Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 136 The Discussion Conference Opens, The First Duel (3, Please Subscribe!)

"Is this the power of the Marquis Realm? It is indeed powerful.

In the Great Hall, Su Chen experienced the baptism of the divine rainbow and stepped into the Fenghou Realm. He felt the rune in his body constantly gushing out power, blending with the world, and every move can mobilize the power of the world


He raised his hand and stamped in the void, only to see that the space was like a rag, broken by his palm, with cracks appearing one after another.

The symbol of Fenghou Realm is to open up the void with its own power.

"Congratulations, young master, who broke through to seal the Marquis Realm, he will surely become a saint and become an ancestor in the future." The three sword masters appeared and bowed to congratulate.

"When did you learn to flatter?" Su Chen said with a smile.

"My son is a god-man, let's tell the truth." The three great swordsmen said.

Su Chen waved his hand and let the three great sword masters go down.

After breaking through to Fenghou Realm, he didn't do Closed Door Training anymore, but visited the city of God with a leisurely attitude.

The city of God is very lively, people come and go, even talking about it.

In a few days, the Dao Discussion Conference will start, and all the famous Sects in the Xuanming Realm have sent people to come.

08 "Su Chen."

When Su Chen returned to Yunxian Tower, a surprised voice stopped him.

He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a graceful woman looking at her with joy.

"Lingxi." Su Chen smiled.

The woman standing outside Yunxian Building is none other than the Elder of White Deer Academy, Gu Lingxi.

Su Chen went up to greet her and invited Gu Lingxi to visit the city of God together.

Along the way, Gu Lingxi told how he missed him.

"Are you going to participate in the discussion meeting?"

At night, with the bright moon hanging high, Su Chen said by a lake with a surprised expression on his face.

Gu Lingxi nodded and said: "There are several Sacred Lands for Confucianism and Taoism, and White Deer Academy is just one of them. This time I participated in the Daoism Conference for the sake of Confucianism and sage handwriting."

Confucianism and Taoism in Xuanming Realm are divided into five lines, all of which have been inherited by Confucian saints, and it is believed that the own line is the real inheritor of Confucian saints.

Confucian saints left a handwriting before their ascension. It was written by Confucian saints himself. It recorded his perception of Confucianism and Taoism.

Which branch of the Absolute Confucian Saint's handwriting is mastered.

In the previous Dao discussion conferences, Bailu Academy was at a disadvantage, and it has not mastered Confucian scriptures for thousands of years.

Therefore, for the sake of Confucian sage handwriting, Bailu Academy signed up the younger generation of disciples in the academy to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference, vowing to compete with other Confucianism. Gu Lingxi, as the Elder of the Marquis Realm, is no exception.

"Lingxi, you've been here these few days, and I'll have someone teach you how to practice." Su Chen said.

Since Gu Lingxi is going to participate in the Dao Discussion Conference, he naturally can't let her suffer. He has several Venerables around him, who can teach Gu Lingxi how to practice, and he can also tell Gu Lingxi the Confucian classics he has read in his previous life to inspire her. thought of.


Gu Lingxi nodded shyly.

In the next few days, Gu Lingxi accompanied Su Chen. During the day, Venerable preached, and at night, Su Chen personally expounded the Confucian classics of the previous life.

Several days passed in the blink of an eye, and the Dao Discussion Conference was finally about to start.

In the early morning, the sun is shining, and it is golden.

On the opening of the Dao Palace gate, many cultivators filed in.

The Dao Discussion Conference was presided over by the City Lord of Shencheng.

The Lord of Shencheng is a master of Venerable Dzogchen level, and his strength is the lord of the major dynasties and the leader of the ancient religion.

Su Chen and Gu Lingxi walked side by side, took the invitation card, entered the Lun Dao Palace smoothly, and sat down in the stands.

Zhongzhou's nine domains, each domain is vast and boundless, with many sects, and some of the top sects send young masters to participate.

Su Chen was sitting in the stands, and suddenly felt a look of hatred.

He followed his line of sight and saw a young man wearing a dragon robe, looking at him with resentment.

This person was the great prince of Zhou, sitting beside him was a man and a woman, with expressionless faces and a vigorous imposing manner, obviously not tall.

At this moment, the Great Zhou prince was talking to the two of them.

The two seemed to notice it, and looked over.

Su Chen smiled slightly and looked away.

"This person is Su Chen. It's really not easy to make Master Lin bow his head." The young and beautiful woman sitting next to the eldest prince said.

The Uncle Lin she was talking about was Empress Da Zhou, who taught the previous generation of Holy Maiden in Yinlingu.

And she is the Holy Maiden of the generation of Tailing Ancient Sect, and the man beside her is the holy son of Tailing Ancient Sect.

"His Royal Highness, Holy Maiden."

Li Daoxuan came and saluted respectfully.

"Junior Brother Li, I heard that you lost 100 million spirit crystals in a bet with Su Chen." The Son of Tailing said flatly.

"Yes." Li Daoxuan answered bravely, in front of the Holy Son, "He felt great pressure.

"Hehe, the things of our Tailing Ancient Sect are so easy to get." The Son of Tailing sneered, his tone cold.

On the other side, the creatures from the ancient sacred mountain came and took their seats.

"You are so useless, you were forced to bow your head to apologize, and you have lost the face of our ancient god mountain." A young man on the stand said lightly.

Beside him are Chikong and others who lowered their heads and dare not refute.

"His Royal Highness, you must avenge us, and you have such a vicious air.

The ancient God Mountain will select a inheritor, called the Son of God, and this young man in front of him is the God Son of God Mountain, with a high position in the God Mountain, second only to the Lord of the Five Meridians and the Lord of the Mountain.

"Hmph." Shenzi snorted coldly, didn't say much, but a coldness flashed in his eyes.

As time goes by, many ancient sects, sects, and aristocratic families entered and took their seats.

On the Dao Palace Square and the formation of space on the stage, no matter how many people come, it will not feel crowded.


A bell rang, which represented the start of the Dao Discussion Conference.


There were heavy clouds above the sky, and suddenly a golden light 760 pierced through the reserve, blasting out a huge hole.

In the hole, a golden bridge fell, and the golden bridge shone dazzlingly, like an ancient golden dragon swimming.

On the golden bridge stood a Daoist standing with his hands behind his back, wearing a Daoist robe, his gaze was steady.

This person is the Lord of Shencheng, a peerless master.

"The Dao Discussion Conference is open, please don't hurt your peace." The Lord of Shencheng said.

"Now that the first half is starting, sects and orthodoxy with grievances can go to the arena for a duel, regardless of life or death, but after today's duel, the past grievances and grievances will not be mentioned again.

The Lord of Shencheng pointed a finger, and rings appeared on the square, which could be used by many cultivators to fight.

The arena also contains spatial formation, which appears to be boundless.


A young figure stepped onto the ring and said calmly: "Su Chen, come up and fight!"

Everyone was very surprised that someone started a duel so soon.

"Su Chen, who is this person? He actually invited the Holy Son of the Tailing Ancient Sect to fight."

"I know this person is the true biography of Changsheng Sacred Land, and the rumor is that he is the Double Pupils."

"Hehe, I do know some inside information. It is rumored that Su Chen was a guest of the Great Zhou Dynasty and had a conflict with the Queen of the Great Zhou. In the end, I don't know what method was used to make the Queen of the Great Zhou bow her head.

The Holy Son of Tailing is here to find the place for Empress Da Zhou. "

Everyone started talking in low voices. .

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