
The scream sounded again, and Lin Yuan and the black-robed man flew towards the scream from opposite directions.


Before Lin Yuan could reach his destination, he was punched and flew away, and then fell heavily to the ground.

“Won’t let you interfere,”

Lin Yuan found that in front of him stood a man who was completely dark, and there was molten slurry slowly flowing on his body.

The magma on his body made the man look very infiltrated.

Lin Yuan slowly got up from the ground, and then smiled and looked at the man.

Because he found that this man only had magic power on him, and there was no mana fluctuation.

This also shows that the man is a demon.

“I see, you’re a demon, aren’t you?” Can’t you see who I am??? ”

Lin Yuan said and released the magic power on his body.

After the man felt the magic on Lin Yuan’s body, he was directly stunned in place, because he discovered the secret of Lin Yuan’s body.

Then he quickly knelt down.

“See the little one Lord Demon King!” Small ignorance! I hope the Demon King can forgive. ”

The man discovered Lin Yuan’s identity, and then he understood what he had done wrong.

“It’s all right, come, tell me what’s going on here, why it’s hell to be so secret, why they can get into here.”

Lin Yuan was still very angry, because he had discovered before that this was actually the location of the castle where he had gained the power of the Demon King.

The previous Demon King had said that this was a different kind of space, and no human being could enter it.

But now that Lin Yuan and other sect members had entered here, this did not mean that this alien space had been opened, so other talents could enter here.

“Lord Demon King, we are also investigating this matter, but we found that this space has been opened.”

“Moreover, we found that if you want to enter this space, you can not only enter this space through the entrance, but also make a space crack.”

“I think this space has been exposed so they can enter it.”

In fact, the men are not very clear, because they are only guarding the existence of the castle, so they will come to fight when they find an intruder.

And the scream is that the people of the other sects are killed by these guards, so there will be a scream. ,

“That’s the way it is”

Lin Yuan felt that his conjecture was not wrong, after all, he had found that the magic in it was very abundant at the beginning.

After entering the secret realm, Lin Yuan was even more certain of his thoughts, because he discovered the existence of the castle through mana exploration.

Seeing the familiar castle, Lin Yuan was sure that this was hell, and that castle was where the throne of the Demon King existed.

“It seems that we still have to find out who opened this alien space.”

“Take me to see which sect is being abused by you.”

Lin Yuan said and followed the man in the direction before.

When the black-robed man was about to reach his destination, he also saw the man in front of him.

But the black-robed man did not pay too much attention, directly made a punch, and then beat the man to pieces.


The black-robed man had just finished saying that he was about to leave, when he found that the wreckage on the ground began to slowly come together, and then it changed into the previous appearance.

“Interesting, can be resurrected infinitely, right?”

The black-robed man said and rushed to the demon man again, and the man was constantly resurrected in one battle after another, and then looked at the black-robed man.

“You guys”


When Lin Yuan reached his destination, he saw the disciples of the Sin Sect lying on the ground, and their leader groaned on the ground.

And when he turned his eyes to Lin Yuan, he showed a surprised expression.


After only one word was uttered, the leader of the sin sect directly lost his breath and lost his life.

Lin Yuan saw this scene, although he felt that it was not very good, but he also felt that it was not bad.

After all, his identity could not be known by the people of the Immortal Realm.

Moreover, Lin Yuan was standing in front of the Demon Clan, and the other Demon Clans also made a respectful expression when they saw Lin Yuan, so this state was easy for others to discover their identity.

Lin Yuan’s current idea was that he couldn’t let others discover his identity, after all, as a demon king, he still had to survive in the Immortal Realm.

This is indeed easy to think about, so Lin Yuan feels that the death of the leader of the sin sect is also a good choice.

“Lord Demon King, what should we do now, how do the people of the other sects solve it?”

This was the biggest problem of the Demon Clan, after all, they did not expect that the new Demon King was a person from the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, they were afraid that if they killed the people of other sects, Lin Yuan would be angry, so they would ask Lin Yuan what he thought.

“Except for the Heavenly Sect, everything else can be started, you can ask in advance, I don’t care about other sects.”

“Heavenly Sect, do not touch”

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he released the pressure on his body.

And the Demon Clan felt the oppressive force on Lin Yuan’s body, and their hearts were trembling.

After all, the Demon King is not only powerful, but the oppressive power of the Demon Clan is very terrifying.

“We know, Lord Demon King, please rest assured!”

Everyone in the Demon Clan looked at Lin Yuan and began to be afraid.

This was the first time Lin Yuan had ordered these people as a demon king, and Lin Yuan felt that he had to make them afraid, otherwise his orders would be forgotten by them.

And Lin Yuan did this, and he also got a good response, and everyone in the Demon Clan looked at Lin Yuan in panic.

“Let’s go, take me back to the castle”

After Lin Yuan finished speaking, he walked towards the castle, and all the demons behind him could only respectfully follow Lin Yuan.

After all, they also had a main purpose, that is, to protect the safety of the Demon King.

Lin Yuan looked in the direction of the castle and revealed a smile.

“Unexpectedly, there were unexpected gains”


“Well, all the sects have gone in, this space makes us look so tired.”

“Really paid everything for Lin Yuan, do you really think Lin Yuan is the new Demon King?”

“Yeah, he gave me a really wrong feeling, and the Demon King’s breath disappeared after Lin Yuan appeared again.”

“That’s true, the Demon King’s sense of oppression has weighed on us for a long time.”

“Just see, Lin Yuan is not the Demon King.”

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