Stone House:

When Zhao Hongxiu saw Chu Qing, her eyes were filled with tears, and she threw herself into his arms, staining her clothes with tears.

"Don't cry!"

"What's wrong?"

Chu Qing patted her back gently to comfort her.

Zhao Hongxiu choked up and said: "In the past few months, I have felt like I am going to die!"

Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's okay; if you die, I will avenge you!"

Zhao Hongxiu rolled her eyes and hit his chest with her little fist.

One minute later:

Only then did Zhao Hongxiu's mood stabilize.

She told Chu Qing that during this period, someone broke into the stone house every once in a while.

The servants of Shizhai changed one after another.

Later, she was too lazy to change slaves.

She was the only one left in such a big stone house.

If the Cui family, Hua family and other families were not tough enough, she would have been killed long ago.

Chu Qing sat upright on the Taishi chair, put her on his knees, played with the long hair that blew down by her ears, and said, "So, which force is attacking you?"

Zhao Hongxiu whispered: "It's the rebels!"

Chu Qing nodded.

Now, it seems that only the rebels dare to take action against him.

"These rebels are really not afraid of death!"

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I'll go deal with them in a few days."

Zhao Hongxiu nodded, shook his head and said:

"King Shiyu and others said that the rebels

I just want to anger you, make you leave the city, and then kill you! "

"It is said that the rebels have acquired many masters."

"Every master is terrifying."

"So many masters, I don't know where they came from!"

"Hua Qing of the Hua family was seriously injured by them."

Chu Qing frowned.

Hua Qing has extraordinary strength.

Although the road to heaven has not been completely opened.

However, he also mastered some of the power of Tongtian Road.

Ordinary geniuses are no match for him.

But, he was also injured?

"It seems that the rebels really have some tricks up their sleeves this time."

"But it doesn't matter, I'm out of seclusion."

"Destroying them is easy!"

Zhao Hongxiu nodded.

She believed in Chu Qing unconditionally.

After being comforted by Chu Qing, Zhao Hongxiu suddenly said: "I have saved a lot of copper coins."

"Hurry up and eat it!"

Fifty copper coins a day can increase your strength by fifty pounds.

She praised it for three months.

So many copper coins can increase Chu Qing's strength by almost five thousand kilograms.

Chu Qing nodded.

Although he opened a road to heaven, his strength in the four realms increased tenfold.

However, no one despises his own strength.

A few minutes later:

He was in a house and started eating copper coins.

Zhao Hongxiu was afraid that it would be tasteless, so she brought seven or eight kinds of dipping sauces.

Chu Qing was silent for a while, then dipped some golden toad copper coins into them and ate them.

Well, it tastes pretty good.

Seeing that he was eating happily, Zhao Hongxiu laughed so hard that her eyes were bent.

"You eat copper coins!"

"I put my money in every corner of the stone house to guard against ghosts and gods!"

"But there is still a lot of money piled up there!"

Silver coins, placed in fields, can produce abundant crops.

However, Chu Qing has no land.

Therefore, it can only accumulate.

Of the things produced by the Three-Legged Golden Toad, it seems that only silver coins are the most useless.

After all, no one values ​​what the fields produce.


Chu Qing is different.

What he values ​​most is actually money.

"These coins should be kept carefully and absolutely nothing can go wrong!"

Zhao Hongxiu nodded.

Silver money can increase the production of products, such as corn, wheat, millet and rice.

It can also increase the production of secret medicine materials.

As long as it is used well, a huge logistics base can be developed.

The premise is:

He has enough money.


Chu Qing ate another copper coin and thought about the future.

Then, he discovered that Zhao Hongxiu looked eager


He hesitated, dipped the copper coin in the sauce, handed it to her and said, "This copper coin is hard. Eat it slowly so as not to damage your internal organs."

Zhao Hongxiu chuckled.

She put the dipping sauce on the copper coin into her mouth, then squatted at Chu Qing's feet, raised her head, and said vaguely: "I want to eat this!"

Chu Qing... was silent.

He originally wanted to refuse.

However, after looking at Zhao Hongxiu's bright big eyes, he sighed: "Senior sister... why bother?"

Chu Qing broke through the barrier and rested for three to five days.


Huayu invited him to the manor to discuss art with the ladies.

Chu Qing couldn't refuse. After all, those noble ladies were from the Cui family and the Hua family.

Those families support him, so he naturally has to take care of their emotions.'s just a matter of keeping in touch with each other.

And in these three or five days, the news of his leaving the customs spread like a gust of wind throughout the entire city.

The people who attacked the stone house were gone.

The person who went to the martial arts academy to find him was gone.

It seemed that the assassinations that Zhao Hongxiu had experienced before were all in the mirror, as if they were in a dream.

Shizhou calmed down.

But, everyone knows:

This calm

Especially Shi Yuwang and others felt the most obvious.


On the day Chu Qing left seclusion, a servant of the Cui family quietly delivered a letter.

The content of the letter is simple:

[Investigate the specific information of all third-level rebels and Tianjiao! 】

[Every one of the fifty-five cities must be investigated thoroughly! 】

After King Shi Yu saw the letter, his first thought was:

Chu Qing is going to cause trouble.

"He killed Fengcheng before, but now, he is afraid that he will kill the second city."

Others nodded.

"Where there are many masters, he might go there to kill!"

"This guy... is really unscrupulous, really too crazy!"

"Isn't he afraid of the Zheng family's attack?"

The Zheng family is the Zheng family in the imperial capital.

The strength is too terrible.

It is said that they have survived more than ten thousand-year catastrophes.

Even in the earliest times, they were royal family.

This time, they are going to attack the royal family again.

If Chu Qing always kills the rebels, it will kill the foundation of the Zheng family.


There are many top families who have joined forces with the Zheng family.

Chu Qing offended not only the Zheng family, but also many top families.

"What should we do?"

"Will he let us participate this time?"

There is a family head, full of worry.

Although they can be domineering in the state city.

But, compared with the top families in the main city and the imperial capital, they are too weak.

All the families in the huge state city are not the opponent of any top family.

If they are allowed to participate...I am afraid there will be a disaster of extermination.

King Shi Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone, if we don't participate, will Chu Qing let us go?"

"The top family can destroy our family!"

"Chu Qing... can even wipe out our entire family!"

The heads of the family were silent.

The next day:

They received news from Chu Qing again:

"Each family, give two foundations."

The message was simple.

The heads of the family were shocked.

"Sure enough, he is going to do it."

"He wants our foundations to massacre the city."

"He wants us to have our hands stained with blood!"

The heads of the family were anxious.

They didn't dare to resist, so they could only honestly take out two foundations and wait for Chu Qing to call.

After three or five days, the heads of the family gathered the news of the fifty-five prefectures to Chu Qing.

And Chu Qing crawled out of the entanglement of Hua Yu and the others.

Then, he picked up a pen and wrote a letter.

That day, at dusk, the heads of the family received Chu Qing's letter.

Then, the foundations of many families disguised themselves and quietly came to Hua Yu's manor.

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