Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 104 To Be A Man, You Must Be Conscious, Qin Feng's Despair (1, Please Subscribe!)

Qin Feng was dressed in blue, and the Sword intent was born, and he walked towards the light under the abyss.

When he came to the light, there was a huge stone gate in front of him.

Qin Feng made seals with his hands, and rays of light shone, turning into a gorgeous rune, and pierced into the stone gate.


The stone gate glowed, and runes emerged one after another, slowly moving and opening.


A stream of air rushed out from the stone gate, sweeping across the abyss.

Qin Feng's face was calm, and when the stone door was completely opened, he walked~in.

Inside the stone gate is a huge stone room, which contains many treasures, including Magic Treasures, - Medicine Pill and so on.

"Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and the stone room has not changed. It's a pity that I stored too few things back then, otherwise these things would be enough for me to cultivate to the divine realm."

Looking at the treasures in the stone room, he looked regretful.

Back then when he ascended to the upper world, he put unwanted things into this stone room. These things were very precious to others, but to him who had become a god in his previous life, he didn't think much of them at all.

"These treasures are enough for me to cultivate to Venerable Realm." Qin Feng's complexion moved slightly, and a hint of ferocity appeared on his expression.

Su Chen's appearance appeared in his mind, and there was deep hatred in his eyes.

The only purpose of his practice now is to kill Su Chen, to avenge his shame.

"Su Chen, I definitely want you to die." Qin Feng murmured to himself: "It is said that you are Double Pupils, I will dig out your Double Pupils and refine them into Magic Treasures, so that you will die without regret, hehehe... ..

Inside the stone chamber, Qin Feng's sneer sneered, sending chills down the spine.

"Qin Feng, we don't seem to have much enmity, do you hate it this much?" A flat voice came from outside the stone room, which surprised Qin Feng.

"Who is it?" Sword intent lingered all over Qin Feng's body, his aura exploded, and a hole emerged behind him, and the rune was brilliant.

His combat power is very powerful, comparable to the peak of the spirit embryo realm, if he hadn't met Su Chen, he would definitely be the protagonist.

"Who the hell is someone following me?" Qin Feng kept guessing in his heart, but after he came to Zhongyu, he was very cautious and didn't cause trouble. How could someone follow him.

A boy in white clothes walked into the stone room with a smile on his face. Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then a sneer appeared on his face, and he said in a cold tone, "Su Chen, it's you!"

Killing intent flowed from his body, Su Chen's arrival made him extremely angry, and the Sword intent was running a little faster.

"Qin Feng, it's been a long time. You didn't mean to kill me. I'm here now." Su Chen looked at the gradually dissipating luck above Qin Feng's head, and smiled slightly.

In his eyes, Qin Feng is just a leek. In the past, his luck was harvested by him and could be regenerated. Now Qin Feng's luck is growing too slowly, and there is a new son of fortune to become his leek, so Qin Feng will not The necessity exists.

You must know that these sons of fortune are immortal Xiaoqiang, as long as you give them a little chance, even if you don't pay attention to them for a period of time, they will grow up and cause him some troubles.

Su Chen looked at Qin Feng like a cat catching a mouse.

Qin Feng's face was icy cold, and his tone was cold, he said: "Su Chen, I'm surprised that you found this place.

He was angry on the surface, but in his heart he was thinking about how Su Chen got here, and he was still calculating whether the guardian behind Su Chen had come.

If he didn't come, with his combat power, he might be able to fight, even Shengchen.

Of course, if he loses temporarily, he needs to think about ways to escape.

"Su Chen's Cultivation Base is already a bit higher than mine, but I have experienced many battles, plus the memories and methods of my previous life, it is enough to compete against the cultivator at the peak of the Spirit Embryo Realm, and there is also a magic circle in the stone room, which can play the role of the Marquis Realm Power, as long as I activate it secretly, Su Chen will definitely die here."

The more Qin Feng thought about it, the more excited he became, and the coldness on his face became even more piercing.

"Killing Su Chen, my Dao heart will be accessible from then on, and my spiritual Realm will definitely increase a lot. From then on, I can return to the God Realm, become God King, and even Saint, and dominate the upper realm.

Qin Feng has great ambitions, and his pursuit is not only about false gods, but true gods. His ultimate goal is to become a Saint, to open up a Taoism in the upper realm to rule hundreds of millions of territories.

"Don't worry, the guardian didn't follow me, you can take action with confidence."

Su Chen stood in the stone room, and said calmly: "Aren't you an ancient god? Let me see how strong the ancient gods can be after they take over their homes."

"Su Chen, you actually underestimated me, go to hell with me!"

Qin Feng shot out angrily, and the Sword intent all over his body erupted, turning into a mouthful of Tongtian sword light, densely covered with runes, and slashed at Su Chen.

At the same time, in the stone chamber, the rune was shining, a formation was activated, and the aura fluctuations of the Marquis Realm erupted and submerged Sukang.

0......seeking flowers...

"It's really good, there is also the formation of Marquis Realm, but it's a pity that it's all useless."

Su Chen swung his fist, and streaks of golden light pierced through the air, like streaks of golden lightning.

Behind him, the projections of the gods emerged, blessing divine power.


Tongtian's sword light and Fenghoujing formed a big formation, and he shattered it with a punch, the rune dimmed under the fist light, and the pattern cracked.

"This...impossible, impossible, you are clearly a Cultivation Base in the Spirit Embryo Realm, why is your combat power comparable to that in the Marquis Realm?" Qin Feng felt desperate, he lost all his last cards and could not kill Su Chen, was hit hard.

"I..... still have a void-breaking talisman, so I can escape. At worst, I don't want these treasures, and I will settle the score with Su Chen in the future." Qin Feng thought that he still had a void-breaking talisman, and his eyes regained vitality.


He urged the breaking talisman, and his whole body was wrapped by the power of space, breaking through the void, wanting to escape.

"Being a human being requires awareness. When it's your turn to die, no matter how hard you struggle, it will be useless."

Su Chen grabbed it with his big hand, and a burst of void power disrupted the surrounding void.


Qin Feng's figure appeared not far from the stone room, and he fell heavily on the ground, in a panic.

"You can actually interfere with the void." Qin Feng looked desperate.

"Void escape method, the simplified version of the great void technique, you should know." Su Chen stood with his hands behind his back, and walked in front of Qin Feng.

"Su Chen, as you said, we have no grievances. You hate my identity. You can only think that I am a person who seized my body and was reborn. But I didn't take the initiative to seize my body. After I died, I woke up again and became possessed. This body is on."

"You have to know that I was a god in my previous life. I know many supernatural powers Cultivation Technique, and know many secrets of the upper world. As long as you let me go, I can tell you all of them."

Qin Feng knelt down and begged for mercy, he was reborn with great difficulty, how could he die so easily.

"You have a point."

Su Chen was thoughtful, his words brought hope to Qin Feng's eyes, as long as he could survive, suffering some humiliation was nothing.

"Su Chen, as long as I can survive this time, I will make sure you die without a whole body." Qin Feng felt ruthless in his heart.

"But... I don't need the Cultivation Technique you cultivated. As long as you die, the value can be maximized."

Su Chen's words made Qin Feng look desperate. .

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