Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 152 The Power Of The Cultivator In The Upper Realm, The Legendary Golden Ship From The Other

"I have found the end of the Supreme secret realm." From the outside world, Ye Xiao was a little surprised when he received the summons. He did not expect that the person who lived forever in Sacred Land would find the end of the Supreme secret realm so soon.

"A sea of ​​blood."

At the next moment, he looked thoughtful and said, "Old Ling, let's go and enter the Supreme secret realm."

He was the first to lead Ling Lao into the Supreme secret realm.

Ye Xiao took action, and the other upper realm cultivators also took action, stepping into the Supreme secret realm.

The Supreme secret realm is very dangerous. There are many ancient beasts and pure blood creatures living in it. The combat power is powerful, and Venerable is in danger of falling.

But these creatures from the upper realm ran amok and pushed the secret realm directly to the end.


Above the dome of the sky, stands a figure standing tall, releasing infinite energy, the energy and blood are as exuberant as the sea, distorting the void like an eternal furnace.

"This is the sea of ​​blood." Ye Xiao stood in the air, watching the turbulent waves in front of him, and the big waves rolled up Gao Tian's sea of ​​blood.

"Why is there a sea of ​​blood in the Supreme secret realm, and what does that Supreme from the ancient times want to do?" Ling Lao, as a god, couldn't figure it out.

"The world is a Sea of ​​Bitterness, who can cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness and reach the other shore?"

Ye Xiao seemed to understand the meaning of the sea of ​​blood, and said: "The sea of ​​blood is filthy, and the world is also filthy. The ancient Supreme probably used the sea of ​​blood as a metaphor for the Sea of ​​Bitterness. If we want to get his inheritance, we need to cross the sea of ​​blood and reach the other shore." .”

"You, drive the Magical Item to cross the sea of ​​blood." Yang Yi of the Sun God Cult pointed directly at a Venerable and told him to cross the sea.

This Venerable is a Rogue Cultivator, and the Cultivation Base is very powerful, and he was a little dissatisfied at the moment, saying: "Even though you are cultivators in the upper realm, you can't order me at will."

"You are just from good backgrounds. Under the same environment, I will not be worse than you."

This Rogue Cultivator still has a lot of backbone, and he doesn't want to curry favor with the cultivator in the upper realm, said coldly.

The other lower realm cultivators shook their heads slightly upon hearing this.

From the fact that they served the cultivators of the upper realm these days, they already knew that these cultivators of the upper realm were very arrogant and looked down on the cultivators of the lower realm. If this person said so, he would definitely dissatisfy the cultivators of the upper realm and lead to death.

"Bold, the young master tells you to go, so you go, why bother talking nonsense." An old servant walked out from behind Yang Yi, with a cold expression on his face, exuding a majestic divine light, and wanted to teach this Venerable a lesson.

"Hehe, let me do it," Yang Yi said suddenly.

He stood in the air, with golden light flowing all over his body, and there was a round divine disk behind him, like a round of sun, setting him off like a god.

He stepped out and slapped the Venerable away.


At this moment, everyone felt a terrifying fluctuation of Blood Qi, like a mighty golden king yang, the surrounding wind howled, and the mountains were blown up from the ground, flying to the distance.

"It's such a terrible power. Without using the Magic power, just the power of the physical body can shake the sky." Everyone was terrified and felt incredible.

The Rogue Cultivators Venerable was also shocked, and hastily urged the Magical Item to block it with magical powers.


With a slap, the Magical Item that Rogue Cultivators offered was disintegrated inch by inch like a piece of paper, and the magical power was also scattered by the slap.


Finally, the golden slap fell, and Rogue Cultivators Venerable resisted with all his strength, but he still couldn't stop it. He was slapped into a pulp, leaving no bones left.

"You can't even catch my palm, and you dare to speak wild words." Yang Yi said coldly.

The lower realm Venerable was silent, they could tell that Yang Yi had only stepped into the Venerable Realm, the Cultivation Base of the Rogue Cultivators Venerable had already reached the Venerable late stage, and his strength was tyrannical, but even Yang Yi's physical strength couldn't stop him , was slapped to death.

"The cultivator in the upper realm is too domineering, he will kill people if he disagrees with him."

This is the voice of everyone. Although they want to curry favor with the cultivator in the upper realm and reach the sky in one step, the cultivator in the upper realm ignores the creatures in the lower realm, which makes them feel uncomfortable.

"Who else dares to object?" Yang Yi said lightly.

The scene was peaceful, and no one stood up.

"Very good, it seems that you know the own position."

Yang Yi pointed at a Venerable and said, "You, sacrifice the Magical Item to cross the sea of ​​blood."

Venerable, who was fingered by Yang Yi, trembled. He didn't dare to disobey Yang Yi's order, so he could only obey.

He sacrificed a Magical Item like a big cauldron [holding him and flying to the depths of the sea of ​​blood.


He didn't fly very far before he was pulled into the sea of ​​blood by an invisible force, and he couldn't even react.

Everyone saw that the Venerable fell into the sea of ​​blood and struggled desperately, but was quickly swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, leaving no bones left.

"There seems to be an air-forbidden force above the sea of ​​blood, making it impossible for people to fly over." Someone said.

"Can't fly, should we go there by boat?" Venerable looked puzzled.

"Hehe, it's really interesting. It seems we need to wait." Ye Xiao laughed.

The other upper realm cultivators were very calm, obviously knowing what Ye Xiao meant.

In the distance, Feng Yunxiu looked at Su Chen and asked, "`" What do you think Ye Xiao said?"

When Ye Xiao lived in Changsheng Sacred Land, the people of Changsheng Sacred Land already knew his name.

"It's the golden ship from the other shore." At this time, Jade God said via voice transmission.

"The golden ship on the other side?" Su Chen eyes revealed puzzled.

"The Golden Ship on the Other Shore is a non-Immortal ship that is said to cross the Sea of ​​Bitterness. It has traveled through the ages, and the Supreme in the ancient times has great powers. He must have mastered the method of communicating with the Golden Ship on the Other Shore. Therefore, what the cultivator said to wait is to wait for the Golden Ship on the Other Shore. The projection came over and led everyone across the sea of ​​blood."

Jade God explained through voice transmission.

Su Chen understood, and said to Feng Yunxiu, "Maybe I'll find out after a while."

The upper realm cultivator didn't open his mouth to speak, and sat cross-legged in the void to wait quietly. The lower realm cultivator naturally didn't dare to ask more questions and could only wait with him.

There are also some people who know that they are not qualified to cross the river, so they leave here and look for resources in other regions, and the creatures of the upper world will not stop them. In their view, only the inheritance of Supreme can make their hearts move. God medicine, magic medicine, they have everything in the upper world, and the medicine is more effective.

Ten days of this waiting have passed, and when the morning of the eleventh day comes, a golden sun appears at the end of the sea of ​​blood, shining brightly, even more dazzling than the sun.

Everyone looked over intently, and saw an extremely huge golden ship approaching, like an ancient sacred mountain floating on the sea.

"Swire's Supreme really has a way to communicate with the golden ship on the other side. Ye Xiao showed a smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

The Golden Ship from the Other Shore soon came to the shore of the Blood Sea and stopped.

This is just a projection of the real golden ship on the other side, but it is so real, as if it was made of fairy gold.

Ye Xiao and other upper realm cultivators stepped onto the golden boat first, and then some lower realm cultivators boarded the golden boat.

Of course, not all lower realm cultivators can board the ship, only Venerable, and some people from the Sacred Land of the ancient Pope dynasty can board the ship.

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