Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 100 One Word Moves The Sky, All Saints Sing Together (2, Please Subscribe!)

Under the high platform, everyone was surprised to see that Elder had prepared paper and pens.

"Could it be that Lin Xuan has a new chapter? Or is it Elder's heartfelt feeling, writing on the spot."

"Today is really not in vain."

"I don't know what amazing article will appear next.~"

Confucianism cultivators got excited, just now Lin Xuan wrote an article on Confucianism, starting from filial piety, the words are thought-provoking, making Dao heart clear, some people even felt soft on the spot Cultivation BaseE

"I want to see if you, the so-called Sacred Land of Longevity, really understand Confucianism and Taoism." Lin Xuan sneered in his heart, but his face was full of smiles, and said: "Su fellow daoist, if you don't know, There is no need to force it."

Not far away, Gu Lingxi was also a little dissatisfied. Although Su Chen was a friend of his best friend, she looked down on Lin Xuan's articles and was too arrogant.

The rest of the Elders in White Deer Academy are also considered very high. Some Elders do not want to let Su Chen Losing face upset the Changsheng Sacred Land, and persuade them: "Su Xiaoyou, a good article, especially an article that arouses the righteousness of the world. It won’t be possible to write it in a while, if you don’t have inspiration today, you can write it another day.”

"There is no need for another day."

Su Chen stepped forward and said, "I don't need to write anymore."

There was a hint of sarcasm on Lin Xuan's face, and the Elders breathed a sigh of relief. Su Chen didn't want to write, so there was no need for Losing face. After all, Confucianism is more about accumulation and writing than strength.

"I can read it out."

Su Chen stood with hands behind his back, white clothes fluttering, standing on the high platform, the Transcendent temperament made many women's eyes sparkle and their hearts moved.

"Huh? Who is this young man? He's even more handsome than Lin Xuan, with a more dignified temperament."

"Looking at his appearance, it seems that he wants to write an article. Is this person also a Confucianism cultivator?"

"Oh, I was so happy in vain. This person has an extraordinary background at first glance. It is obvious that Lin Xuan's articles are amazing. He also wants to show his face and show himself, but does he have Lin Xuan's talent?

There was a strange look in the eyes of some cultivators, and there was a look of disappointment on the faces of some cultivators, but a group of women crowded in front of the stage, looking nympho.

"Huh, writing an article is not just about writing words on paper, it is about infusing the spirit of ownness, so that it can arouse the righteousness of the world. You just read aloud, and you want to beat Lin Xuan, it's like a dream." Some Elders were dissatisfied, There was a hint of coldness in the voice.

"Hehe, Su Xiaoyou, please don't get angry."

The Elders shook their heads straight away, Lin Xuan walked up, and said to the crowd in a cupped fist: "Fellow daoists, seniors, this friend's name is Su Chen, he comes from the Sacred Land of Changsheng, and he has new insights into Confucianism and Taoism. Please be quiet and listen to what brother Su has to say.

His words seem to be introducing Su Chen, but they are actually full of traps.

No matter how Su Chen behaves next, it will definitely make people unsatisfied.

After all, even Confucianists may not be able to come up with new insights, and it would be truly ridiculous if a layman had new insights.

Immediately, some Confucianism cultivators were dissatisfied, and Su Chen's eyes were full of sarcasm.

Gu Lingxi frowned slightly, feeling that Lin Xuan's words were a bit too much, pulling Su Chen to the opposite of everyone.

"Sigh, Lin Xuan is also young and vigorous, and defends Confucianism and Taoism." Gu Lingxi thought for a while, and then stopped blaming Lin Xuan.

"Brother Su, let's start!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Su Chen and Lin Xuan looked at each other, Lin Xuan was full of smiles, very refined.

"Confucianism is what people need, Confucianism and Taoism are the way of people!"

Su Chen got straight to the point and directly pointed out the root of preaching.

Confucianism and Taoism were originally created by the sages of the human race, including the teachings of virtue, benevolence, and propriety.

As soon as Su Chen's words came out, everyone was slightly surprised. Unexpectedly, this arrogant young man still had some opinions on Confucianism and Taoism.

The Elder of White Deer Academy also nodded frequently, and one Elder said: "The opening angle is innovative, and it's not bad."

"The goals of Confucianism and Taoism can be summed up in four sentences."

But what Su Chen said next made all the Elders look gloomy. Confucianism and Taoism are so vast, how could it be summed up in four sentences.

"Su Chen is talking nonsense." Elder said angrily.

The audience was also noisy, and every Confucianism cultivator was filled with righteous indignation.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Xuan's mouth. At first, he was really taken aback by Su Chen. After all, the other party's opening article was considered top-notch based on his knowledge.

"It's just a dude from Changsheng Sacred Land, with little knowledge and arrogance." Lin Xuan sneered in his heart, that's fine, he's easier to deal with.

With a calm face, Su Chen said: I think preaching should be for the sake of heaven and earth. "

As soon as these words came out, the sky and the earth shook, the avenue roared, and the righteous energy of the sky and the earth descended in a mighty way, turning into a white waterfall.

0...seeking flowers...

Heaven and earth have no heart, but people have a heart, and the heart of heaven is established by the heart.

Explains the relationship between Confucianism, Taoism and Heavenly Dao.

"Life for the living and the people!"


Thunder broke out between the sky and the earth, lightning flashed across the sky, and the sky and the earth became regular.

"Secret Technique for the past!"

"Create peace for all ages!"

Su Chen uttered the last two sentences.

The noise at the scene dissipated immediately, only the sound of righteousness and mightiness from heaven and earth.

Whether it was on stage or off stage, everyone was silent and their eyes were full of horror.


They didn't know what to say, as if this was the vision Confucianism Cultivator pursued all his life.

At the same time, in the depths of White Deer Academy, the cause of the highest palace.

This temple is Bailu Academy dedicated to Confucian and Taoist sages throughout the ages.

The sages of Confucianism do not refer to Realm strength, but the recuperating virtues of Confucian scholars. Each of them is the founder of Confucianism and Taoism.

At this moment, in the highest palace, the statues of Confucian and Taoist sages vibrated, exuding righteousness and rushing into the sky, the sky and the earth paled for a while, and the sun and the moon dimmed.


Those sages seemed to vibrate, as if they were psychic, and wanted to go out to watch.

"This is...someone uttered a word, causing all the saints to sing together!" Elder, who was guarding the hall of the hundred saints, was horrified when he saw this scene.

He quickly summoned the dean.

Others don't need him to summon, the dean of White Deer Academy has already appeared.

"Who the hell is it that can cause all victories to sing together?" Dean Bailu said in shock.

"Dean, just now someone on the other side of the square uttered four words, which aroused the vision of heaven and earth, and the righteousness was mighty." An Elder flew over and reported what happened in the square.

"Set up a heart for the world, a life for the people, a Secret Technique for the past, and a peace for all generations!"

Dean Bailu finished watching, excitedly said: "Who is this person, he must be pulled into Bailu Academy.

"That's right, this person is able to say these words, and the lowest achievement in the future is also a sage."

Elder's Way in Hundred Saints.

On the square, everyone lost their voices and stared blankly at the vision of heaven and earth.

Standing on the high platform, Su Chen's body at this moment has become extremely tall and majestic in the eyes of everyone, just like ancient sages descending, imparting principles, enlightening wisdom and wisdom. .

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