A man with three legs, a woman with four arms, a disembowelled man with a heart and lungs.

this moment:

If there are some white walls around, add a few shadowless lamps and people in white coats.

Chu Qing will definitely believe that he has arrived at a mysterious experimental base in the future.


It is surrounded by mud walls.

There are no shadowless lamps, only oil lamps and candles.

Even more terrifying is:

These people are still alive.

Chu Qing observed carefully and discovered:

These people are actually warriors.

It was precisely because of their status as warriors that they were able to survive being transformed into such a strange situation.

This group of people were excited when they saw Chu Qing.

They whimpered and struggled.

Although he was speechless, judging from his facial expressions and movements, he was begging Chu Qing to save them.

At this moment, Chu Qing understood why Dean Shi Ji said it was a pity.

If he didn't know Dean Shi Ji, I'm afraid that the dean would treat him as a guinea pig.

"Dean, you...this...!"

Dean Shi Ji said excitedly: "When I was young in the Imperial Capital, I also saw human transplantation."

"Although at that time we only saw methods of transplanting golden tendons and golden bones."

"But, over the years, I have been simulating it in my head."

"Now, I have mastered the transplantation of internal organs and fur."

"The only thing I haven't mastered is flesh and blood transplantation!"

"I used a tube to draw blood and implant it into the other person's body. As a result, the other person will die even if he is a first-level warrior!"

"I have failed more than a hundred times."

"More than a hundred first-level warriors were wasted."

"There is no material now."

"Just in time, you're here!"

"Come on, help me arrest people, let's continue the experiment!"

Chu Qing...wanted to yell: "No!"

However, after looking at Dean Shi Ji's mental state, he casually said:

"Dean, there are many different blood types!"

"The blood types don't match, the blood doesn't fuse!"

Dean Shiji was stunned.

blood type?

This was the first time he heard of this.

He grabbed Chu Qing's shoulders tightly, shook her hard and said, "Tell me your blood type, hurry up!"

Chu Qing rolled her eyes.

He only knows the nouns, but not the details.

However, seeing Dean Shiji's crazy state, he did not dare to tell the truth.

Then, he opened his mouth and started talking nonsense.

What kind of recognition of relatives with a drop of blood?

What blood compatibility.

What kind of blood type determination method I heard about halfway?

Whether it’s true or not, there’s a lot of chatter.

As for whether Dean Shi Ji can research something, he doesn't care.

The only thing that matters is:

Dean Shiji is a little crazy.

It takes a lot of effort to use him.

Finished talking about all the theories that were true, false, or even made up.

Dean Shiji fell into excitement.

He grabbed two unlucky guys and started studying them.


Those two unlucky guys looked at Chu Qing as if they were looking at the most terrifying butcher.

They thought a savior had arrived.

Unexpectedly, someone more terrifying than Dean Shiji came.

The other party studies blood?

Damn it!

How many people have you killed? How boring are you thinking about studying blood?

They were scared, desperate, and whimpering.


Chu Qing has no power.

After all, he couldn't beat Dean Shiji.

While Dean Shiji was busy, Chu Qing was walking underground.

He found:

The original simple basement has been greatly expanded by the dean.

There are seven or eight spaces scattered here, large and small.

Some have accumulated supplies.

Some piled up corpses.

Some are empty.

Chu Qing found some boxes in a small space.

This is the box that Dean Shiji never left without.

Everything inside is secret.

However, now, he was thrown to the ground casually by Dean Shiji.

Chu Qing tidied the boxes.

He looked through each secret and registered it on the attribute column.

Although he doesn't need it anymore, he can trade it with others in the future or give it away as a favor.

Act as your own heritage.

Finally, he found the Secret Overlord Gun in a box.

The secret of the Overlord Spear is extremely powerful.

The master with short legs said that he could forge a road to heaven.

Very precious.

The front-end exercises are chain gun exercises.

After being practiced, it can be hard or soft, and is very powerful.

Chu Qing was happy.

This is good stuff!

Log in to the career section.

The next second, the information is refreshed:

[Secret Overlord Spear Mastery—Practice a hundred times a day and become proficient in ten years! 】

[Promotion methods - 1: Thousands of dollars of stabbing, 2: Thousands of dollars of spears...]

After Chu Qing read the message, he was a little confused.

He felt that he might have been stimulated by Dean Shi Ji's works, and his brain was a little abnormal and he was hallucinating.

The secret book I just logged in, shouldn’t it be uninitiated?

How did you become proficient?

How is this going?

Just when he was doubting, there were footsteps.

Chu Qing turned around and saw Dean Shi Ji.

At this time, Dean Shiji's eyes were bright and his demeanor was much calmer.

He took a deep look at Chu Qing and said, "Have you memorized all these secrets?"

Chu Qing was stunned for a moment and nodded.


Dean Shiji waved his hand, and dozens of boxes turned into ashes.

Then, he threw another pamphlet to Chu Qing and said, "This is my research on that corpse."

“All results are written in!”

"Go away and don't come back again!"

Chu Qing was surprised: "Why?"

The dean pointed to his head and said: "I feel I am not normal!"

"I seem to have split another me!"

"That me controls my body and does things I don't want to do."

"I wanted to kill him, but he suppressed me!"

"If you hadn't come over just now, I might have been suppressed by him forever!"

Chu Qing understood instantly:

Dean Shiji was split.

Split another self-consciousness.

In layman's terms, it is - split personality.

Although he is not crazy.

But, it seems that he will soon.

Chu Qing told Dean Shiji about the disease of split personality.

He hoped that Dean Shiji could rely on his martial arts skills to suppress the other personality.

Or even merge.

Dean Shiji said thoughtfully: "Chu Qing, you know blood type; you know personality!"

"You know things that even I, a genius from the imperial capital, don't know!"

"You are not an ordinary person!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Dean, I went to the desert, went to the Lower Hemeng Empire, and even met a Taoist nun from the Great Zhou Empire!"

"Those places, those people, brought all kinds of strange knowledge."

Dean Shiji's eyes were dazed, and he fell into reminiscence.

For a long time, he said: "The Great Zhou Empire is terrible!"

"Don't go!"

"The Great Qian Empire, compared to the Great Zhou Empire, is like a baby compared to an adult!"

"There is no comparison at all!"

"The people of the Great Zhou Empire are high and mighty; they don't treat us as human beings at all!"

Chu Qing smiled and didn't care.

The noble families don't treat ordinary people as human beings!

I'm afraid this is even more true for the aliens.

Finally, Dean Shiji repeatedly reminded Chu Qing not to forget the original agreement.

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely go to the imperial capital."

"I will find that woman and bring her out."

Dean Shiji nodded.

He told Chu Qing a lot of secrets about the martial arts academy.

Finally, he drove him away.

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