Ten seconds

Thirty seconds

One minute

Chu Qing smiled and said, "Hey, friend, I gave you one minute."

"Now, it's your turn to answer."

"Remember, be serious, otherwise - people will die!"

The leading man took a deep breath and said, "Sir, we are just talking to them about the intensity of work and discussing meals."

Chu Qing nodded.

He looked at the other two.

The two said, "Sir, we are just chatting about family matters."

Chu Qing nodded again.

"Sister, watch them!"

After that, he went to ask the quarrymen.

Most of the quarrymen were from good families.

After they knew Chu Qing's identity, they didn't dare to hide it at all, and explained it all at once:

"They said that the powerful exploited too much, and we had to resist to have a way out."

"They said that we were paid too little, and we needed to fight you to make more money."

"They said that the food was too bad and the working hours were too long."

"They said that a pearl was worth tens of thousands, and you only gave us ten taels of silver. This is not good."

Chu Qing sighed and said to the quarry workers: "If you like it, do it. If you don't like it, you can leave."

"If you work here, don't cheat my pearls."

After saying that, he turned back, stared at the three big men, and said regretfully: "You disappoint me."

As he spoke, he untied the cloth strips on the two-handed sword.

The blue sword body was exposed to the air little by little.

The three big men had sweat on their foreheads. They looked at each other and suddenly ran away.

Zhao Hongxiu shouted: "Don't run!"

She chased frantically.


Chu Qing was faster.

Hundreds of golden tendons supported his legs, and he moved like a dragonfly skimming the water. In an instant, he crossed more than ten meters and chased after a big man.

Swing the sword!

Change direction!

Keep swinging the sword!



[Blood-washed long sword +1]

[Blood-washed long sword +1]

The three big men were cut in half without even a scream.

Chu Qing, with blood-stained brocade clothes, looked at the many terrified quarrymen expressionlessly and said:

"They deceived me, so they should be killed!"

The quarrymen were in turmoil and panic.

Chu Qing jumped onto a big rock and yelled, "I don't care if you rebel; I don't care if you don't work; but you must not deceive me, let alone steal my pearl."

"Whoever deceives me, whoever dares to steal my pearl, my sword will kill him."

After that, he said to Zhao Hongxiu, "Sister, go and call all the managers."

"Tell them to bring all those guys who like to deceive people!"


Zhao Hongxiu went to do the work.

As a result, not long after she left, a group of quarry workers came over aggressively not far away.

They raised pickaxes, crowbars, etc., with angry faces:

"Why kill people?"

"You are not the government, nor our master, why do you kill us?"

"You killed three people today, will you kill three hundred people tomorrow?"

"Are you going to rebel the day after tomorrow?"

A group of people stared at Chu Qing fiercely.

Chu Qing smiled.

This group of guys actually knew how to take the opportunity to make trouble.

But it doesn't matter.

The big sword in his hand was raised.

A big man with sweat on his forehead said sternly: "You dare to kill people in front of everyone?"



[Blood-washed Long Sword +1]


The quarrelers fell silent.

Everyone stared at Chu Qing.

No one expected that Chu Qing would dare to kill people when so many people were forcing him to abdicate.

Even the children of the fortress and the powerful nobles did not dare to be so arrogant.

But Chu Qing did it.

"Who is questioning me?"

Chu Qing was murderous.

He was not afraid of this group of people causing trouble, but he was afraid that this group of people would not cause trouble.

So what if there are many people?

Whoever causes trouble will be killed.

In the end, naturally no one caused trouble.

In the crowd, someone said angrily: "Why kill people without asking the right and wrong?"

"Let's go together and beat him to death!"

"Revenge for the brothers!"

Someone instigated the quarrymen.

The quarrymen were in turmoil.

Chu Qing supported the big sword with both hands, smiled, and waited.

One second

Thirty seconds

A stonemason rushed out of the crowd, pointed at Chu Qing, and was about to scold him.


[Blood-washed long sword +1]


Hundreds of craftsmen were silent again.

Chu Qing sneered:

"Some rebels have appeared among you!"

"But I don't care whether you are rebels or good family members."

"You come to the quarry and must work to collect pearls for me."

"I only want pearls."

"If the pearls are in place, I don't care if you kill the county magistrate."

"But without pearls, even breathing is a sin."

At the end, he roared: "Go to work!"


Hundreds of stonemasonry workers dispersed and went to work honestly.

Chu Qing was disappointed.

He still hoped that this group of people would make trouble.

As long as someone made trouble, he would kill them and then improve the progress of the two-handed sword.

Unfortunately, after the great sword of death fell, reason reoccupied the high ground, and this group of people became cowardly.

Chu Qing, inspect each quarrying site.

All the suspected rebels were gathered together by Zhao Hongxiu and a group of managers.

Chu Qing looked around and found that there were two or three hundred people.

"I don't care if you incite them to rebel."

"But, you must guarantee the production of pearls."

"Without pearls, I will really kill people!"

Two or three hundred suspected rebels were secretly happy.

But, they didn't care about Chu Qing's threats at all.

After a few days, they completely bewitched the group of quarry workers, do you still dare to kill people?

Thousands or tens of thousands of people attacked, do you dare to kill people?

Scare you to death.

So, this group of people agreed quite happily.

Zhao Hongxiu, on the side, stamped her feet anxiously.

After the crowd dispersed, she immediately said: "Qing'er, if you let them go, you will get into big trouble in the future!"

"We should arrest them or kill them."

Chu Qing looked at Zhao Hongxiu deeply and said:

"After arresting this batch, there will be the next batch."

"By then, they will be hiding more secretly."

"Besides, in a month at most, a rebel named Zheng Zhixiang will come."

"That Zheng Zhixiang has a heart as hard as iron and regards human life as worthless."

"He is the big trouble."

"As for the rebels here, although they can bewitch people, they have little impact."

"You and Lan Lan, just keep an eye on those guys."

"If they show signs of rebellion, contact me immediately."

"I just want to kill the enemy and practice martial arts!"

Zhao Hongxiu suddenly had a feeling:

Chu Qing was actually waiting for this group of people to rebel, and then find a reason to kill them.

"Qing'er, what terrible martial arts did you practice?"

In the bamboo forest:

Cui Moyang and others fought with some soldiers.

Facing groups of soldiers, they could easily kill them with a casual blow.

Spears and swords could be evaded with a slight shake.

A backhand strike could kill a person.

With screams, the bamboo forest soon became quiet.

"Let's go, continue searching!"

If it was more than a month ago, the several aristocratic geniuses would have been concerned about the rebels.

But since swallowing the pearls to train their golden tendons, they didn't care about the rebels at all.

"The rebels deserve to die. They actually want to overthrow the quarry? Cut off our pearls?"


"Kill them all!"

"Kill one until blood flows like a river and corpses are everywhere!"

Cui Moyang and Wang Yinyang were murderous.

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