Li Changsheng saw their jealousy, which was nothing more than fear of the Central Imperial Dynasty's attack, and there were several Heavenly Emperors or several Great Emperors, or a higher realm.

That's why they will ask the east and ask the west, otherwise the moment they see themselves, they will already crush themselves to death.

The question they asked at the beginning made Li Changsheng think of this.

"Forget it, the dying don't have to ask too much."

Li Changsheng shook his head at the black-robed Heavenly Emperor who had just spoken, and no longer questioned too much.

But what he said just now about the slaughter of the people around him, he wrote it down...

He Li Changsheng is not the master of losses, and he can eat indiscriminately, but some words cannot be said indiscriminately.

If it is said, the corresponding cause and effect will be followed, and the people of his power will also be implicated.

"How daring!"

The black-robed Heavenly Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, his face was gloomy, and he saw that there were signs of this move, and he actually said that he was a dying person.

Didn't he know who was the ant of this continent and who was the king of the starry sky?

In the end, the fifth Heavenly Emperor slowly spoke, and it seemed that they would have to wait until they finished judging Li Changsheng in one round before they would make a move and kill Li Changsheng.

It's a bit like cat-and-mouse banter.

"I'm curious where the black imperial qi on your body came from, you ant has actually reached the Heavenly Emperor."

"I would like to know what happened in the continent, how many Heavenly Emperors you have dispatched, how many Great Emperors and how many higher realm existences."

"We actually left our three Heavenly Emperors, as well as nine Great Emperors?"

The woman's face had a curious look.


"Well, I said I killed them all, do you believe it?"

Li Changsheng shrugged his shoulders, looking indifferent.

"One person kills the Three Emperors, the Nine Great Emperors?"

"Just you?"

"Hahaha kid must also have a degree of dreams, how come your strength of this Heavenly Emperor was dreamed?"

The Heavenly Emperor of the Star Hall disdained to open his mouth and mocked, and the thousand pseudo-Heavenly Emperors, ten thousand pseudo-emperors, and many Emperor Realm Saint Realms behind him all looked at Li Changsheng playfully.

Their low realm dared to mock Li Changsheng, mainly because there were people in front of them.

"Believe you or not, I'm just telling the truth."

Li Changsheng didn't care.

"Okay, let's play fast."

"Anyway, you are also dying, and you have to die here, and it is estimated that your forces will also bleed heavily in the future."

Li Changsheng's right hand clenched the Longyuan Emperor Sword, and the frivolity on his face at this moment was no more.

The terrifying Saint Emperor's breath on his body no longer remained, crushing out like a flood.

With him as the center, a ripple like water vibrates in heaven and earth.


The invisible sword domain enveloped everyone on the field in an instant.

The five Heavenly Emperors only felt a terrifying abyss pressing down on their bodies, making them breathless.

At this moment, Li Chang came alive.

The breath of the Saint Emperor on his body burst out continuously.

The golden Saint Emperor was majestic, shaking circle after circle.

The abyss weighed on them, even heavier.

"Is it funny?"

"But I don't like it, the ants even dare to laugh at the gods who are high above!"

Li Changsheng's voice came out, like the whisper of death.

The 100,000 Holy Realm standing on the side turned into a demon blood flower at this moment, and exploded in the void with a sound, leaving no bones.




One after another exploded into a blood mist, and one demon flower after another bloomed above this heavenly dome.

They didn't have any resistance power, and the terrifying coercion directly crushed them into a blood mist.

"The killing feast, it begins!"

Li Changsheng whispered, his eyes flashing with a dark light, devouring people's hearts.

The 100,000 black hair behind him was wanton and arrogant, like the arrogance of the demon god.

"Damn it!"

The faces of the five people suddenly changed, feeling the dead 100,000 Saint Realm behind them, gloomy and able to drip water.

"This breath is actually above the breath of the Heavenly Emperor, don't be careless!"

"This kid's strength is weird!"

After all, the five Heavenly Emperors have been famous in the starry sky for a long time and have experienced the way.

Even the moment this Saint Emperor's breath appeared, they had already urged the Dao, and the speed of reaction was something that the three Heavenly Emperors did not have before.

The next moment, the five of them had already urged the Origin Avenue on their bodies, and they would not be as stupid as the previous three Heavenly Emperors.

Although they said that they looked down on Li Changsheng, but they had reached this realm, how could they be stupid enough to underestimate the enemy?

This is merely a means to numb the enemy.

The five people stood on the ancient road of the starry sky, quickly turned into five streamers, and killed Li Changsheng together in four directions: up, down, left and right.

Behind a Heavenly Emperor, the stars were shining, and it was like a huge star giant clapping down.

The golden Buddha behind another Heavenly Emperor appeared, and the Buddha Kingdom in his palm was suppressed.

In front of the Heavenly Emperor of the Imperial Demon Valley, more than 100,000 huge demon beasts of all kinds seemed to appear, with hideous faces, towards Li Changsheng.

Suddenly, the scene came to kill each other.

All this happened just between the electric stone fire.

The east, south, and west directions have been filled with various killing moves.

And directly above themselves, and the last north, the two Heavenly Emperors also moved.

Behind the black-robed man, a huge blood-colored shadow appeared.

With a hideous face, a full 6 arms and four pairs of wings, this is the legendary Blood Shura.


Four huge and terrifying phantoms of the Law came to the shore and landed heavily on the position where Li Changsheng was before.

With a palm slap, the spot rotated into nothingness, and everything turned into ashes.


From the ancient road, dazzling and terrifying white light erupted.

When the terrifying outbreak dissipated, the five people's eyes froze and found that there was no shadow of Li Changsheng in the dust explosion.

At this time, Li Changsheng had already appeared where they were standing on the heavenly dome, and his eyes flashed with black and white light.

Black and white actinic long line, very weird.

Just now, he summoned the power of time and space, and instantly transferred himself to the position of the previous Five Heavenly Emperor.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth raised.

With a smile on his face, one person directly faced thousands of pseudo-emperors, hundreds of pseudo-heavenly emperors, and fifty thousand emperors behind him!

Holding the Longyuan Emperor Sword in his right hand, the terrifying sword intent on his body condensed into substance, and there were hundreds of millions of invisible heavenly swords gathered in his hand.

Above the heavenly dome, the starry sky was dazzling, all turned into star long swords, above the heavenly dome, from the surrounding sword domains, densely packed and gushing.

The invisible terrifying long sword instantly gathered in this space.




The sword shadows in the sky flew, and the sky-piercing sword light was dazzling.

Countless sword sounds were sensational.

Suddenly, bursts of dazzling sword light erupted above the scene, piercing everyone's eyes!


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