Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 175 Burning Incense To Tell The Sky, Su Chen Ascends (3, Please Subscribe!)

Within the Sacred Land of Longevity, the Lord of Longevity brought Su Chen into a magnificent spiritual mountain.

If Su Chen wants to enter the upper realm, there are generally only three ways.

The first method is to use the Cultivation Base to reach the Realm of the False God, blast the world barrier with its own strength, and open up a passage for ascension.

The second method is to be led up by the Taoism of the upper realm.

The third method is smuggling. Sometimes a secret passage is opened between the lower realm and the upper realm, and one can use the secret passage to enter the upper realm.

Su Chen's Cultivation Base has not reached the Realm of False God, so he will definitely not choose the first method, and the third method is not necessary for him.

He was born in the Sacred Land of Eternal Life, which is a branch of the Upper Realm of the Longevity Heaven, so it is completely possible to contact the Upper Realm of the Longevity Heaven and lead him there.

The Lord of Longevity walked up to the Lingfeng Peak, took out an incense stick and lit it, and a faint cloud of smoke floated up and merged into the sky.

This is "407" who burns incense to tell the heavens, and can contact the people in the upper realm of longevity.

The upper realm is vast and boundless, and its territory is endless.

Within a vast territory, there are countless sacred mountains, Sacred breath is strong, thousands of feet of waterfalls hang down, spiritual springs are everywhere, auspicious energy is transpiring, and there are countless spirit beasts.

In front of a mountain gate, stands a stone tablet with the word "Longevity" written on it, exuding majestic coercion.

This place is Longevity Heaven.

Within the Longevity Sky, the first stage of the palace is heavy, and there are countless jade buildings and pavilions.

In a Great Hall, several old men in Taoist robes sat cross-legged, closing their eyes and meditating.

In front of several old men is a huge sand table, which is divided into many squares, and each square represents a Shi Cong.

Suddenly, a faint cloud of smoke floated in a block.

"Well, there is a connection with the Taoism of the lower realm, and incense is used." Several old men opened their eyes.

Incense is very precious, and it takes tens of thousands of years to condense one. If the incense can be used by the lower realms, there must be something important to report.

Incense is very helpful to the practice of gods. It is difficult to condense incense in the upper realm, but it is different in the lower realm. The power of incense can be collected. This is also the reason why the Daoist system of the upper realm created branch Taoism in the lower realm.

Every ten thousand years, the Taoist system of the lower realms must pay a certain amount of incense. If there is not enough incense, they will be punished.

Of course, if there is enough incense, you can also get rewards.

Su Chen destroyed the ancient god mountain and got a lot of incense, so he can use the incense to communicate with the upper world.

"Which world is it?" an old man asked.

Changshengtian has Taoism left in all major worlds, and it can be said to be a giant.

An old man glanced at it and said, "It's Xuan Mingyuan."

"Hey, it's actually the Xuanming Realm. Ye Xiao's true biography seems to have just returned from the Xuanming Realm. What do people in this realm want to report?" An old man said in surprise.

"Let's have a look first."

One of the old men pointed his finger, and the wisp of cloud and smoke condensed into a picture, which appeared in the hall.

In the lower realm, seeing the huge face appearing in the sky, the Lord of Longevity saluted respectfully, and told about Su Chen.

"Double Pupils?!" Several old people were very surprised.

They are Longevity Elders, so they naturally understand the horror of Double Pupils.

"If this Su Chen is really Double Pupils, bringing him up would be a great achievement." An Elder laughed.

"Ye Xiao went to the lower realm before the true biography, why didn't he tell the Double Pupils about it?"

"Ye Xiao's true biography comes from the Ye family, and it is a true biography. He must understand the horror of Double Pupils. He doesn't want to let this person enter the upper realm and add another competitor."

"Let's do it, give him a spot."

Several Elders discussed and decided to grant the Ascension quota.

Although they can't recognize the Double Pupils now, they also know that the orthodox masters of the lower world dare not deceive them, otherwise they will die without a place to bury them.

"Wait, the lord of the orthodoxy of the lower world said that there is still a True Phoenix bloodlined person, and one more quota is needed." Elder said.

"One quota is given, and two quotas are given together. If it is really the blood of Double Pupils and True Phoenix, our Changshengtian will definitely be blessed by heaven." Elder contacted the Ascension Platform and asked them to grant two quotas for Ascension.

In the lower realm, the Lord of Longevity looked at the burning incense and said, "Su Chen, the day of ascension will be in three days. You and Feng Yunxiu should make preparations early."

"it is good.

Su Chen returned to Yuntian Great Hall, at this time the old soul appeared, saying: "Finally, we can return to the upper realm."

He sighed very much, at this moment he thought of murdering his disciples.

"There are too many strong people in the upper realm, so be careful after entering the upper realm."

Jade God appeared and said: "And after you enter the upper realm, you must first complete your own rules of heaven and earth, otherwise it will be bad for your future practice.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Su Chen and Feng Yunxiu stood on a sacred altar, waiting for the upper world to guide them......


The sky and the earth shook, and lightning streaked across the sky, just like the end of the world.

Above the sky, a huge portal emerged, with colorful streamers shining brightly, reflecting the sky and the earth.

At the same time, the heavens and the earth are full of flowers, golden lotuses spring up from the ground, and various visions emerge one after another, disturbing the Eastern Wasteland.

"Is anyone going to ascend?" Many people were discussing.

Su Chen looked at the gate of ascension in the sky, and saw that gate slowly opened, and a rainbow bridge stretched out from the gate of ascension, spreading to his feet.

"People from the lower realm, step on Hongqiao and enter the Gate of Ascension, and we will guide you to the upper realm." A majestic voice sounded.

Su Chen and Feng Yunxiu looked at each other and stepped onto the Hongqiao together.

Then Hongqiao shrank and brought them into the Ascension Gate.

Inside the gate of ascension, there is radiance, and a channel of light can be seen, extending to the end of the distance.

Su Chen and Feng Yunxiu set foot on the ascension channel and flew forward.

The upper realm Changshengtian flew up to the platform, and several guards were discussing.

"This time Elder actually gave a world two Ascension quotas, it's unbelievable."

"That's right, the last time I gave the lower world a place to ascend was three hundred years ago."

"Xuan Ming Realm is not the world where Ye Xiao's true biography goes. Could it be that these two people have something to do with Ye Xiao's true biography?"

"Is 2.1 going through the back door?"

"It's none of our business, so don't talk nonsense, be careful to pass it on to Ye Xiao's true biography, we can't eat it and walk around."

At this time, the ascension platform was filled with light, and the rune was shining brightly, and two figures appeared in front of everyone.

There are two figures, a man and a woman, the man is handsome and handsome, the woman is as beautiful as jade, the woman has exquisite facial features, skin as white as snow, and water-cut eyes, very touching.

"Hey, one is a king and one is a marquis. Cultivation Base is too weak." Several guards frowned.

They are just the lowest-level guards of Changshengtian, all of them have Venerable Realm, and the leader has a Cultivation Base of False God Realm.

"Su Chen, Feng Yunxiu, follow me." At this moment, an Elder flew over and took Su Chen and Feng Yunxiu to the outside.

"Senior Sister Feng, let's go." Su Chen felt the Spiritual Qi around him, and smiled slightly.

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