“The Sect Leader is six months old today, why hasn’t Lin Yuan heard from him yet?” said the Qing Immortal as he looked at the Sect Leader at the exit.

And the Patriarch also frowned slightly, because logically, today was the day Lin Yuan returned.

But the exit did not respond, which made the suzerainty also start to worry.

After all, he understood that the Secret Realm was very dangerous, and it was easy to die inside, so the Patriarch was afraid that Lin Yuan would also die in the Secret Realm.

“Coming, coming” The Green Fairy saw the light coming from the exit, and knew that Lin Yuan was coming back.

Finally, Lin Yuan’s figure at the exit slowly appeared.

At this time, Lin Yuan’s temperament was already different from before, and it could be said that the immortal qi on Lin Yuan’s body was even thicker now.

The Patriarch looked at Lin Yuan seriously, because he wanted to see Lin Yuan’s strength, but he found that he couldn’t even see Lin Yuan’s strength.

Lin Yuan slowly walked out of the exit, and when he saw the Sect Master and the Green Immortal at the door, he was still very happy in his heart.

After all, someone has come to count the days to pick themselves up, which can be said to be very serious.

“I’m back, Patriarch, let you wait a long time,” Lin Yuan said.

And the patriarch also smiled and said, “Just come back, go and rest, when you have enough rest, we will talk again.”

And Lin Yuan also nodded slightly in agreement, because he really needed a good rest.

After all, I haven’t rested for six months.

I have always entered the spiritual space for cultivation, afraid that I will be attacked by people.

After all, the secret realm is really dangerous, and it is very dangerous to inadvertently approach you.

Therefore, only he knew what kind of things Lin Yuan had experienced during this time.

But in contrast, he also got what he wanted, that is, to elevate the realm to the level of his own satisfaction.

“By the way, Lin Yuan, what realm are you in now?” asked the Sect Lord, looking at Lin Yuan.

Because he really wanted to know Lin Yuan’s strength, after all, he wanted to know whether his choice was right or not.

Lin Yuan also smiled slightly, and then released his mana.

The Sect Master and the Green Immortal looked at Lin Yuan with fear and shock on their faces.

“I didn’t expect it, I didn’t expect it, Lin Yuan,.” You really haven’t let me down,” said the suzerain.

The Green Fairy, on the other hand, stayed where he was and could not speak.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and walked towards the place where he was resting.

And the Patriarch and the Green Immortal took a long time to come back to God.

“I didn’t expect that such a powerful genius would appear in our sect, and after waiting for a month, the other sects would definitely be frightened.”

The Sect Lord’s face was full of shock, and at this moment he began to feel that letting Lin Yuan enter the secret realm was the most correct choice he had made in his life.

And the Green Fairy had never seen a genius with such a powerful talent.

It’s so strong in just six months.

“Sect Lord, it seems that next month we can finally become a first-class Sect Sect again,” said the Green Immortal.

“That’s for sure, Lin Yuan’s surprise to me is really a bit much,” the Sect Master said and walked out into the distance.

The Sect Master needed to cultivate now, because he knew that if he didn’t cultivate any more, he would be left behind by Lin Yuan.

Soon a month passed, and the Immortal Tournament finally arrived.

Tianzong sent a total of 10 people to participate.

The leader is Lin Yuan, and among the participants, Tao Feng is also one of them.

In six months, Tao Feng had finally ascended to the True Immortal Realm consummation.

The Immortal Realms are the Pseudo Immortal Realm, the True Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Great Luo Realm.

And after Da Luo, what realm, as people know, is the ceiling of strength.

At the scene of the Immortal Tournament, Tao Feng saw Lin Yuan, who had disappeared for seven months.

After Tao Feng recovered himself, he was always looking for Lin Yuan.

Because he needs to get his disgraced face back.

But he had been searching inside the Sect Gate and had not found it.

And the Qing Immortal did not tell him where Lin Yuan was, which made him very angry.

And now that he has reached the consummation of the True Immortal Realm, this makes him feel that his current self can easily kill Lin Yuan.

Therefore, when Tao Feng saw Lin Yuan at the scene, he thought of taking revenge.

Even at the scene of the competition, he wanted to duel with Lin Yuan.

“Lin Yuan, I didn’t expect that you, a turtle with a shrunken head, would dare to come out, how to drip, afraid that I would kill you?”

“I am now a true wonderland consummation, you have to feel that you can’t fight, kowtow and admit defeat, I can choose to let you go”

When Tao Feng looked at Lin Yuan arrogantly, he found that Lin Yuan had not taken care of himself.

This made him even angrier, and when he was ready to move, he was stopped by the suzerain.

“Tao Feng! Do you want to embarrass Tianzong? What’s the matter waiting for the end of the contest! ”

When Tao Feng heard the suzerain’s words, he was also quiet.

Then he watched Lin Yuan make a gesture to wipe his neck.

“When I go back, I will kill you”

However, Lin Yuan looked back at Tao Feng and said something that he could never forget: “Oh.”

Tao Feng’s anger value at this moment could be said to have reached its peak, but now he represented the Heavenly Sect.

So he decided that he would definitely kill Lin Yuan when he returned.

Because he felt that Lin Yuan was just a waste from the lower world, the realm could reach the consummation of the Pseudo-Immortal Realm at most.

Therefore, when Tao Feng reached the True Immortal Realm consummation, he knew that he was stronger than Lin Yuan.

At this time, the organizer also began to take the stage and prepare to speak.

“Hello disciples of various sects, welcome to the Immortal Tournament.”

“In fact, the championship is very simple, there is only one link, that is, the lottery to choose the Zongmen who sits on the throne”

“Each sect can then send personnel to carry out the challenge.”

“And the successful sect gate can challenge the elders of other colleges.”

“But the premise is that you have to get the first”

“The rules are simple, there are no extra links, conceding defeat or being knocked out of the ring is a failure”

“Now, let’s draw lots,”

Each sect sends a representative to the lottery.

Lin Yuan’s heart was still quite shocked, because he thought it would be difficult, but he didn’t expect to keep fighting.


The draw ends with a second-rate sect sitting on the throne.

The first challenge was also the leader of the second-rate sect gate.

“The challenge begins!”

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