for a walk?” I want to see what the fairy world looks like.”

When the Green Immortal heard Lin Yuan’s words, she also smiled slightly, and then made a gesture of please.

“Then let the Green Fairy take you around, you can make this place your home.”

Then the three men walked out the door, while the old man went in the other direction.

The Green Immortal looked at Lin Yuan and said softly:

“Let’s go”

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