Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 124 Queen, If I Say You Can’T Do It, You Can’T (1, Please Subscribe!)

Although Da Zhou was graceful and luxurious, with outstanding temperament, he was extremely powerful at the moment, and wanted to arrest Su Chen for questioning.

Her brows were slightly frowned, which gave people a feeling of thunder destroying the world, which made people's hearts tremble.

Ying Elder heard the words of Queen Da Zhou, and said coldly: "Are you sure you want to arrest and question Su Chen?"

He was not afraid, but extremely angry in his heart. A great Zhou empress dared to turn black and white, and questioned the true biography of Changsheng Sacred Land.

You must know that Su Chen defeated the other six true biographies and came to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference. It can be said that he is already the pre-determined holy son.

To capture the son of Changsheng Sacred Land is to slap Changsheng Sacred Land in the face, he absolutely cannot bear it.

"You think too highly of the strength of Changsheng Sacred Land, I will arrest you now and show you." Empress Da Zhou's pretty face was frosty, and she clapped her jade-like hands.

The sky trembled, and a palm as white as jade was covered with runes, which were incomparably bright, pressing down on Su Chen.


Shadow Elder's complexion was very ugly, and he also stretched out a big hand to block the opponent.

"There are also three, six, nine levels in the Venerable realm, and you are not good enough." The Empress of the Great Zhou was able to compete with the Emperor of the Great Zhou, and her strength was very powerful, comparable to the master of a sect. The rune in her palm surged, and she turned into a real dragon, roaring up to the sky , shattered Shadow-Elder.

"I'll defeat you, the protector, first, and then I won't be too late to capture Su Chen."

Empress Da Zhou stared at Ying Elder with her phoenix eyes, and made a seal with her hands. The true spirit behind her became clearer and clearer, as if an ancient murderer descended through time and space.

"This is... the strength of Empress Da Zhou, it's terrifying."

"Empress of the Great Zhou, worthy of being called the Empress of the Great Zhou. It is rumored that her strength is not inferior to that of the Emperor of the Great Zhou. Seeing her today, she really deserves her reputation.

Many people have chattering teeth and experience extreme stress.

Shadow Elder's complexion was ugly, and he swiped his hands, condensing the big handprints of the void, and fighting against the Queen of Great Zhou.


If the two Venerables fought against each other, it would be enough to sweep across the land for thousands of miles, causing people to die. However, this place is the Great Zhou Palace, and under the operation of formation, the power of Venerables was eliminated.

But some people were still sent flying out, wow blood.

"Third prince, your Empress Da Zhou is really strong. If you can't get rid of her, I'm afraid you won't be able to ascend to the crown prince." Su Chen still has the time to talk to the third prince at this moment, as if Empress Da Zhou is not targeting him .

"Brother Su, you are already facing a catastrophe, and you still don't think of a way. The third prince said worriedly.

"Is it useful to be worried?" Su Chen asked lightly.

"I admire you a little now." The third prince said.

"Hehe, Su Chen, you still have time to chat, and soon you will fall into the hands of my highness, but don't worry, my highness will not kill you, but will try my best to torture you, hahaha..." the eldest prince Looking at Su Chen with resentment in his eyes, his expression was arrogant.

He had never suffered such a great humiliation, and he thought in his heart that he must torture Su Chen to death.

"I almost forgot, you are here, if I catch you, what can the Empress of Great Zhou do to me?" Su Chen cast the void escape method and suddenly came in front of the eldest prince.

"Su Chen, are you stupid? This is the imperial palace. How can there be no masters guarding His Highness?" The eldest prince sneered, very calm.


In the void, a spear thrust came from the sun pole.


Su Chen swung his fist, the light of the fist pierced the sky, and hit the spear, the spear was bent, and the person walking out of the void kept backing away, with a terrified expression on his face.

This is a strong Marquis Realm, but he can't stop Su Chen.

When everyone saw this scene, they were filled with admiration. In the Great Zhou Palace, they dared to capture the eldest prince. They probably would never have such courage in their lifetime.

"Give it to me!" The eldest prince was startled, and hurriedly backed away, and Jon ordered the guards to deal with Su Chen.


With a flick of Su Chen's fingers, the sword pellets flew out and turned into thirty-six flying swords, forming a sword array to trap all the guards.

"Eldest Prince, there are only the two of us left now, no one should bother us to have a good chat." Su Chen smiled.

"Su Chen, you are too courageous. Do you know the identity of my highness, if you capture me, will you still have a chance to get out of the imperial capital?" The eldest prince shouted coldly.

Su Chen stopped and said with a smile: "You are provoking me, let me take action, there are guardians beside you!"

"Junior, your sense of spirit is so keen that you actually know that the old man is by the eldest prince's side."

Ripples appeared in the void, and an old figure stepped out.

"Even the third prince has a protector. The Empress Da Zhou, who has always loved the eldest prince, will definitely find a powerful protector for her own son."

0......seeking flowers......

Su Chen smiled and said, "Is this kind of thing hard to guess?"

"Junior, this old man is just the protector of the First Prince. As long as you don't do anything to the First Prince, I won't do anything either." The old man said.

"Old Wang, kill him!" The First Prince shouted.

Elder Wang said indifferently: "Prince, I am your protector. I will only act when your life or death is in danger. Remember, I am not your slave."

The eldest prince's complexion became ugly, but Mr. Wang was the Elder of the Tailing Ancient Sect, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"You are a member of the Ancient Tailing Sect. I will tell you a piece of news. All the disciples of the Ancient Tailing Sect who entered the land of dragon veins died at my hands." Su Chen laughed.

The disciples of the Tailing Ancient Sect died at his hands, and if he didn't mention the eldest prince, he would say it, so it's better for him to say it first.

"What?" A coldness flashed in Old Wang's eyes, and he said, "Originally, I didn't want to make a move, but you dare to kill a disciple of the ancient Tailing Sect, you should be punished!"

The eldest prince was overjoyed, he didn't expect Su Chen to say that he had killed the disciple of Tailing Ancient Sect.

"Hehe, you have offended Elder Wang, you have no chance of surviving." The eldest prince laughed loudly.

"Junior, take your life!"

Wang Lao stretched out his big hand and grabbed Su Chen.


Su Chen didn't move, a gorgeous Sword Ray spread out in front of him, like an evil flower blooming, it was extremely sharp, and cut open the palm of Wang Laotan.


Elder Wang let out a scream and quickly retracted his arms.

"Do you think I only have one guardian?" Su Chen looked indifferent.

"Evil Sword Master, capture the eldest prince."


The evil spirit was overwhelming, and the evil figure of Sword Ray appeared, and the king killed him.

"What, there is another Venerable?!" On the sky, the Queen of Zhou who was fighting against the Shadow Elder frowned.

"Queen, if I say you can't do it, then you can't do it." Su Chen said flatly: "Young Sword Master, do it!"


There was a sound of a sword in the void, and it was extremely piercing, slashing towards Empress Da Zhou.

"Another Venerable!" Empress Da Zhou's beautiful phoenix eyes widened and became indifferent. With a wave of her wide sleeves, sand and rocks flew in the battlefield, and the wind howled [even the distant palace was blown. .

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