Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 134 Huge Shame, Fairy Yunling's Curiosity (1, Please Subscribe!)

Before entering the Great Hall, the creatures of the ancient sacred mountain were startled for a moment, and then trembled with anger.

"There is no such reason, no such reason."

The young man with wings on his back was extremely angry.

Not only he was angry, but other creatures were also very angry.

What status are they? They are the descendants of the gods. Usually, the servants in the sacred mountain walk in the world, and some ancient religion masters will respect them very much.

Now they are actually threatened by someone, and they will go to see them in three days.

This is a great shame to the proud of them.

"This person must die, even the immortal Sacred Land can't be saved!" The red-haired young man sneered, exuding a biting killing intent all over his body, freezing the space.

"It's just a sword array, it's so naive to try to block us. Uncle Ling, break the sword array. I want to go to Yunxian Tower and kill Su Chen." The woman with a white jade horn on her forehead said lightly.

She has always been peaceful, but now she is inevitably a little angry.

"Yes, miss."

An old man walked out from behind the woman. He was very old, but his eyes flashed brightly, and his vitality was particularly strong.

This is also a Venerable, with profound Magic power, who actually acts as a slave to others.

"With Uncle Ling attacking, the sword array is nothing to fear." Some pure-blooded creatures calmed down.

Although they all live in the holy mountain, their status is still high and low.

The young man with wings on his back, the young man with red hair and the woman with a single horn on her forehead are above them. Gods have appeared in their ancestors with pure blood, while others are just offshoots.

In terms of status, they are not as good as them.

Only around them are Venerable-level protectors.

Ling Bo walked up to the Great Hall, turned his palm, and a big seal appeared.

This large seal is crystal clear and is made of bones, with various ferocious birds and beasts carved on it.


Ling Bo sacrificed the big seal, and suddenly the wind howled, all kinds of ferocious birds and beasts came out through the big seal, and rushed towards the sword formation.

And the great seal is pressing down like a sacred mountain, and the sky is trembling.


At this time, the sword formation glowed, and the three hundred and sixty Flying Swords vibrated, and the sword's sound shook the sky, resounding throughout the city of God.

One after another Tongtian Sword Qi connects the heaven and the earth, piercing through the sky and the ground, the Sword intent pervades, splits open the ferocious birds and beasts, and sends the Great Seal flying out.


As if being provoked, a total of thirty-six Flying Swords slashed directly at Ling Bo.

These thirty-six Flying Swords exuded fierce auras, turned into hundreds of feet long, smashed down in the air, and the void burst into big cracks.

"No, miss, be careful, this sword formation is weird."

Ling Bo shouted, his whole body burst into light, and he met Flying Sword.


After a fight, Ling Bo was defeated and was almost killed by the Flying Sword.

Even if he retreated, he was severely injured. There was a huge sword mark on his chest, and the ribs inside could be seen, with blood flowing.

And the Magic power passed on from generation to generation cannot repair the injury, and the Sword intent flows in the wound, preventing the wound from healing.

"What kind of sword array is this? Why is Ling Bo injured?" Everyone was shocked.

Ling Bo is a Venerable, and he is not a weakling among the Venerables. He ranks at the top among all the Venerables in Shenshan.

"Miss, this sword formation is very likely to be a quasi-divine formation. Only by asking the master to come and hold a quasi-sacred weapon can the sword formation be broken." Ling Bo said, and spewed out another big mouthful of fresh water.

Everyone was horrified, the girl's father had a very high status in the sacred mountain, he could be said to be one of the five giants, even when he came, he had to hold a quasi-sacred weapon to break the formation.

"Do we really have to bow our heads to Su Chen to admit our mistakes, bow our heads to a human race, I can't do it." The young man with wings on his back gritted his teeth, very unwilling.

"What else can we do, we can't break through the sword formation, do we have to wait three days later, and Su Chen will send someone to kill us?"

"Hmph, I don't believe that Su Chen dared to kill us. If he killed us, Changsheng Sacred Land would also be in great trouble."

"We can't gamble, we can only bow our heads first, and then find the place again during the Dao Discussion Conference."

"Yes, it's nothing to bow your head for a while. We will have a lot of opportunities to take revenge in the future."

Many living beings have a word for you, and I have a word for each other. At the end of the conversation, the only way to go is to bow your head and meet Su Chen.

The movement of the sword array has long attracted the attention of cultivators in the city of God. At this moment, divine thoughts streaked across the sky to observe the sword array.

"Look, the ancient sacred mountain is worthy of being an ancient sacred mountain. It is said that there are gods today. When they came to the divine city, they set up such a powerful sword array [for fear that even the oil formation cannot wade into it.

"Sacred Mountain has a profound heritage. If you can enter the sacred mountain, even if you become a slave, you will reach the sky in one step."

Some divine thoughts sounded, feeling envious.

0......seeking flowers......

"That's not right, this sword array doesn't seem to be arranged by the creatures of the holy mountain, it seems to be used to trap the creatures of the holy mountain."

"Hey, from what you said, it was really used to trap them.

Someone noticed something was wrong, and there was an uproar.

"Who the hell is this person who is so courageous that he dares to use the sword array to trap the creatures of Shenshan Mountain? Does he not want to live?"

"This person is too naive, how can a sword array trap the creatures of the holy mountain."

"Look, the servants of the creatures on the mountain have made a move."

Everyone pointed and their eyes fell on the sword.

The next moment Their expressions were horrified, and they saw an incredible scene.

The old servant of Shenshan Shengling, a Venerable-level master, unexpectedly lost to the sword formation, and was almost killed by the sword formation.


Seeing this, many gasped.

What level of sword array is this? It actually has the power to kill Venerable.

On a tall building, a beautiful figure appeared, her beautiful eyes looked at the sword array in the distance, and her curiosity flashed across.

She is Fairy Yunling.

She was very aware of what happened in Yunxian Tower not long ago. Someone wanted Su Chen to visit him, and finally a fight broke out.

"Did Su Chen set up the sword array?" Fairy Yunling whispered.

At first she thought that Su Chen was just the true biography of Changsheng Sacred Land, no different from others, but then Su Chen won the bet with Li Daoxuan, which surprised her slightly.

Now, the other party dared to fight against the creatures of Shenshan, and even trapped the other party with a sword array.

At this moment, Fairy Yunling felt that Su Chen's body was full of mist, and people couldn't help but go to push through the mist and see his true face.

"Su Chen, interesting." Fairy Yunling was curious about Su Chen.

"The creatures of the ancient sacred mountain are still as arrogant as ever, and they dare to provoke Su Chen. If Su Chen conflicts with the ancient sacred mountain, we can benefit from it." Inside the manor of the ancient Tailing sect, the ancient Elder looked at him from afar. A look of fear flashed in his eyes.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Demon Sword Master came again.

"We are willing to go to see Su Chen, and ask the senior to put away the sword array." The woman with a jade horn on her forehead said.

Others did not speak, but clenched their fists, feeling very humiliated.

"Is this how you look when you meet the young master? This will make the young master unhappy." Demon Sword respected Daoshan. .

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