“This is hell”

Hearing the old man’s words, Lin Yuan was directly stunned in place, because he did not understand what the old man’s words meant.


Lin Yuan was stunned in place, and the old man just smiled for a moment, and then walked towards Lin Yuan.

The old man slowly stretched out his wrinkled hands, and then gently touched Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan’s scream sounded directly in the castle.

The old man looked at Lin Yuan with a smile on his face, because he knew how unforgettable this pain was.

But in order to improve Lin Yuan’s physical fitness, this is an indispensable step. ,

And Lin Yuan felt that his whole body was burning, and there was a fire directly exploding in his heart.

When this fire eroded Lin Yuan’s heart, he directly fainted in pain. ,

“Lin Yuan, wake up, wake up”

Lin Yuan slowly opened his eyes and saw the green fairy in front of him, and then he sat up violently.

“You know what? I just had a nightmare and I dreamed I was going to hell.”

Lin Yuan looked at the Green Immortal with horror on his face, because the feeling just now was too real.

“Lin Yuan, you’ve been in a coma for a long time, and I’m really in pain,”

The Green Immortal looked at Lin Yuan, but in an instant, a ball of fire directly enveloped the Green Immortal.


The miserable scream of the Green Immortal hit Lin Yuan’s heart, and when he was just about to run over, he only felt that his eyes were black and he fainted again.

Then Lin Yuan opened his eyes again, but this time it was still a black castle in front of him.

And the old man continued to sit on the throne and look at Lin Yuan, and the old man had a rare smile on his face.

“Wake up, dream, how it feels”

After Lin Yuan heard the old man’s words, he realized that he had just been dreaming. ,

Now Lin Yuan couldn’t tell which one he was dreaming at all.

Because each feeling was too real, this made Lin Yuan begin to doubt his own existence.

“Am I dreaming now, or am I really here?”

When the old man heard Lin Yuan’s words, he directly laughed.

“You guy, I really don’t know how you got here, just your brain, how to inherit it?”

After the old man finished speaking, he once again observed Lin Yuan.

“Yes, your physique is restored.”

The old man finally showed a satisfied smile to Lin Yuan,

The old man had just transformed Lin Yuan’s body structure, because the old man found that the righteous qi in Lin Yuan’s body was too heavy.

And this kind of physique, the old man understood that he could not let Lin Yuan inherit here.

So he changed his righteous heart by burning Lin Yuan’s heart.

As a result, the righteous qi in Lin Yuan’s body now disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by some demonic qi.

“Old man, you should tell me now why I’m here.”

Lin Yuan felt that it was not a problem for him to stay here all the time, after all, his goal was to rule the Immortal Realm.

What he needed most now was strength, and he knew that if he stayed here, he wouldn’t be able to fulfill his dream.

That’s why Lin Yuan felt that he was wasting his time now.

“I really can’t understand why the righteous spirit in people like you is so heavy, this shouldn’t be.”

“I see that your inner ambition is great, and you will experience a lot of killings along the way”

“But I found that there is not a little evil in your heart, or it is clean and wrong.”

The old man slowly drifted to Lin Yuan’s face, and then stared into Lin Yuan’s eyes.

And Lin Yuan was suddenly stared at by this old man, which made him feel uncomfortable, after all, who wants to be stared at by an old man.

“It turned out to be this.”

The old man said, slowly reaching out his hands to Lin Yuan’s brow.


With a sound of blood spurting out, Lin Yuan just felt a pain in his eyebrows, and then he stood in front of the old man with force.

“Dead old man! What are you doing! ”

Lin Yuan almost roared out.

“Ding-dong, the host has lost the Heavenly Eye, because it is destroyed by external forces, so it cannot be fused again”

The sound of the system made Lin Yuan’s heart rise inexplicably with a wave of anger.

After all, the Heavenly Eye is a killer weapon that can enhance its own strength, but now that it has been taken away, it is strange not to be angry.

“Well, finally feel your ambition, you yourself will slowly feel it later”

The old man finished speaking, and slowly drifted to his throne.

Lin Yuan glared at the old man, because he felt that the old man had not answered his own questions and had been talking to himself.

Lin Yuan began to wonder if this old man was normal. ,

After all, it is not really appropriate to talk to yourself like this all the time.

And the old man’s reaction was also normal, after all, he had been alone in this place for so long, and suddenly a person came.

He still habitually talks to himself.

After the old man sat down, he opened his mouth again with a serious face.

“I’ll tell you all you want to know now”

“Here, I told you this is hell”

“And I am the demon king who ruled the world that existed before you fifteen thousand years ago.”

“But because I was seriously injured at that time, I was sealed by a group of so-called Zhengyi disciples.”

“But what they didn’t expect was that I was just physically sealed, and my divine consciousness stayed here.”

“I have been waiting for a disciple who can bear all my disciples”

“But there are very few people who can enter this space, and there is not much ambition to come in.”

“But you’re different, you want to rule the Immortal Realm, and I can give you this strength.”

“But I only have one request, and that is to kill the group of people in the heavens,”

“Actually, I’ve noticed you before, and the Black Dragon has come to me, but he traded things with me.”

“And that thing is the Excalibur in your hand.”

“So, when you first used Excalibur, I felt your presence.”

“It’s just that I didn’t expect you to come to this space and see me.”

“So, I think it’s all fate, so I decided to give you another gift.”

“Excalibur’s partner”

“Magic Sword”

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