"Cut, just pretended to be so good, and wanted to kill me, it looks like that."

Li Changsheng looked at the three people flying down below and disdained to speak, the huge heavenly wood in his hand dissipated, and one took the initiative to kill down.

He didn't mean to give these three Heavenly Emperors any way to live.

They use themselves as fish and themselves as knives.

Li Changsheng also thinks so, but his identity is reversed, and he is the knife trick.

"After killing these three Heavenly Emperors, I wonder if I can let myself step into the Saint Emperor, or see the hope of the Saint Emperor?"

As for the retaliation of the forces behind them, Li Changsheng did not care.

The strongest is only the Heavenly Emperor, even if there is a Fusion Law Realm, it can only appear unless the power is destroyed, otherwise it will definitely not be able to take the initiative to appear.

Otherwise, there is a loss of this huge heritage, and it is also a huge loss to their forces.

It was precisely when Li Changsheng concluded this that he dared to be so unscrupulous!

"How come!"

"That's the Heavenly Emperor, but how did you get beaten down by this guy now?"

The three great emperors below were shocked when they watched Li Changsheng's soul-destroying stick blast these three heavenly emperors out.

And those holy sons below were dumbfounded, their eyes were dumbfounded, and even the Dao Heart had already shown signs of collapse at this moment.

Why is Li Changsheng so strong?

Only now did they feel where Li Changsheng was strong.

These three are the Heavenly Emperors within their forces, but even so, they still can't carry Li Changsheng's blow, and they are blasted out by his blow.

So how terrifying is his strength?

"Damn little ghost, do you know what you just did?"

The three Heavenly Emperors just felt that their bodies were bound and couldn't move, so they were blasted out by Li Changsheng's stick, and now they are back to normal.

Thinking that they were so angry just now, but they were blasted out by a stick, they immediately became angry and blushed.

Who are they?

They were the Heavenly Emperors who were high above, even stronger than the strength of the Great Emperor, how could they lose face in front of their own disciples!

On the bodies of the next three Heavenly Emperors, the Dao of the Great Emperor turned into chains and attacked and killed Li Changsheng.

Three different avenue chains!

On the old man Heavenly Emperor of the Star Hall, his chain seemed to be condensed by starlight, shimmering with stars.

The terrifying power of the stars summons with the invisible stars above the heavenly dome.

In just a few breaths, this heaven and earth have endless changes.

Above the dome of that day, something huge seemed to be falling continuously.

Li Changsheng glanced at these three chains, glanced at the strange situation in the sky, and said disdainfully, "Star Avenue, it's just to attract some meteorite meteors to smash me."

"I'm all the Heavenly Emperor afraid of this?"

Sure enough, as Li Changsheng expected, above this heavenly dome, a huge meteorite meteor group with a radius of several thousand zhang appeared in the hundreds.

In an instant, this heaven and earth were surrounded by this heavenly bolide, and the scene seemed to be extinguished.

Endless meteor swarms fall from above, and if they hit this earth, this square area will definitely become a dead place.

The old man of the Star Hall doesn't care about this, so he doesn't care about the life or death of these people on the side, what does it have to do with him?

On the other two chains, the avenues emanating are the Imperial Demon Avenue and the Buddha Dao.

A huge Buddha statue rose into the sky and appeared on the chain.

Behind this Buddha statue are thousands of Buddhist monks, their solemn expressions and solemn faces, chanting Buddhist chants in their mouths.

The endless Sanskrit culture made golden words, killing Li Changsheng, and each text had 108,000 kinds of power.

The front sky is filled with these countless Sanskrit words.

The right hand Long Yuan held it in his hand again, and the long sword slashed sharply above the heavenly dome, and a terrifying sword light shot up into the sky, erupting into an endless roar!

The abyss of a thousand zhang space was cut out abruptly by this sword.

In the straight line above the heavenly dome, all the celestial fire meteors turned into smoke powder under this sword and were cut in half.

Above his left hand, the endless power of the imperial path pervaded, citing the power of heaven and earth on this side, and there seemed to be a vortex of heaven and earth condensation in his hand, pushing slightly into the void and upward.

The hundreds of huge meteorite remains that were broken up were wiped away by this force and turned into endless scum.

The fly ash fell back to the earth, covering the earth with a layer of dirt ash, without causing any substantial damage.

In front of him, endless golden Sanskrit texts came towards him, and above this Sanskrit there was a power to confuse people's hearts, wanting Li Changsheng's conversion to Buddhism.

"Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha!"

This force is eroding his mind, eroding his Dao, wanting to transform his Dao into the Buddhist Dao.

Li Changsheng sneered, and indifferently looked at these Sanskrit and Buddhist words that were killing him in front of him.

"If the gods and Buddhas dare to stop me, they will only have a sword in their hands!"

Li Changsheng slashed out with another sword, and the eternal aura emanated.

This sword is the sword of eternity!

At that moment, the sword light had no entity, and there was no ripple in the void, not even a trace left.

But it was this strange power that made the void twist slightly, and the Buddhist Dao text that was killing towards him stopped strangely at this moment.

In the next second, all of them were shattered.


It turned into a scattered Buddha Dao light spot and dissipated.

"Boy, die!"

"Although you are very devilish, but that's it!"

"Indigenous, after all, indigenous, can't turn over any waves."

Just after Li Changsheng had just solved all the killing moves above the heavenly dome and in front of him, behind him, I don't know when the woman with heavy makeup in the Demon Valley had already killed in front of Li Changsheng.

The Imperial Demon Avenue chain on her body had countless fierce beasts roaring.

In just the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of demon birds roared out, opening their blood basins and tearing towards Li Changsheng's back.

These are all condensed by the Imperial Demon Avenue, and it can be said that they have a physical entity, or they can be said to be only illusory.

The damage they inflicted on Li Changsheng was real, not only against the Dao, but also against the Divine Soul.

These monster beasts are called soul devouring monsters, which are extremely rare monster beasts between heaven and earth, and they are born to eat divine souls.

Because this kind of demon beast was extremely vicious, it had been exterminated by the Terrans in the primeval period, but now someone had condensed their phantoms by means of the Heavenly Emperor.

Soul Eaters are no different from ghosts, but their faces are extremely ugly and they have 7 eyes.

Under that ghost, there were countless tentacles and a full 12 arms.

Opened his big hand, endless hideousness.

Countless ghostly soul-devouring demons opened their arms, and endless tentacles stretched out to kill Li Changsheng.

Just as Li Changsheng was about to turn around, these tens of thousands of soul devouring demons had already killed Li Changsheng's rear, only ten inches away from Li Changsheng!


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