“I didn’t expect that I would have a chance to take revenge, thank you very much, Lin Yuan,” the Qing Fairy said as she looked at Lin Yuan.

“It’s okay, after I came, you didn’t help me so much, I should have done something.”

In fact, this was really Lin Yuanzhen’s idea, because he felt that after he came to Tianzong, there was no one who had really helped Tianzong.

Although he had participated in so many competitions, Lin Yuan felt that these were trivial things, and he felt that he had to do something practical.

That’s why when the Green Fairy asked for his help, he would agree so quickly.

After all, this matter is also a very helpful thing for himself, so Lin Yuan is still willing to help with this kind of thing.

“Can you tell me about your family?” How come I’ve never heard you talk about it?”

“And the Patriarch didn’t say anything about it, and when you suddenly told me, I was a little shocked.”

Lin Yuan was actually very interested, after all, the Heavenly Demon, if it was the same as the Heavenly Demon of the lower world, he could still often look for the Heavenly Demon in the future.

After all, he definitely needed this kind of mana very much, and his own cultivation of the book sword was slow, so the best way was to restore his mana through these heavenly demons. 、

And now if you want to restore mana, you still need a large amount, how terrifying the mana storage in your body is now, Lin Yuan still understands.

Therefore, he felt that he had to find a heavenly demon that was high enough in the realm.

Only in this way, the things that you fight after yourself will have a big hole card.

In fact, Lin Yuan had tried to use the Heavenly Demon in Wang Ding to recover, but he hadn’t recovered much, and the Heavenly Demon in Wang Ding couldn’t stand it.

Therefore, Lin Yuan decided to change the quality of the Heavenly Demons within Wang Ding, otherwise Lin Yuan believed that if he wanted to fight a protracted war later, he would definitely suffer losses.

Although Lin Yuan’s current idea was to improve his own realm, he would still care more about the martial arts in battle.

He felt that he was now very lacking in a powerful martial art, and he knew that he had been using the Wang Dao Killing Fist all along.

And he also believes that he will not stop there, and he does not want to lose, so he can only find a better way to fight.

Although he said that he now had the strongest artifact, compared to the artifact, Lin Yuan still wanted to rely on his true strength to win. 、

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would definitely feel that he was too unwilling to go in his heart.

“Actually, I was originally the daughter of an elder in a small village, but in an accident, our village was attacked by demons.”

“Our village is the most harmonious and peaceful village, but the devil is really too hateful”

“The Sinners could have caught up with us to protect us, but the Heavenly Devil laid out a formation to delay the Sinners’ rescue.”

“So, all the people in our village were slaughtered by the Heavenly Devil, and when I was about to be killed, the Heavenly Sect Leader appeared.”

“He was going to look for a disciple, but when he saw that I was about to be killed, he shot me down the next time, and I also agreed to join the Tal Sect Gate.”

“But then, slowly, I found that I had a great talent for cultivation.” So the Patriarch kept me by his side.”

“And I myself was also to kill the Heavenly Devil for revenge, so I stayed in the Heavenly Sect.”

“But slowly I found that although I have talent, I am an auxiliary aspect, and I have no combat effectiveness myself.”

“So a lot of times, I need someone else to help me, and we don’t know that there are not strong enough people.”

“So my plan for revenge has always remained in my heart, but when I saw you, I knew you would definitely help me.”

“I see you, helping Zongmen again and again, and every time it can give us a big surprise”

“It makes all of us happy, especially me, and I feel very happy”

“Therefore, if you are strong enough, then my revenge plan can be realized more quickly.”

“Lin Yuan, although I believe that you will help me, I will still be afraid, afraid that you will not help me.”

“You know what? I don’t have anyone to trust, although I act very happy.”

“However, I will still be very insecure, and when the suzerainty sees me like this, he simply makes me his dry daughter.”

“However, after I became the daughter of the Sect Lord, I still didn’t want to trouble the Sect Lord, after all, the Sect Leader handled a lot of things.”

“So, Lin Yuan, thank you”

Lin Yuan listened to Qing Xianzi’s words, how could he not have imagined that Qing Xian Zi was still such a person, so insecure.

After all, in his impression, the Green Fairy had always been a smiling being.

But now, after listening to Qing Xianzi’s words, Lin Yuan felt that the girl in front of him needed a person to protect.

Although he knew that he should not leave his thoughts here, Lin Yuan would still feel sorry for this girl when he saw this expression of the Green Fairy.

And when a boy is upset with another girl, it’s easy to get moved. 、

“Rest assured, I will protect you in the future, and I will not let anyone hurt you”

Lin Yuan’s sudden words made Qing Xian Zi also startled.

Because he himself didn’t expect Lin Yuan to say this.

Moreover, the Green Immortal also understood what Lin Yuan meant when he said this. 、

“By the way, Lin Yuan, I want to know, why didn’t you fly up with Lin Xuanji, aren’t you from a place?”

This was a question that had always existed in Qing Fairy’s mind, and he felt that the two people were together but did not soar together.

Moreover, the Green Immortal also knew that Lin Yuan had always wanted to challenge Lin Xuanji, and this challenge Qing Immortal also knew that he was desperate.

Therefore, Qing Xian Zi felt that Lin Yuan must have some great hatred with Lin Xuanji.

Otherwise, if one person constantly wants to kill the other party, this kind of thing really can’t be explained.

Lin Yuan heard Qing Xianzi’s words, looked back at her, and then said very calmly:

“He… It’s my father, I have to kill him,”

The answer was expressionless, but the anger in the eyes was indeed very frightening.

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