Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 156 Killing The Ancient Insect, Su Chen's Plan (4, Please Subscribe!)

The ancient sacred mountain is tall and majestic, magnificent and vigorous, just like the divine pillar supporting the sky in ancient times.

A bluestone path is built along the sacred mountain, spreading to the depths of the sacred mountain.

Inside the mountain, there is lush greenery, and the Spiritual Qi is extremely strong, and all kinds of rare and exotic animals walk in the mountains and forests, very leisurely.

Everyone saw that there were streaks of auspicious energy emanating from certain areas in the forest, clouds of good furtune were transpiring, and miracle medicines were growing.

Everyone's hearts were extremely excited, their eyes radiated greedy light, and they were more excited than seeing a peerless beauty.

Even the young Tianjiao in the Upper Realm are a little restless. What they usually take in the Upper Realm are quasi-miraculous medicines, or even miraculous medicines, but there are so many miraculous medicines, and the grades are not low, how can they not be tempted.

"This is the place where Supreme is inherited. I'm afraid there will be tests when climbing the mountain." A young genius from the upper world said.

He is dressed in silver armor, flowing with silver light, rich as jade, very handsome.

This person was the one who ordered the leader of Tailing to kill Qingteng, and his name was Lin Yun.

Ye Xiao said: "Fellow daoists, Supreme inheritance, each according to his own ability."


The other young Tianjiao spoke, they were very confident in themselves and did not believe that they were weaker than others.

Immediately, everyone began to climb the mountain.

The lower realm cultivator also followed suit, but the young arrogance of the upper realm did not stop them. They did not think that a mere lower realm cultivator could obtain inheritance. 08

Su Chen stepped on the bluestone path and walked towards the mountain.


He hadn't gone far, when waves of treasures fluctuated in the mountains and forests, alarming all directions, if it wasn't for the specialness of the ancient sacred mountain, it would have been sunk for thousands of miles.

A young Tianjiao from the upper realm started a war for a magic medicine, and they fought fiercely.

Su Chen looked over and saw a small purple grass growing in the forest, exuding sharp Sword intent.

"Sword-shaped grass."

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat. This is a very strange magic medicine. The grass is shaped like a sword and exudes Sword intent, which can help the cultivator understand the artistic conception of the sword.

This is an eighth grade magic medicine.

The two people who fought were both practicing swordsmanship. Sword Qi criss-crossed, extremely fierce, and cut through the void.

Su Chen didn't step forward to fight, the magic medicine had little effect on him.

He continued to move forward, and after walking for about tens of miles, suddenly there was a terrifying wave in front of him, as if two gods were attacking.

Su Chen saw a radiant figure, surrounded by golden brilliance, like a sun god, with exuberant Qi and blood rising and falling like Wang Yang.

His opponent is Lin Yun from Tailing Heaven, shrouded in silver radiance, with silver runes imprinted in the sky, communicating with ancient heroic spirits, and fighting with each other.

The sun god taught Yang Yi to fight against Tai Lingtian Lin Yun.

The reason for the battle between the two was to compete for the remnants of enlightenment on a cliff.

Su Chen didn't go forward, but urged the Double Pupils to observe the remnants on the cliff in the distance.

Those are a few very scribbled marks, like a child's graffiti.

But Su Chen saw the traces of the Tao, each and every trace, like the rules of the Tao, which makes people addicted.


When Su Chen realized the remnants, the Cultivation Technique in his body was running, and he unconsciously broke through to the peak of Fenghou.

He was originally in the late stage of the feudal marquis, but this moment of enlightenment, by analogy, he broke through a small Realm.

Next to them, some upper realm cultivators and lower realm Venerables were very surprised. They didn't expect someone to breakthrough while watching the remnants.

"What a high level of comprehension." Seeing Su Chen breakthrough, Ye Xiao's eyes moved slightly.

Su Chen woke up and walked deep into the mountain.

When he walked for several miles, his eyes suddenly opened up, and a huge palace appeared in front of him.

This palace is not particularly gorgeous, it is just piled up with huge stones, simple and natural, exuding the breath of time.


Su Chen was not the only one who saw the palace. Many young talents from the upper realm and Venerable from the lower realm flew past and rushed towards the palace.


Wan Xingtian's Xingdaokong was the fastest. He rushed to the front of the palace, holding a Fangtian painting halberd, and split open the palace gate with a few blows.

Inside the hall, there are thin auspicious colors and flowing white mist, which is formed by the thick spiritual qi.

Everyone became excited and rushed to the palace one after another, fearing that they would be too late and they would not even be able to drink the soup.

Su Chen activated the Void Escape Method, took a step forward, and came to the gate of the hall.

"Go away." At this time, an upper realm cultivator saw Su Chen and slapped him.


Su Chen's complexion remained unchanged, and he came first, slapped the man's face, and sent him flying.


This person got up from the ground and looked at Su Chen with a gloomy expression.

Su Chen glanced at him, ignored him, and stepped into the palace.

In the hall, white mist flowed, covering the line of sight, and everyone just ran forward excitedly.

Suddenly, someone's complexion changed drastically, and he rushed out of the hall.


The next moment, the chewing sound was heard, and the cultivator first rushed into the upper realm deep in the Great Hall, let out a scream, and then fell silent.

"Is there a ghost in the hall?" The young Tianjiao from the upper realm was surprised, and activated the treasure technique to blow away the mist.

"This is...... the ancient god-slaying insect?!"

Everyone saw that in the depths of the hall, densely packed red insects were crawling and eating several corpses.

The red worm is crystal clear, the size of a palm, but its small body contains terrifying energy.

This is an ancient insect that the gods fear, and it is called Killing God.

It is rumored that in a distant era, a group of ancient god-slaying insects could turn a world into nothingness.

Even in the upper realm, if a group of god-killing ancient insects were dispatched, it would be enough to silence a whole state.

"Fortunately, it's not an adult god-slaying ancient insect, but a larva, which can only threaten Venerable." The young Tianjiao from the upper realm carefully identified it and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then they became excited again, these are larvae, if they are subdued, brought back to cultivate carefully, and they will all become adults in the future, they will have an extra hole card.

Just imagine, with a wave of your hand, a large group of god-killing ancient insects are dispatched, even the God King will feel terrified when he sees it.

Immediately, everyone rushed to kill the god-killing ancient worm, wanting to collect the ancient worm first.


Waves of precious art came out of the hall, and rays of light shone brightly, illuminating every inch of the Great Hall. If this hall was special, it would have collapsed long ago.

"Ancient God Slaughter, I might be able to..." With a thought in his mind, Su Chen secretly urged the Soul Seeding Seal to strike at Ancient God Slaughter.

According to the three disciples of the Sun God Sect in the upper realm, the soul-seed seal is almost lost in the upper realm, no one has a complete soul-seed seal, and this kind of soul-seed seal is very difficult to find.

Su Chen's idea is to put the soul-seeding seal into the ancient god-killing insect, and let the person who got the ancient god-killing insect cultivate the ancient insect for him. When the ancient insect becomes an adult, he can take back the ancient insect with a single thought.

Su Chen rushed up to Ye Xiao and said, "Brother Ye, I'll help you."

He unleashed a sword array, Sword Qi swept across, and repelled the young Tianjiao from the upper realm who was against Ye.

Ye Xiao turned around and saw Su Chen. He was surprised at first, then smiled, and said, "Su Chen, I'll stop them, you go to subdue the ancient god-killing insects."

Ask Su Chen to collect the ancient worm, and he asks for it from Su Chen, but Su Chen dare not refuse to give it.

Su Chen nodded, and rushed towards the ancient god-killing insect.

Then he began to cast the soul-seeding seal, penetrating into every ancient worm's body.

After the soul-seeding seal fell into the body of the god-killing ancient insect, it merged with the soul, and even Saint could not detect it.

This is a complete soul-seeding seal, which is different from the soul-seeding seal refined by the three great sword masters and others. .

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