“I want to go out for a walk,” Lin Yuan said.

This was Lin Yuan’s current thoughts, because he knew that he was not strong enough now.

Although he said that he had won the Immortal Tournament, in the Elder Tournament, Lin Yuan was afraid that he was not qualified to challenge Lin Xuanji, so he wanted to go out and have a look.

Moreover, it just so happens that his own books can also be borrowed, and he has not yet read them in the secret realm.

So he needs a quiet environment to read to elevate himself through rewards. ,

Lin Yuan had experienced so much, and he finally knew that as long as he had enough strength, he could complete his ideals.

Just like when he went to the Western Desert before, if he had rushed to challenge Lin Xuanji at that time, then Lin Yuan would not be as safe and sound as he is now.

So now Lin Yuan’s idea is to quickly improve his realm, so that when he faces Lin Xuanji in the future, he will also have enough strength to fight.

“If you decide, then I can’t keep you, you can do what you want.”

The Patriarch felt that Lin Yuan’s decision must also be understood.

After all, the Patriarch knew that Lin Yuan’s goal was to solve Lin Xuanji, so if he kept Lin Yuan all the time, he would definitely do something wrong.

Therefore, the suzerainty can only choose to accept his choice.

After Lin Yuan got the answer he wanted, he left the Sect Gate.

But what he didn’t know was that the Qing Immortal within the Sect Gate had been watching him, because the Qing Immortal wanted Lin Yuan to take him with him.

But Lin Yuan understood how dangerous it was outside, so he could only go alone.

Although I really need someone who can lead me, the road will certainly be dangerous.

Therefore, if the Green Immortal followed him, then not only would he not be able to stretch his hands and feet, but he would also easily become a burden to Lin Yuan.

“I’m waiting for you to come back” These were the last words that the Qing Fairy said to Lin Yuan’s back.

But how could Lin Yuan hear it, he could only continue to follow his own path.

Because Lin Yuan knew that at least in these 6 months, there were many dangers waiting for him outside.

“I don’t know where I can cultivate.”

Lin Yuan thought so much about going ahead, but this aimless path was prone to danger.

But for Lin Yuan now, unless he was an elder of the Sect Gate.

Otherwise, other beings would not be able to cause harm to themselves.

Then he came to a small village.

Although Lin Yuan thought about bypassing this village, he found the master of the Heavenly Immortal Realm in the village.

So he wanted to go to this little village to see.

After all, there is a Heavenly Immortal Realm master in a village, which is really illogical.


Lin Yuan looked at the empty village and said.

Lin Yuan began to wonder in his heart, originally he felt the existence of the Heavenly Immortal Realm Perfection Master.

But now there was no one in the village, which made him feel a little wrong.

After all, there is no one in a village, but there is mana, which is really illogical.

“Who are you looking for?”

Then an old voice came out.

And Lin Yuan also finally found out that the old man in front of him was the Heavenly Immortal Realm Perfection Master.

“Old man, I was passing through this village, and I felt the powerful mana, so I came to see.”

When the old man heard Lin Yuan’s words, his expression suddenly became cold.

“Let’s go, we don’t welcome cultivators here, so-called immortals, let him die!”

After the old man finished speaking, he began to push Lin Yuan. ,

Because the old man understood that only cultivators could see his realm, but what he hated most in his life was cultivators.

Therefore, when Lin Yuan said his forehead realm, the old man had the idea of wanting to drive Lin Yuan away.

“Old man, you don’t want this, I’m just lost, if I need help, I can”

Lin Yuan saw the old man’s concerns, and Lin Yuan had no purpose, so he felt that it was also a good choice to help the old man.

But the old man was still pushing Lin Yuan and said:

“You go, you go, you’re not their opponent at all”

When Lin Yuan heard these words, he knew that something must have happened to this village, otherwise the old man would not have such a huge reaction.

And the old man said that the gods had hurt the village.

Therefore, Lin Yuan wanted to help this old man even more.

“Rest assured old man, you are also a cultivator, I am the Golden Immortal Consummation, I can protect you, tell me.”

When the old man heard that Lin Yuan was the Golden Immortal Realm Consummation, he also slowly stopped moving.

Then Lin Yuan began to release his mana, and the old man looked at his back meaningfully, and then pulled Lin Yuan into a house.

“I didn’t expect that you were still a master of the Golden Immortal Realm.”

“Then I’m sure you can help me”

“Originally, I was also a cultivator, and this village can be said to be the most lively village.”

“However, the disciples of the Sin Sect came and robbed the cultivators in our village, saying that they wanted to join their sect.”

“Actually, joining the Sect Gate = is indeed a good choice, but because the Sect of Sin is a Sect Gate that grows up in a crooked and evil way.”

“So the young people in our village don’t want to join”

“Alas! I could have blocked those people myself, but the other party was prepared, even the elders came to help, and the elders were still the first in the Golden Wonderland.”

“Our village, who will be the opponent, can only be forced to choose to join the Zongmen”

“Then, after they took the young people, they began to kill, killing all the women in the village,”

“And I also managed to escape because I had some strength.”

“But our villages have all been slaughtered.”

The old man spoke, and began to be silent with a sad face.

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, was full of anger, because he didn’t expect the Sin Sect to be so terrifying.

Originally, in Lin Yuan’s mind, the gods and immortals were all righteous beings.

But now hearing the old man’s words, Lin Yuan found that there were bad people everywhere.

After Lin Yuan listened, he decided to look for those who had sinned against him.

“Boss, don’t worry, I’ll help you get rid of the sinners.”

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