Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 203 Real Dragon Jade Bi, I Want All Of It (Subscription Required!)

The gigantic Great Desolate Dragon Gate stands erect, as if standing here forever, exuding majestic power and radiance.

Everyone looked at Honghuang Longmen with fiery eyes, but they also knew that this treasure of chaos was not something they could obtain.

The Magic Treasures conceived in the chaos are so powerful that even giants from the upper realm cannot subdue them. Their Cultivation Base is still too weak. Not to mention subduing the treasures, even using the treasures cannot do it.

"Where is the inheritance of the real dragon?" You Daozi's eyes are shining golden, conceived rune, and has cultivated the eyes of the sky, scanning the depths of the Great Hall, looking for the inheritance of the real dragon.

They entered the ancient dragon's nest for the purpose of inheriting the true dragon, hoping to obtain the true dragon's treasure.


There are quite a few Daoists who have cultivated their heavenly eyes, and they can only see streaks of golden, red, and blue light sweeping away the darkness.

"found it."

You Daozi exclaimed, his voice was full of surprise and excitement.

At the next moment, brilliant treasures erupted in the darkness, illuminating the darkness deep in the Great Hall.

Su Chen walked forward, and saw a huge jade disc in front of him. Inside the jade disc, there was a phantom of a real dragon.

You Daozi made a move, attacked and killed other people, and wanted to seize the real dragon jade.

There are also imaginary gods who attack other Taoists by sacrificing the magic item of the gods, God King Magical Item.

These imaginary gods come from different orthodoxy and forces. Apart from capturing the true dragon treasure, they also have 267 other goals, which are to kill or seriously injure other Taoists.


The void became blurred, and these gods came to kill Su Chen.

They were surrounded by divine brilliance, their foreheads were beating with divine fire, and they couldn't see their figures clearly. As soon as they came up, they used the most ruthless treasure technique, the secret technique, to kill Su Chen.

Su Chen's display of strength was too strong, which made some ancient orthodoxy in the upper world fearful and wanted to get rid of him.

He is not surprised, this is a great opportunity to get rid of him, some orthodoxy who have enmity with Changshengtian, it is impossible not to do it.

"Bold, you dare to attack and kill Daozi." Dugu Xue, Qian Xiyue and others were furious.

The three of them rushed forward, Mi Ying.

The light shone brightly in the darkness, and pieces of heavenly-level secret treasures disintegrated and exploded in the air, streaking across one after another of gorgeous divine lights, blocking the attacks of those false gods.

Su Chen didn't even look at them, and walked towards the real dragon jade bi.

Although he has long possessed the treasured technique of the true dragon, if he re-insights the treasured technique left by the real dragon, he may have a different harvest.

"Get out of the way of all." Zhan Ming of the Zhan Clan went crazy, his fists were soaring, and his blood flooded everyone.

Su Chen walked up to the jade bi, sized it up carefully, observed it, and suddenly his expression changed, and he thought to himself: "The true dragon treasures recorded in this jade bi are incomplete, only about one-tenth of them."

He is proficient in the real dragon treasure technique, and he can see through the mystery of the runes in the jade biscuit at a glance.

The real True Dragon Treasure Art is mysterious and complex, it can be said to be a heavenly book, no worse than the Longevity Treasure Art, it contains countless runes, and the moves can be combined at will, it all depends on the talent of practicing True Dragon Treasure Art.

For example, the Insight True Dragon Treasure Art can perform dragon seal, sky dragon roar, blue dragon wings, real dragon claws, etc., and each move and style is very powerful.

"Hey, there is also a piece of real dragon jade here." Suddenly, someone found a piece of jade in another direction.

"Here's a piece too."

"I have one here too."

After a while, everyone found ten pieces of jade.

"It seems that a part of the real dragon treasure technique is recorded in each piece of jade."

Everyone is very smart, and they figured it out right away.

"Ten pieces of jade, we can share them, and we can exchange them for Insight True Dragon Treasure Technique." You Daozi suggested.

No one can get ten pieces of jade, after all there are so many Taoists in the Great Hall, whoever gets ten pieces of jade will definitely become a target of public criticism.

"I agree, we don't need to kill each other, it's better to share a piece of jade, and everyone will be happy."

"I also think there is a way."

Many Daozi nodded, approving this plan.

"I don't agree." Su Chen stepped out and said flatly.

He compared the rune of the real dragon jade disc just now, and found that although he has completely mastered the real dragon treasure technique, the jade disc here is made by the real dragon himself, and has a trace of real dragon charm. The power of the technique is a great improvement.

Moreover, the task given to him by the God of Longevity is for him to capture the real dragon treasure.

Although he has become the Son of the Longevity, his foundation in the Longevity Heaven is still very shallow, and some Elders, retired elders may not recognize him.

You must know that before he entered the Longevity Heaven, those Elders and retired elders recognized the Five Great True Traditions, and they had already taken refuge in the Five Great True Traditions. Later, he turned out and took the Daozi, which naturally made some Elders and retired elders dissatisfied.

So he wants to get the real dragon treasure to prove his own value.

Just imagine, if he obtains the True Dragon Treasure Technique, anyone who wants Insight True Dragon Treasure Technique in the future will have to accept his favor, even if he doesn't approve it.

"Oh, brother Su, what's your opinion?" A young man in blue walked out and asked with a smile on his face.

"It's not high-level, let's talk about twenty or thirty Taoists here, and there are only ten pieces of jade in total, how to divide them?" Su Chen said.

"Naturally, the virtuous live here." You Daozi said.

"What a coincidence, I always feel that I am a virtuous person, can I get all the real dragon jades." Su Chen smiled and asked.

The corners of the other Daozi's mouths twitched a few times when they heard the words. They found that Daozi Changsheng really had a not wanting face sometimes, and they could say such words.

"Hehe, Brother Su was joking," said the blue-clothed youth.

Su Chen looked calmly, looked at the young man in blue, and said, "I'm not kidding, I want all these jade biscuits!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Great Hall fell silent.

Some Daozi frowned, he felt that Su Chen was not joking, but really wanted all the real dragon jade.

"Your Majesty's appetite is too big. If you want all the real dragon jade, you are not afraid of dying?" a Taoist said indifferently.

"I have a good appetite, don't bother you." Su Chen said.

"Hmph, if you want real dragon jade biscuits, then you need to stitch them together!" You Daozi said coldly, dissatisfied with Su Chen.

"That's right, Su Chen, do you think your identity can make us afraid? Even if you are very strong, you are not invincible." The other Daozi echoed.

"It's better to take this opportunity to get rid of Su Chen." Some Taoists thought darkly in their hearts.

"Then why are you talking nonsense?" Su Chen's body was full of runes, and he turned into nine avatars, walking towards the crowd.

As he walked, he said: "Don't waste your time, let's go together!"

"Arrogance, everyone says that Double Pupils are invincible, but I don't believe it." A tall young man stood up, wearing armor, flowing with glow, full of energy and blood, he was a mighty Taoist. .

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