“You haven’t come back for such a long time, you should have suffered a lot, there must be nothing to eat in the secret realm.”

As the Patriarch spoke, he led Lin Yuan to eat the Heavenly Sect’s most outgoing meal.

And Tianzong also engaged in his most famous meals and the highest etiquette to treat Lin Yuan today. 、

Although it is said that Lin Yuan is the Elder of the Heavenly Sect, it is because Lin Yuan has been outside all this time.

So the Patriarch decided to lead Lin Yuan to eat something delicious.

After all, the Heavenly Sect of his own sect would never be treated badly.

Moreover, Lin Yuan’s previous strong performances, the Patriarch knew that he had not celebrated well. 、

So today the suzerainty is directly to pull two things together to celebrate.

Looking at the feast in front of him, Lin Yuan was still relatively surprised, after all, he had only disappeared for three months and was treated like this. ,

“Thank you, Patriarch, and thank you as well,” Lin Yuan said in a polite manner.

All the Heavenly Sect disciples present smiled and then said that this was what they should do. ,

They also understood Lin Yuan’s strength and also knew Lin Yuan’s significance to the Heavenly Sect, so they felt that Lin Yuan was indeed a little flattered like this.

After all, Lin Yuan was now the second most powerful being of the Heavenly Sect, but being so kind to himself, the Heavenly Sect disciples could only smile and return the salute.

They are afraid they will say the wrong thing.

“Everyone plays well, eats well, drinks well”

When everyone’s mood reached its highest point, the feast was also successfully concluded, and then everyone went to their residences.

“Does Lin Yuan have time?” Can you walk around with me? ”

The Green Immortal pulled Lin Yuan up and went outside, and Lin Yuan felt that he had nothing to do now anyway, so he followed the Green Immortal to the outside of the Sect Gate.

The Patriarch watched the two young men walk towards the Heavenly Sect, and he also smiled and expressed understanding.

“Really, it’s good to be young, and I hope I can be younger, hahaha”

The Heavenly Sect Patriarch smiled and returned to his residence. ,

In fact, he was still very happy in his heart, after all, Lin Yuan had returned, and it was as if he had changed into a person.

The Patriarch had originally seen the Green Immortal alone next to the corpse of the Heavenly Demon King, but in fact, he was still very scared in his heart.

Later, when he heard the Qing Immortal say that Lin Yuan had disappeared, the Patriarch felt very uncomfortable on the spot.

After all, Lin Yuan was now the representative of his own sect, and he was also the one who had pulled the Heavenly Sect into the first-class sect line.

The Heavenly Sect Patriarch did not want to lose such an excellent genius.

Therefore, during this time, the most uncomfortable thing for the entire Heavenly Sect besides the Qing Immortal was the Sect Lord.

After all, such a genius had joined his own sect door for a long time, and he had also given his own sect door a head.

But then he disappeared, and there was nothing he could do.

These had been tormenting the Sect Lord, but now he saw that Lin Yuan had returned.

And it is obvious that Lin Yuan has become different from before, and the temperament and oppression on his body are really a fight with himself.

Therefore, the Heavenly Sect Leader understood that Lin Yuan had definitely taken another step, and this step was not in the realm, but in temperament.

“Lin Yuan, I hope you can accept my suzerainty well, this is my greatest wish.”

The suzerainty looked at the sky, and after saying these words, he went to his residence.

After Lin Yuan and the Green Immortal walked out of the Sect Gate, they walked towards the forest next to the Sect Gate. 、

After all, the scenery here is the best, and because it is next to Zongmen, it is still relatively safe.

“Lin Yuan, during this time, I really have been living in self-blame, I really did not think that because of my reasons, you will experience so much”

“I’m really sorry for you, I regret it every day, I regret telling you about the devil”

“If we hadn’t gone to find the devil, maybe you wouldn’t have experienced the pain of this time, I’m really sorry.”

The Green Fairy said and shed tears.

The Green Immortal was actually still very uncomfortable, although he was very happy to see Lin Yuan come back, but the self-blame in his heart had not dissipated.

After all, she could clearly feel the changes that had taken place in Lin Yuan’s body, and she also understood that this change would only happen after experiencing a lot of things.

So the Green Fairy had been waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to apologize to Lin Yuan in person.

The Green Fairy felt that only if she apologized, then the self-blame in her heart would disappear.

After all, the whole thing happened about herself, and such a girl was also a woman who was taken in by the Heavenly Sect.

When you see that the people you care about have disappeared because of yourself, it is very painful.

Although the Green Immortal understood that Lin Yuan had deceived himself before, the Green Immortal also knew that it was all because Lin Yuan wanted to kill the Heavenly Demon King.

Therefore, when Lin Yuan disappeared during this time, he did not think about this problem, after all, this was all a lie to solve his own affairs.

Moreover, Qing Xian Zi felt that it was normal for Lin Yuan not to tell herself, after all, she herself understood how scared she was at that time.

In that state, it is easy to expose the stuffing, and as long as you expose the stuffing, then all of Lin Yuan’s plans will be in vain.

Therefore, in this matter, Qing Xian Zi did not care too much, and what made her most concerned was Lin Yuan’s disappearance because of herself.

“In fact, there is nothing to do, I have not experienced any pain, I think this time the secret realm into the right place.”

“I saw a lot of things in the secret place and learned a lot of things.”

“I didn’t blame you, and the devil’s thing is actually for myself, and I also deceived you.”

“So, you don’t have to care so much, I think it’s the most important thing to be okay now and I really got what I want most in the secret realm.”

“By the way, I also brought you a elixir, you can try it.”

Lin Yuan said and took out a pure white elixir.

This elixir was a reward he received from a borrowed book, but because he could no longer use it, he decided to give it to the Green Fairy.

After all, the Qing Immortal had been stuck in the Heavenly Immortal Realm for a long time, so Lin Yuan decided to give her this elixir to eat.

“This is Tiandan, you can try it, you can improve your realm”

After the Green Immortal got it in his hand, he looked at the elixir in his hand and slowly put it into his mouth.

“Thank you, Lin Yuan”

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