Qing Xian Zi didn’t know what Hanchi was, so she deliberately pretended to be curious and deliberately said that she wanted to see what the child looked like. But in fact, she has ulterior motives.

“I’m just curious about what this cold pool looks like and why they’re so scared, and I want to follow everyone to see it.” The Green Fairy insisted on demanding.

Lin Yuan was angry now, he couldn’t hear these things at all, against his will, although he was usually very arrogant and indulgent to the fairy, but now he still didn’t agree with this kind of juncture.

He felt that these Heavenly Sect disciples were eating too much white rice, so now they would appear to have no effect at all, and it would be equivalent to a decoration, and he had to punish these people well and let them suffer hardships.

“Well, don’t make any more trouble, I’ll be angry if you go on like this.” Lin Yuan forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Even if Lin Yuan was angry, he wouldn’t be angry with the Green Immortal, so he deliberately suppressed the anger in his heart, which was particularly uncomfortable.

Although Lin Yuan did not agree with the Qing Immortal and followed those Heavenly Disciples to the Cold Pool to see the situation, the Qing Immortal would not give up, as long as his face was thick enough, there was nothing he could not get out of.

The Green Immortal was firm in her inner thoughts, and the dead skin had been trying to plead with Lin Yuan to let her go with everyone, in fact, her main purpose was to make Lin Yuan soft and let these people go.

“I am really poor, and these people have also been punished because of me, so I should follow them to receive the punishment, otherwise it will be difficult for you to serve the public.” Green Fairy, she’s just being serious now, talking nonsense.

Now Qing Xian Zi couldn’t care about all this at all, she just wanted to help these Heavenly Sect disciples break the siege, and she couldn’t let them be punished in that extremely difficult place because of their own momentary mistakes, otherwise his heart would deliberately not go.

“Don’t embarrass me, okay?” You know that I am a person who says everything, I will not let them come out so easily, I said to cut, they just want to punish. Lin Yuan was speechless.

Lin Yuan was not stupid, he could easily see that Qing Xian Zi just wanted to help these Heavenly Sect disciples, and only then did he deliberately ask to follow everyone to the Cold Pool Pool to be punished.

But because the Green Fairy was too dead-faced, she had always insisted on following everyone, and even had some willfulness.

This can also show the tendency, this person is actually quite righteous, she does not want everyone to go to that kind of place to suffer because of her, she knows that this matter has not chosen to sit still, enough to prove that she is a righteous person.

“Then you should think clearly about the acute and harsh environment of that place, and if you go, you have to stay in it with everyone, and don’t give me some crooked things.” Lin Yuan let go.

Lin Yuan now changed back to his original form, plus these trivial matters, it made him haggard, and he didn’t have any extra energy to go to and waste on this matter.

Since now the Green Fairy, her state belongs to the kind of turtle that eats the scales, the iron heart, then let her experience it herself, until the Yellow River heart does not die, when the time comes to hit the head of the south wall and break the blood, see how she should end.

Since the Green Fairy was so willful, let her bear the corresponding consequences, which was a lesson for her.

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