Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 109 The Sword Test Conference Is Open, Is It Difficult? (1, Please Subscribe!)

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed, and the sword test meeting was about to start.

Within Sword City, many sword cultivators gather, showing their sharpness, and there are not a few who have achieved Sword intent.

Excalibur Villa has already started preparations.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, many sword cultivators gathered outside the Excalibur Villa.

The interior of the Divine Sword Villa is brightly lit and resplendent, and there are servants and maidservants to welcome the major sword cultivators into the villa to participate in the sword test meeting.


Suddenly, a Sword intent came over the sky, and everyone felt the spirit sword in their hands tremble, making a sword-cry.

"What a powerful Sword intent."

"This person's Sword intent is close to the Realm of the Sword intent's transformation."

"Who the hell is it? Is it the person who asked the Jiange, or the person from the Sword Saint Palace?"

Numerous sword cultivators were discussing and feeling turbulent.

In the distance, a huge bird flew across the sky and landed in front of the gate of the Excalibur Villa. A dozen figures descended from the bird. The leader was an old man with white hair and a childlike face, exuding sharp Sword intent all over his body, which was very extraordinary.

The cultivators following him were all young men with long swords on their backs, eyes like lightning, and exuberant Blood Qi.

"It's the people from Asking Jiange, they're here." Someone whispered, very respectful.

There are three major kendo Sacred Lands in Zhongyu, which are Excalibur Villa, Wenjian Pavilion and Juggernaut Palace.

The three major kendos, Sacred Land, are the Sacred Land, the pure land, in the hearts of many sword cultivators. Many sword cultivators who see the three major kendo Sacred Land respect them very much.

"Xiao fellow daoist, you are actually leading the team in this sword trial meeting, please come here." Wang Elder greeted him, cupped fist said.

Xiao Elder also cupped fist, following Wang Elder in.

After half an hour, a gigantic spiritual sword cut through the sky and descended on the mountain gate.

Twenty or so figures flew down from the giant sword. The leader was a middle-aged man with extraordinary martial arts. With a move in his hand, he put away the giant sword and walked towards the Shenjian Villa.

This is the person from Juggernaut Palace.

The Elder of Excalibur Villa hurriedly appeared to welcome them to enter.

At 10 noon, the sword test meeting officially began.

On the square of Excalibur Villa, a huge high platform and stands have been built.


A middle-aged man stepped forward, and where he passed, Sword Intent came to life, and carried him to the high platform.

"See the owner." The Elder of Excalibur Villa bowed with his disciples.

Then the Elder from the Juggernaut Palace, and the Elder from the Sword Pavilion, climbed onto the high platform together.

"The sword trial meeting has begun, and now we will start the first round." Wang Elder stepped forward and announced.

The rules of the sword test conference are presented in the form of breaking through barriers, and the sword repair duel begins at the end.

The main reason is that there are too many people participating in the sword test meeting, and it would be a waste of time to fight one by one.

The first level is the Sword Intent test. Everyone stands in the formation, and the formation will release the Sword Intent. If you can stand in the Sword Intent for a quarter of an hour, you will pass.

When everyone enters the formation, the Sword Intent radiates, covering the sky and overwhelming everyone.

"Well, it's a very powerful Sword intent. It only produces coercion, but it doesn't hurt people." Su Chen sat in the stands with interested eyes.

The pre-tests of the Sword Trial Conference are all prepared for ordinary sword cultivators, like him, people from the Excalibur Villa, the Third Prince and people from the other two major sword arts Sacred Land, do not need to participate.

This is the benefit of having a background and mastering the rules.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, a total of thousands of people participated, and most of them were eliminated in the first round.

If it is a normal duel, it may take several days.

Then the second level is opened.

Everyone attacked the sword stele one by one, and those who could leave traces on the sword stele would be counted as passing.

An hour later, everyone finished the test and opened the third level, then the fourth level, and the fifth level.

"The sixth level is to test the talent of swordsmanship."

Starting from the sixth level, the disciples of the Divine Sword Villa and other forces will also start to participate.

When Su Chen walked to the square, he saw people from the Excalibur Villa bring a stone tablet with a picture of a sword on it.

"This sword picture contains a Sword Technique, and if you can comprehend the Sword Technique within an hour, it's considered too light." Wang Elder said.

Everyone sat cross-legged around the sword map and started Insight sword map.

"Who is the fastest one this time?"

"Then do you still need to ask? It must be someone from the Divine Sword Villa, the Sword Saint Palace and the Sword-Managing Pavilion."

Above the stands, some people were discussing.

"Is the Insight sword drawing difficult?" Su Chen urged the Double Pupils, and immediately saw the Sword Technique contained in the sword drawing.

In his sea of ​​knowledge, Sword Intent kept practicing Sword Technique, and he quickly learned it.

A sharp Sword Qi pierced through the sky, shaking everyone, even the sword cultivator of the Insight sword diagram was awakened.

0…………seeking flowers.

"So afraid that Insight will release Sword Technique, who is this person? It seems that he is not from Sacred Land."

Everyone was in an uproar, and their eyes fell on a young man in white.

"Who is this person who actually released the Sword Technique with Insight in less than a quarter of an hour?" the owner of Excalibur asked Wang Elder.

Wang Elder was stunned at this moment, staring at the white-clothed boy in a daze.

"This... Su Chen obviously doesn't have any Sword intent on him, so why did Insight reveal Sword Technique so quickly? Could it be that he is a sword genius who is rare in a hundred thousand years?" Wang Elder murmured to himself, feeling incredible.

Seeing that Wang Elder didn't reply, the owner of Excalibur frowned slightly.

At this time, Wang Elder suddenly came to his senses, stepped forward and said respectfully: "To the owner, this person is named Su Chen, and he is a true disciple of the Sacred Land of Longevity."


The owner of Shenjian was shocked when he heard this.

He remembered what Wang Elder said, this person doesn't know the way of swordsmanship, why is he the first one to comprehend Sword Technique today?

He looked at Wang Elder, and Wang Elder smiled wryly, and said: "Vendor Master, I don't know, I didn't see the slightest Sword intent on him that day, and the sharpness of his aura didn't look like a sword cultivator."

Sword cultivators all have a sharp-edged aura, and everyone in the way of swords can tell at a glance whether a person is practicing the way of swords.

"You can't tell whether he is practicing swordsmanship, there is only one possibility, this person's swordsmanship Realm is higher than yours." Excalibur Master said.

Wang Elder was stunned, his sword realm was already very close to the Sword Intent Realm, if Su Chen's Sword Realm was above him, it didn't mean that Su Chen's Sword Realm had reached the Sword Intent Realm.

Thinking of this, Tian Zhang gasped.

Previously, he had ridiculed Su Chen in his heart, thinking that he was a dandy, but he never thought that he was sitting in a well and looking down on Su Chen.

"Sigh, it's a pity that Su Chen is the true biography of the Sacred Land of Longevity, otherwise he would be allowed to worship in the Excalibur Villa, so why not grow the Excalibur Villa." The owner of the Excalibur Villa sighed.

At this time, Elder, who was next to the Sword Pavilion and the Sword Saint Palace, also heard the words of the owner of the Excalibur.

They couldn't suppress the shock in their hearts. A teenager had actually reached the Realm transformed into a Sword intent.

"The true inheritance of the Sacred Land of Longevity may not be able to be accepted as a disciple." Xiao Elder thought in his heart and calculated.

The Elder of Juggernaut Palace also had twinkling eyes, wondering what he was thinking. .

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