“Lin Yuan, do you think there will be anything within the secret realm, how do I think there will be nothing valuable within the secret realm?”

“After all, the organizer also said that this secret place is a secret place that no one has ever entered, and we think the use is to go in and explore”

“So, I think this secret place should be dangerous”

Qing Xian Zi was actually still afraid in her heart, although she was now a True Immortal Realm Perfection Master, she understood that she had not fully adapted to this realm.

So many times you are still afraid, and as a girl, you will naturally start to be afraid.

And what the organizer said made the green fairy even more afraid.

After all, they said they hadn’t been inside, so they should have gone inside to investigate the situation.

And the so-called treasure, the Qing Immortal felt that the possibility of existence was not very high, after all, if this secret realm was really the Demon King’s secret realm, then it should be full of demon beasts.

Or it is to guard the existence of that wreckage, so they go in, and there is a good possibility that they will be destroyed.

Although the Qing Immortal was very scared, she would still be relieved when she thought of Lin Yuan being around, so she directly asked Lin Yuan’s thoughts, Lin Yuan was not only the leader, but also the highest level of these races, so she naturally asked about Lin Yuan’s thoughts.

And Lin Yuan never had the emotion of fear from the beginning to the end, he just felt curious.

After all, he had obviously seen the Demon King, but now that he was saying that it was the remains of the Demon King, Lin Yuan wanted to confirm who was lying.

However, when Lin Yuan thought of the real magic power in his body, Lin Yuan still preferred to believe in the demon king in the other space.

After all, in the other space, he really changed himself, and he also learned how to control magic.

“I think most of this secret place is deceptive”

“And, if you think about it, they didn’t go in, how do you know it’s the Demon King’s wreckage?”

“So I think it’s very likely that the organizer is for what treasure, or just to see what is in this secret realm will say that it is the Demon King’s secret realm.”

“After all, the temptation of the Demon King’s Secret Realm is great, and it can make all the sects act.”

“So, I think there’s a big possibility that the organizers are plotting.”

In fact, Lin Yuan said this only to comfort the Qing Immortal, because Lin Yuan could see that the Qing Immortal was very scared now.

Therefore, in order to make the Qing Immortal less afraid, Lin Yuan came up with the idea that it was a conspiracy of the organizers.

If the Green Fairy knew that it was a man-made secret place, then she wouldn’t be so afraid.

After all, who would be afraid of a secret realm made by human beings?

And Lin Yuan did not guess wrong, the Green Immortal really relaxed a lot.

The expression on his face looked a lot more comfortable.

“Well, I’ll just say, why didn’t they go inside and know it was the Demon King’s Secret Realm?”

“It turns out that this is the reason, but if they are for the treasure, then why will the treasure belong to the owner after saying it?”

Lin Yuan heard the words of the Green Immortal and laughed softly.

Lin Yuan didn’t expect that the timid little girl in front of him would care about these details, but in order to make the Qing Fairy believe more, he decided to continue lying.

“Actually, if you think about it, if we find the treasure, will they dare to grab it?”

“They sent out the Great Luo Realm on the one hand to be able to control the scene, and on the other hand, to be able to snatch the treasure.”

“If after coming out, the organizer snatches the treasure, and then says that it is the hand of another sect gate, they will not care too much, after all, there are too many fights that the sect gate only sees.”

“Moreover, if their purpose is not a treasure, it is even simpler, as long as they see the human treasure and see what is in their hands.”

Lin Yuan seriously explained to the Qing Immortal, and the Qing Immortal also seriously believed in this Lin Yuan.

After all, Lin Yuan’s status in her heart was too high, no matter what Lin Yuan said, she would believe it.

So when she listened to Lin Yuan’s words, her psychological fear completely disappeared.

After all, if they grabbed the treasure, Lin Yuan’s strength was there, and they certainly didn’t dare to grab it.

Therefore, Qing Xian Zi felt that it was too right to bring Lin Yuan on this mission.

What Lin Yuan didn’t know was that the words he casually said to comfort the Qing Immortal were actually the real thoughts of the organizers.

If the organizers knew that their plan was discovered as soon as they said it, they would surely flee in fear.

After all, they had been preparing for this plan for a long time, and their ultimate goal was the practice within the secret realm. 、

Although this exercise is not very important, because their owner has a strange disease, the treatment method is only within this exercise.

Only by learning this practice can they save their own masters, which is why they will do such a despicable thing for their own masters.

At this time, the Grand Luo Realm Perfection Master who presided over was preparing something.

Because he was ready to go in with these sects, so that no one would find out if he killed people inside.

“Are you sure no one will discover this plan?” How do I feel unreliable?”

Da Luo Jingsheng said slightly weakly, and next to him stood a man in a black robe.

And this man is the elder of the family, and his strength is even higher than that of the green-robed man, but because it is easy to cause panic by doing it, he will send this Great Luo Realm Perfection Master.

Moreover, they also found that Lin Yuan was also the Great Luo Realm Consummation, so the green-robed man could blame Lin Yuan for his actions.

After all, the damage caused by the two Great Luo Realm Perfection Masters was almost the same, and the only thing that everyone knew about entering the Secret Realm was Lin Yuan.

So they could later think of Lin Yuan, who killed people inside, as the one who stole the treasure.

And you can take the treasure yourself, and easily go to the family to heal the disease.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, you just have to do your best, right, change your clothes”

“Also, don’t show your true colors, you put this on”

The black-robed man then handed a mask to the green-robed man.

If Lin Yuan was here, he would definitely be surprised, because this mask was exactly the same as his own Shuluo mask.

“You give me to remember, you, is Lin Yuan”

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