Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 154 Ninth Grade Of Magic Medicine, Kneel Down For Me (2, Please Subscribe!)

The immemorial sacred land is vast and boundless, magnificent and boundless, like a big world.

Everyone set out to the depths of the sacred land, looking for the inheritance of Supreme.


A gigantic and unparalleled Sirius appeared, roaring towards the sky, swallowing the power of the moonlight, the mountains shook, and darkness fell within a radius of ten thousand miles in an instant.

This is a Howling Moon Sirius, with a ball of green divine fire beating on its forehead, it is a divine wolf.

"Not good, Kanda Bing actually has a god-level beast." Many old servants who guarded the heavenly pride in the upper world said in surprise.

After traveling thousands of miles, they saw a moon-screaming Sirius standing on a mountain peak in the distance, and they were very shocked.

This is a real divine beast, and it has the blood of the Primordial Howling Moon Sirius in its body. Its physical body is tyrannical and its magic power is powerful.


The Howling Moon Sirius discovered the crowd, opened his mouth and spat out, and a bolt flew towards him, the rune in the bolt was shining, containing powerful energy.

"Young master, retreat."

A group of old servants fought against Xiaoyue Sirius' magic technique.

Immediately, the area was radiant and brilliant, the treasures were extremely blazing, various Magical Items were flying, and the void was dilapidated.

This Howling Moon Sirius was very powerful. He rushed over and spat out. An old servant was hit by the light, his body exploded in the air, and divine energy boiled in the air.


The next moment, the old servant reassembled his body in the distance.

"What a terrifying moon-screaming Sirius, whose strength has already reached the Great Perfection of the False God, and is only one step away from the True God. Fortunately, the Elder rewarded me with a death talisman, so I was able to save my life.

The old servant glanced at Xiaoyue Sirius, rushed to his young master, and flew to the depths of the divine land with the young master.

Seeing this, the other old servants didn't want to fight Xiaoyue Sirius, and they left with their young masters one after another.

As for all the Venerables and cultivators in the lower realm, they have already jumped to the distance.

"As expected of a god-level ferocious beast, it is so powerful that even the Void Shendu of the upper realm cannot compete." Su Chen took Feng Yunxiu and flew into the distance, sighing in his heart.

A god-level ferocious beast could kill the False God of the Upper Realm and fled in a hurry. He didn't know what terrifying beasts were hidden deep in the sacred soil.

"The Realm of the Howling Moon Sirius has reached the Great Perfection of the False God, but the real God is only a thin line away. Those old servants are not opponents, as a matter of course." Jade God has been watching the changes in the outside world, and said through voice transmission.

"Junior Brother Su, shall we leave the Divine Land next, or continue forward?" Feng Yunxiu asked.

The sacred land is extremely dangerous. Venerables are in danger of falling at any time when they enter. Xu Shendu must be careful, their Cultivation Base is in the Marquis Realm, if they break in without authorization, they may die.

"Senior Sister Feng, since you are here, you will naturally enter. The greater the crisis, the greater the reward." Su Chen said.

"Okay, I will accompany you into the divine land." Feng Yunxiu said.

The two flew along the ground and flew deep into the sacred soil.

The Spiritual Qi in the ancient God King was very rich, which was very suitable for the growth of living beings. They did not fly very far, and found many elixir, precious medicine, and even quasi-magic medicine.

Su Chen dug out all these herbs and put them in the storage bag.

"Well, that's up ahead..."

Su Chen stopped, and saw that in the valley in front of him, there were many rays of light, colorful and extremely gorgeous.

He activated the Double Pupils, looked through the light, and saw a water pool in the valley. A three-color Lotus flower grew in the water pool. At this moment, the three-color lotus flower was in full bloom, and the light was blazing.

"It's a three-color lotus." Su Chen's heart skipped a beat.

These days, Su Chen consulted Hunlao and Jade God a lot, and learned a lot about the magic medicine.

The magic medicine is divided into nine ranks, the ninth rank is the lowest, and the first rank is the highest.

Almost all the magic medicines in Xuanming Realm are ninth-grade magic medicines, and only in the ancient times can there be eight-grade magic medicines, or even seventh-grade magic medicines.

And the three-color lotus in the valley is a seventh-grade magic medicine, which is the medicinal material that Lian Tian Shendu is very excited about.

"Hehe, I'm lucky, I found a seventh-grade magic medicine." Suddenly, a chuckle came from a distance.

In a moment, three figures flew from a distance.

The three figures are very extraordinary, extremely noble, and they are all cultivators from the upper realm.

Of course, they don't have servants to guard them, so in terms of status and status, they are not as good as the young arrogance of the upper world.

"Both of you, go to the valley to dig out the three-color lotus."

The three also saw Su Chen and the two of them, and one of the beautiful women pointed at Su Chen and ordered.

They looked haughty and didn't care whether Su Chen objected.

Su Chen said with a smile on his face, "Don't you have servants around you?"

"What do you mean? Are you mocking our low status in the upper realm?" A young man turned cold.

"Lowly beings from the lower realms, if you are told to do something, do it quickly. Does it matter to you if there are servants guarding us?" The pretty woman said coldly.

0……… Ask for flowers……………

She was wearing a green dress and had a pretty face, but her thin lips seemed a bit mean.

"Since you don't have servants to guard you, and you dare to order me around, we don't want to live anymore." Su Chen's expression suddenly became indifferent, and he walked towards the three of them.

The three of them were a little dazed when they heard Su Chen's words.

You must know that they are also disciples of the Great Sect of the God Sect in the upper realm. Although they are not as good as the young Tianjiao and true disciples, their status is not low. Walking outside, they are like stars holding the moon

Today, they were ridiculed by a creature from the lower world. It was dangerous, and their faces darkened.

"Are you looking for death?" The pretty woman pointed her finger at Su Chen and said coldly.

"I hate it when people point their fingers at me."


With a slap from Su Chen, it was like a golden cloud falling down, and the sky rumbled and trembled.

"Bold, a feudal marquis realm cultivator, who has had the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard, dares to attack us." A young man sneered, his face extremely angry, and urged his treasure technique to kill Su Chen.


The golden big handprint collided with the youth's precious art, and the opponent's precious art was directly shattered, and the young man was also slapped and flew away, breaking all his bones.


The other two were shocked. They had the Cultivation Base of the King Conferred Realm and were proficient in various treasures. How could they not even be opponents of a Cultivator of the Marquis Conferred Realm of the Lower Realm.

"Is this the upper realm cultivator? I don't think it's anything special."

Su Chen's face was indifferent, and he urged his words to follow his supernatural powers, and said, "Kneel down for me!"

When the three of them were about to fight back, they felt the laws of heaven and earth rolling in. Only the four characters "get off me" vibrated in their minds, their knees bent unconsciously, and they knelt down.

This is the power of speaking the Dharma, which can arouse the blessing of the laws of heaven and earth, with infinite power.


The three of them woke up and saw themselves kneeling down to a creature from the lower world. Their lungs exploded. Angrily, they mobilized the treasure technique, sacrificed the Magical Item, and killed Su Chen.

The three of them teamed up and didn't believe that the other party could resist.


Su Chen said lightly.


One after another treasure technique, one piece of Magical Item shattered in the air.

"Kneel down!"

Su Chen said another word.


The three couldn't help but knelt down again. .

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