Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 178 True Biography Test, Tower Of Longevity (2, Please Subscribe!)

Changshengtian, in a magnificent Great Hall.

Inside the hall, the atmosphere was solemn, several old men sat cross-legged in the void, with chaotic air permeating their bodies, and a golden light flashed across the sky between the opening and closing of their eyes.

Dense runes appeared around them, and the sound of the avenue resounded.

"Double Pupils?" An old man with a huge amulet behind him asked, looking at the message with a surprised expression.

"What do you think?" Another old man asked. Behind him was a flower in full bloom, radiant and fragrant.

"Double Pupils appeared in the ancient times, swept the upper world invincible, and finally boarded Supreme. If the news is correct, this little guy named Su Chen is really a Double Pupils, and it is indeed worth cultivating." An old man surrounded by chaotic mist said, looking Bright.

"Zhang Elder has confirmed that it is indeed Double Pupils. In addition to Double Pupils, there is also a True Phoenix bloodline."

"Double Pupils can arrange for him to participate in the true inheritance test. As long as he passes the test, he will be excluded from the true inheritance. As for the owner of the True Phoenix bloodline, an Elder can be accepted as a disciple and cultivated well.

In the hall, several old men spoke one after another.


"I think so."

They made a decision and sent out a divine thought.

"Arranging a true test?!" In a palace, Zhang Elder was slightly surprised when he received the summons.

The retired elders above valued Double Pupils so much that they even directly arranged for a true pass test.

He didn't dare to neglect, and left for the place where the inner disciple lived at 940, to find Su Chen.

"Hey, Su Chen, you have transformed and completed your own Movement Technique." Elder Zhang was surprised.

At the same time, he was secretly startled, as expected of Double Pupils, even though they had just arrived in the upper realm, they were able to replenish the laws of the body so quickly.

"Meet the Elder." Su Chen cupped hands.

Zhang Elder said: "Su Chen, the retired elder has decided to let you take part in the true test, you need to be prepared.

"Elder, I'm available anytime." Su Chen said.

He was not surprised, after all, from what he knew, Changshengtian attached great importance to the top Tianjiao, and he was a Double Pupils. According to the information he got, the ancient Double Pupils once swept the upper world without peer, and looked down on everyone. , as long as the retired elder of Changshengtian is not a fool, he will definitely be taken seriously.

"Okay, then you come with me." Elder Zhang led Su Chen outside.

They walked to the depths of Changshengtian, and Zhang Elder introduced: "The true test is very difficult. You need to pass the twenty-fourth floor of the Longevity Tower to be eligible to become a true disciple."

The Tower of Eternal Life is the treasure of longevity. It has thirty-three floors in total. Those who can pass the ninth floor are already considered geniuses. Those who pass the eighteenth floor are considered geniuses. Those who pass the twenty-fourth floor can be regarded as top talents. The seventeenth floor is comparable to Daozi, and the cultivator who can get through the thirty-third floor is called the juvenile Supreme.

When Su Chen and Zhang Elder came to the Tower of Longevity, they saw a majestic giant tower soaring into the clouds, so high that it couldn't be seen.

At the entrance of the divine tower, there is also a huge stone tablet, on which are written the names of the disciples who participated in the test in the past.

Of course, if you want to leave your name on the stele, you need to pass the ninth floor at least.

Su Chen saw Ye Xiao's name on the stone tablet, and he passed the twenty-sixth floor.

"Go in, whether you can pass the test depends on your own performance." Zhang Elder said.

With a calm expression, Su Chen stepped into the Tower of Longevity.

"Has it started yet?"

Inside the Temple of Longevity, several retired elders waved their hands, and a picture appeared in the hall, watching Su Chen break into the tower.

level one.

Su Chen stepped in, only to see the boundless mist, and in an instant, the mist condensed into a shadow, killing Su Chen.


As soon as the opponent makes a move, it is an earth-shattering treasure.

Su Chen didn't even look at it, just tapped his finger, shattering the treasure technique and killing the figure.

"Well, being able to cultivate to the king-conferring state in the lower realm, and to complete the law so quickly in the upper realm, Double Pupils is indeed (aiff) extraordinary. Judging by his combat power, the first twenty floors are not considered for him. Difficult, but easy to pass." The old man with the divine disk behind him commented.

Just like what he said, Su Chen went all the way to the twentieth floor.

On the twentieth floor, the Cultivation Base of the person who made the move has reached the Venerable Realm, and as soon as he made the move, the Taoist tablet was suppressed, and the sky rumbled.

"It's still not as good as the Supreme test." Su Chen's fists glowed, and he activated the Immortal Fist, which directly blasted the figure.

"What a frightening Fist Technique, this technique is very powerful, it can be ranked among the most powerful techniques." There was a trace of fluctuation in the eyes of the retired elder Furui Wubo.

The twenty-first floor, the twenty-second floor... The twenty-fourth floor.

The twenty-fourth floor did not keep Su Chen's footsteps, until now he has not used the power of the Double Pupils, and directly broke through the twenty-fourth floor with his own strength.

"We have passed the twenty-fourth floor, and Sect has another true disciple. Congratulations. How many floors can we see?" Several retired elders were very curious, staring at the screen.


The figure that appeared this time, from the Cultivation Base to the Venerable middle stage, was suppressed by the nine Taoist monuments as soon as he made a move, forming a formation.

"After passing the twenty-fourth floor, I can become a true disciple, but..."

Su Chen fought against the figure, his mind turned.

It is true that he has reached the sky in one step by becoming a true disciple, but at most he is the same as other true disciples. If he wants to treat him far more than other true disciples, he must perform more outstandingly.

Thinking of this, Su Chen moved the fifth step together.


The Double Pupils glowed, and a square sky painting halberd flew out, directly splitting the formation, and the figure was also killed.

"Is this the power of Double Pupils?"

"The power of Double Pupils cannot be so simple."

The retired elders stared at the screen, it was the first time they saw Double Pupils, and they were very curious.

Twenty-fifth floor, twenty-sixth.

When Su Chen came to the twenty-seventh floor, even the retired elders held their breath.

Theoretically speaking, one who passes the twenty-fourth floor is eligible to become a True Inheritance, and one who passes the twenty-seventh floor can become a Taoist.

If Su Chen passed the twenty-seventh floor, according to the regulations, he would be regarded as a quasi-daoist.

"I wonder if he can pass the twenty-seventh floor?"

"Ye Xiao came back from the lower realm, his strength increased greatly, and he only passed the twenty-sixth floor, and stopped at the twenty-seventh floor."

The retired elders were distracted, staring at Su Chen.

On the twenty-seventh floor, a Daoist figure appeared, with a strong aura, turning into a storm and sweeping across.

His Realm has reached the Venerable late stage, and the Magic power is deep.


This Daoist figure's shot was extremely fierce, like a big sun exploding, his fist was wrapped by runes, emitting bright golden light, and the space was trembling.

"It's so powerful, not weaker than the Yang Yi of the Sun God Sect, and even stronger." With a thought in his mind, Su Chen urged the Immortal Fist to meet him. .

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