Chen Mu came to the center of the rune array of Broken Blade Mountain and said hello to Kong Yu.

"Brother Kong Yu, how is the formation

arranged?" "Haha, little brother Chen, it has already been arranged.

And according to what you said, I reserved the place where you arranged the Five Elements Rune Flag and the Fu Shame, and now it's up to you to play!"

Kong Yu was dressed in green clothes, holding a folding fan, with a hearty personality, and he had a very pleasant cooperation with Chen Mu during this time.

This time at the top of Broken Blade Mountain, they designed a three-layer superimposed formation, even if it was a demon king-level powerhouse, they would not be able to break it for a while.

In addition, a chain of phantom arrays is also set up at the edge of the mountain to prevent the enemy from sneaking up the mountain.

"Little Brother Chen, among the people I have met, you should be the first in terms of understanding runes.

Although your realm is not very high, I have never seen anyone who can use basic runes to be as amazing as yours.

If you have a chance in the future, you must give more guidance as a brother, and it will not be in vain for us to get acquainted. "

Kong Yu, as a threefold array mage in the real world, was originally a little proud, and he didn't like Chen Mu to interfere in his own formation.

But in the past few days, Chen Mu casually pointed out the formation problems, and every place has benefited him a lot, especially after Chen Mu added the Five Elements Talisman Flag, the power of the entire formation has been sublimated.

Only then did he understand how important runes were in the formation, and he was deeply impressed by Chen Mu's rune attainments.

"Haha, Brother Confucius is humble

! Let's just learn from each other! Brother Kong's formation insights have also helped me a lot.

Chen Mu arched his hand and said modestly.


The next day, in the afternoon.

"After everyone's training data, as well as macro deployment, the Weijian battalion is now divided into four brigades, namely the artillery team, the gun team, the mobile team and the garrison team.

These four brigades, regardless of whether they are high or low, each has its own focus, I hope you can work together to resist the strong enemy!" After

a day of discussion and consideration, the Wei Jian Battalion began to divide according to Chen Mu's idea, and Chen Mu's prestige is very high now, so the process of detachment is still very smooth.

The captain of the artillery team is Zheng Fengdao, he is very fast in holding the rune cannon, and he is naturally sharp, and he has the ability to avoid evil spirits, so he is very suitable for leading the artillery team.

The captain of the gun team is Ah Huo, although he doesn't like to use guns, but he has also practiced with Chen Mu for a while, and his marksmanship is much better than everyone else.

The captain of the mobile team is Yin Zhan, the number of mobile teams is the largest, and they are also the strongest, they mainly ensure the safety of the two teams in front.

Finally, there is the garrison team, the captain is Kong Yu, they are mainly composed of people with strong defensive and logistical skills, and they generally do not leave the Broken Blade Mountain station, to ensure the safety of Broken Blade Mountain.

After the team was divided, Chen Mu led the teams to do some targeted training, and soon another day passed.

"Chen Mu, the vanguard of the Alien Demon Army has arrived and set up a temporary camp around twelve kilometers away from Absolute Sword City. "

Elder Qingxue received the latest battle report, rushed to the Broken Blade Mountain, and stationed down.

In the past two days, many battle reports have come from the outside world, and Chen Mu found that in addition to Absolute Sword City, more than a dozen cities have encountered alien demon armies.

More than a dozen cities, millions of alien armies mobilized, a war of this scale has not been started for hundreds of years.

However, for tens of thousands of years, the wars between humans and alien demons have been won more and lost less, so except for the cities that were attacked, the overall attitude in the empire was very optimistic and did not make too many waves.

But Chen Mu always felt that something was wrong, because this time the actions of the alien demons in various cities were too consistent, and there were many back-ups, and even sent out hidden human undercover agents, which was not like an ordinary war at all.

However, the war at the level of the entire empire is not something that a small person like Chen Mu needs to think about, the most important thing for him now is to get through this difficult situation in front of him.

Chen Mu built a large telescope two days earlier, which came in handy at this time.

The terrain of Broken Blade Mountain is very high, and from the top of the mountain, a telescope can be set up to directly observe the alien camp seven or eight kilometers away.

At this time, the alien camp was almost triangular between the alien camp and the Broken Blade Mountain and the Absolute Sword City, so although the alien camp was twelve kilometers away from the Absolute Sword City, it was only seven or eight kilometers away from the Broken Blade Mountain.

If you look at the Earth's environment, the telescope can easily be affected by air particles when it looks so far, resulting in a difficult view of distant objects.

But in this world, this situation did not exist, and Chen Mu directly saw the barracks of the Alien Demon Vanguard Force.

"It's the alien cavalry, and the winged alien demons!" The

number of alien vanguard troops is about 20,000, and eighty percent of them are alien cavalry.

The alien cavalry rode an ugly-looking alien beast, with brown and black skin, shaped like a cow, with sharp fangs, extremely fast running, amazing endurance, and very difficult to deal with.

The cavalry on the Alien Beasts, the weapon they use uniformly is the machete, and they move like the wind, and they can best play their advantages on the open battlefield.

The remaining two percent of the Alien Vanguard are known as Winged Aliens.

Winged Aliens resemble bats, are ugly, can fly, like to suck blood, and are characterized by their hard skin, making them difficult to injure with ordinary attacks.

The Winged Alien is a relatively rare race of aliens, accounting for only about one percent of the aliens, which is very precious and is generally used as a raid force.

The alien demon vanguard was stationed at the edge of the forest, and Chen Mu also saw a demonic suspended in mid-air from a distance, thinking that it should be a demon king-level powerhouse.

With demon king-level powerhouses here, it is very difficult to sneak attack them.

Moreover, this group of alien pioneers is very mobile, and they can escape once there is a stir, and ordinary armies can't catch up with them at all, so they basically broke Chen Mu's idea of sneaking up on a wave.

Next, Chen Mu asked Duoduo to stay next to the telescope, keeping an eye on the movements of the alien demons.

"Ah Huo, you let the trainers

come back! Rest well tonight, there should be a real battle to fight tomorrow!" Chen

Mu used the communication jade card to inform Ah Huo to lead the Weijian battalion that was still training at the foot of the mountain to come back.


At night, on Broken Blade Mountain.

At this time, a rudimentary military conference room had been built in Broken Blade Mountain, and more than a dozen core figures of the Weijian Battalion had gathered here.

Chen Mu opened the map and discussed with everyone.

"For now, let's analyze the offensive line of the aliens.

The north of Absolute Sword City is surrounded by water and is crossed by a huge river, so there is basically no way for the aliens to attack from that side.

Chen Mu used his pen to draw a cross on the north side of Absolute Sword City.

"The alien demons are coming from the west, and the east gate is the hinterland of the empire, and they can only go there through the south gate, which is too dangerous for the aliens, so they can basically be ruled out.

Again, he drew a cross with his pen on the east side.

"The alien demons can attack mainly the west and the south of the two city gates, and our position is right in the southwest of the Absolute Sword City, so if the alien demons want to attack the Absolute Sword City, we will become a thorn in their side and a thorn in the flesh!

No matter which direction they attack from, we can intervene sideways, and we rely on natural risks, even if they have a million male soldiers, they have no way to take us. "

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