Lin Yuan looked at the man in front of him, who was so weak that he was about to be left with bones, and his heart was still a little uncomfortable.

After all, this man’s appearance is really too penetrating.

Covered in skin and bones, there is not even a certain amount of meat on the body, and it is hungry for a long time.

“Hell? How to say,” Lin Yuan asked slowly.

After all, as soon as he came in, this man told himself that he was in hell.

Whoever is in a strange environment will be very interested, and when someone tells you that you are in hell, if you are not interested, it means that you are not saved.

“You say, there is no power supply, there is no food, what you want to eat can only kill each other, and here are all the Heavenly Immortal Realm Perfection Master, our pseudo-fairy land is a cannon fodder”

“Tell me that being in this environment is not what hell is, and this is only a small part, and the guards here can be said to be the tightest.”

“If you are strong enough, you can survive, but those who are beaten into the dungeon are still not strong enough, so you should enjoy it.”

“When you have nothing to eat later, you will know how good you are now.”

After the man finished speaking, he slowly lay down, leaving only Lin Yuan alone with a confused daze.

What Lin Yuan didn’t know was that the man in front of him said these words blindly.

The sinners, the dungeons, the people in the dungeons are guilty.

Therefore, no one here can be new, but Lin Yuan has just arrived in the dungeon, and he does not know the situation here, so when someone talks to him, he directly believes the man’s words.

“I didn’t expect it to be so scary here?” Lin Yuan thought so and began to observe the surrounding environment.

It’s just that Lin Yuan looked at the pitch-black environment around him, and he didn’t understand what place it was.

“It’s time for dinner!”

A loud noise pulled Lin Yuan’s thoughts back.

At this time, the surrounding area began to slowly light up with white light, and Lin Yuan did not find out where the lights were lit.

But at this moment, he finally saw the surrounding environment.

But when he saw the surrounding environment, Lin Yuan was still shocked.

Because Lin Yuan was actually locked in the audience, and there was a cage in the center.

Lin Yuan saw the cage and understood that this was the dueling ground, but what was going on here, Lin Yuan still had to think.

“Today! Here it comes! Newcomer! Let’s welcome! ”

Lin Yuan found that the cage holding him was opened, and then a pair of huge hands pulled Lin Yuan out.


With a loud noise, Lin Yuan was thrown into the middle of the dueling arena, and at this time, the noise around him reached its highest point.

Because everyone wanted to come and duel with Lin Yuan, after all, Lin Yuan looked like food in their eyes and could be obtained at any time.

“Slay the devil, debut!”

As that mysterious voice fell, Lin Yuan heard a terrifying roar.


Subsequently, a demon beast fell in front of Lin Yuan, and this demon beast looked very ordinary.

When Lin Yuan thought it was his opponent, something that he couldn’t imagine happened.


A dark demon beast fell into the middle of the dueling arena, and then swallowed the other demon beast.

When they saw this scene, everyone present directly roared with excitement.

“Wow! The demon is still so handsome, it seems that this novice is going to die.”

“I didn’t expect that when I first came in, I was fighting with the slayer demon, he should have offended the sinner.”

“Tell me, who will win, I think the slayer can kill this human in one move.”

“I bet two moves, two moves to kill this Lin Yuan”

The mood of the people imprisoned around them reached their highest point, after all, they had been in for so long, and they had not seen a novice fight against the Slayer Demon.

And this. It is the living environment of the dungeon.

Everyone will have a duel at the beginning of the meal, and the winner of the duel can eat, while the other side can only go hungry.

The most terrifying thing about the dungeon is that if the duel dies, it will be resurrected in the cell.

Duels were fought again and again, killed again and again.

Therefore, the dungeon of the sin can be described as one of the most terrifying dungeons.

Lin Yuan looked at the demon beast in front of him, and he found that this demon beast was actually the first heavy in the Great Luo Realm.

“Humans, as long as you still want to fight me, or obediently surrender.”

Lin Yuan found that this demon beast could actually speak, but this was also normal, after all, after reaching the consummation of the Great Luo Realm, it was not so strange to be able to speak.

“Just you? On your big Luo Realm first heavy? Surrender first.”

Lin Yuan said as he exploded his mana.

Although he didn’t really want to duel here, he was now pulled here.

Even if he didn’t know where he was, and no matter what he was doing, if there was an enemy in front of him, Lin Yuan would kill him.

When Lin Yuan thought that the other side would be afraid, he did not expect that the slaughtering demon would actually laugh out.

“The Great Luo Realm is complete? Hahaha, fun, but you must lose”

After the slaughter demon finished speaking, it disappeared into the same place, and then flashed above Lin Yuan’s head.

Lin Yuan had already discovered the whereabouts of the Slayer Demon, so he decided to kill him with one blow.

“Shura Mask”

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

Twenty times the power of the Wang Dao Killing Fist burst out.

When the two people’s fists came into contact with each other, Lin Yuan found that the mana on the opposite side was even stronger than his own.


Lin Yuan slammed into the wall of the dueling arena, and the Slayer Demon looked at Lin Yuan with a smile.

“Yes, there is some strength, but you must understand that I am a demon beast, not a human,”

Saying that, the Slayer Demon moved again, this time even faster than before.

In a small space, although the speed was not used, the current Slayer Demon told Lin Yuan that it was indeed useful.

Because Lin Yuan found it difficult for him to capture the speed of this slaughtering demon. ,

“Sky Eye”

“All words are secret”

“King’s Way Kills Fist”

Lin Yuan’s strongest killing move came out again, and Lin Yuan couldn’t imagine that he would use the strongest killing move for the first weight of the Great Luo Realm.

Thinking about this, Lin Yuan also used his fastest speed to catch up with the figure of the Slayer Demon.

The Wang Dao Killing Fist landed firmly on the head of the Slayer Demon.


With a scream, the head of the slaughtering demon disappeared directly into the void, while the body slowly fell to the ground.

“Lin Yuansheng”

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