
With a roar, the attention of everyone in the audience was pulled away.

And Lin Xuanji and Lin Yuan found that they couldn’t even use their mana.

Then a white light in the sky shone straight on the two people.

“Lin Yuan and Lin Xuanji!” What do you want to do! ”

“Are you trying to destroy the Immortal Realm?” The two of you have soared up from the lower world! Still so arrogant! ”

“These two artifacts! What the hell does that mean! This is where the artifact is used! ”

A series of questions made Lin Yuan and Lin Xuanji stay in the same place at a loss.

“Quick! This is the most powerful figure in the Immortal Realm, hurry up and salute! ”

When the Heavenly Sect Patriarch saw Lin Yuan looking at the sky foolishly, he was shocked.

After all, it was too simple for those people to kill Lin Yuan, so the suzerainty was also afraid.

After all, Lin Yuan was a genius that Tianzong had so hard to come by, and he didn’t want any more accidents.

After Lin Yuan heard the suzerain’s reminder, he also performed a slight salute, but did not kneel.

After all, if Lin Yuan were to kneel, he would never be able to do it.

But etiquette is OK, after all, this is also a kind of respect for strong people.

“Lin Yuan! Tell me where your artifact came from! ”

The voice in the air sounded again,

In fact, Lin Yuan thought of the reason why these people were looking for themselves, after all, what he had in his hand was the artifact of the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon was the strongest genius in the Immortal Realm.

“My master, Black Dragon, when he was in the lower world, asked me to choose the artifact, and then this Excalibur chose me.”

Hearing Lin Yuan’s explanation, those people in the air all nodded slightly.

After all, now that he heard Lin Yuan personally admit that the Black Dragon was his master, then these things made sense.

“As it is, since you are a disciple of the Black Dragon, remember to pay attention to your own behavior after that,”

“Don’t forget, your master is the Black Dragon, and the Black Dragon is the strongest genius.”

After the voice in the air was finished, the light also disappeared directly without a trace,

The suzerains saw the white light disappear and slowly stood up.

“I didn’t expect Lin Yuan to be the apprentice of the Black Dragon, no wonder he was so strong.”

“Then these also make sense, the Excalibur is indeed the strongest artifact of the Black Dragon.”

“Passed on to his apprentice, also the idea of the Black Dragon, when he also said these words.”

The suzerains looked at Lin Yuan, who was still in the same place, and all of them were discussing with him.

After all, the apprentice of the strongest genius Black Dragon was indeed surprising news.

The two men on the field looked at each other and then walked down the dueling ground.

“If I have a chance in the future, I will definitely kill you and leave you with a chance.”

This was what Lin Xuanji heard, and Lin Yuan really wanted to kill Lin Xuanji in his heart, after all, when he thought that he had killed Lin Xuanji, he suddenly appeared now. 、

Moreover, it was also the reincarnation of the former Sect Leader of the Holy Sect, which Lin Yuan had not thought of, but he now had another goal in his mind, that is, to completely kill Lin Xuanji.

At least see Lin Xuanji lose his breath with his own eyes.

“I didn’t expect that you were still the master of the Black Dragon, and your artifact was a real surprise.”

“If there is anything in the future, you must come to me.”

“Yes, the Heavenly Sect Leader is not very powerful, there is something that must be found for us Ha.”

The suzerains present heard that Lin Yuan was a disciple of the Black Dragon, and all of them came to please Lin Yuan.

After all, the artifact in Lin Yuan’s hand was enough for them to ask Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan could only smile when he stood where he was, after all, he understood that he belonged to the Heavenly Sect, and if he had anything to do, he would also directly look for his own Sect Lord.

After all, Lin Yuan knew how powerful his suzerainty was, so many things, Lin Yuan believed that the suzerainty could definitely be solved.

“Then we’re gone.”

After the Sect Lords greeted the Heavenly Sect Lord, they fought a long duel one after another.

This was something that would never have happened before, but now that the Heavenly Sect had become a first-class sect, there was such a surprise as Lin Yuan here.

So when they left, they naturally greeted the suzerain.

And the suzerainty is also a little shy, after all, no one has been so polite for a long time.

But it didn’t show it either.

Then the suzerainty walked towards Lin Yuan.

“You can really surprise me every time, Lin Yuan, I really didn’t expect you to be the apprentice of the Black Dragon.”

“You clever ghost, you still act like I don’t know the black dragon, you are really powerful.”

The Patriarch praised Lin Yuan from the bottom of his heart. 、

After all, it was because of Lin Yuan’s existence that they had also become a first-class sect.

Moreover, the strongest artifact in the Immortal Realm was still inside its own sect gate, which was a surprise.

“No matter Sect Lord, I just don’t know if the Black Dragon and my Master you said are the same person.”

“And the master can only give me one artifact, and then he is gone, so this is also a kind of pain in my heart.”

Lin Yuan showed his sad expression after speaking.

And the Patriarch also expressed understanding when he saw Lin Yuan behaving so sadly.

After all, his master was gone, and he had not been able to teach himself anything, and it was normal to be sad.

“Let’s go, go back to Zongmen”

After the Sect Master finished speaking, he took the Green Immortal and Lin Yuan to the direction of the Heavenly Sect.


“Well, the Black Dragon’s apprentice finally appeared, but I felt that the Black Dragon didn’t teach him his own exercises.”

Those people in the sky looked at Lin Yuan and said.

These people have always wanted to get the Black Dragon’s skills.

After all, everyone knew how invincible the Black Dragon’s technique was.

But the Black Dragon did not receive disciples in the Immortal Realm, he was always a person, and then he disappeared. 、

“In this way, at least we know that Lin Yuan is the apprentice of the Black Dragon.”

“And I believe that Lin Yuan definitely knows the Black Dragon’s practice, and the Black Dragon doesn’t want his own practice to be lost.”

“Who knows, keep watching”


Lin Yuan walked quietly on the road.

In fact, he had obtained the Black Dragon’s Technique, but because the Black Dragon had set the authority, that is, he had not reached a fixed realm, and he could not learn this exercise.

This is also a condition set by the Black Dragon in order to prevent those talents in the sky.

After all, if Lin Yuan didn’t have enough strength, it would be easy to lose his practice.

“Finally back”

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