Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 205 Ten Thousand Poisons Devil Monarch, The Leader Asks The Crime (Please Subscribe!)

In the Canglong Mountains, one after another figures sit cross-legged in the void, exuding a terrifying aura, their qi and blood are extremely strong, and their runes reflect the sky and the earth.

The Head Teacher and Sect Leader of the various Dao lines in the upper world are quietly waiting for the return of their disciples.

"I don't know if the real dragon left any treasures in the ancient dragon's lair?"

There is a leader-level figure talking to himself.

The immemorial real dragon is tyrannical and boundless, even if they face the real dragon, they will feel fear and awe.

The True Dragon Treasure Technique is the True Dragon Secret Technique, a treasure technique that hundreds of millions of cultivators in the upper world have dreamed of.

Especially those who are at the leader level, their own potential is almost exhausted, and it is difficult to go further. They really need the real dragon treasure technique as a reference, and they can understand by analogy.

"Heh "two six seven", even if there is a real dragon treasure, our disciples may not be able to inherit it." Some leaders are very self-aware and don't think their disciples can get the treasure

As long as his disciples can get many treasures left by real dragons, that's enough.

"That's because the successor you chose is too weak. My disciple will definitely get the real dragon treasure." A leader said.

He sat cross-legged in the void, with colorful halos flowing all over his body, and the fields were gorgeous.

Many leaders looked at him with fear in their eyes.

The owner of Wandu Palace, the famous Devil Monarch in the Upper Realm.

"Devil Monarch, stop talking big. Is your disciple comparable to the Daoist of Longevity? Is it comparable to the Tianjiao of the Zhan Clan? Is it comparable to the heir of the Ji clan?" Dismantle.

Wan Poison Devil Monarch said indifferently: "My disciple may not be able to compare with these people in terms of combat power, but in terms of poison, all of you together cannot compare with my disciple."

The complexion of some leaders changed slightly. The strength of Wandu Daozi may not be as good as the top Daozi, but if the poisonous way is added, it is enough to compete with the top Daozi, and even some poisonous Daozi are no problem.


The stone gate deep in the void vibrated, and a stream of light flew out from the stone gate.

Everyone cheered up immediately and said, "Someone is back."

"It seems that the competition for the true dragon inheritance has come to an end. I wonder who got the true dragon inheritance?"

The gods of the various sect masters have brilliant eyes, shooting out gorgeous rune rays of light, piercing through the void, and scanning the ancient dragon grate.


A young cultivator flew out and landed on the ground of the Canglong Mountain Range.

Immediately, the leader took action and took the own disciple away, fearing that the enemy would attack.

"Shua!" "Shua!"

Streams of light flew out, or fell into the chariot, or fell into the palace, or fell into the auspicious cloud.

Su Chen walked out of the stone gate, walked into the gorgeous chariot, and said: "Head Teacher, the inheritance of the real dragon treasure technique has been obtained."

Hearing this, Rao Changsheng Head Teacher Dao's heart is strong, and it is inevitable that there will be a wave of fluctuation at this moment.

Su Chen's voice was very soft, but none of the people present was a big shot in the upper realm, or a strong man in the holy realm, not to mention Su Chen speaking directly, even through sound transmission, they could intercept it.

In an instant, all eyes fell on the chariot, and some of the leader's eyes were not friendly.

"The inheritance of the real dragon was actually obtained by Daozi Changsheng."

Some sect masters who were still hopeful had changed their eyes at this moment, becoming sharper.

The real dragon treasure technique is enough for them to start a big battle, even if they destroy a Daozhou, they will not hesitate.

The Patriarch of the Ji Clan, the Patriarch of the Jiang Clan, and the Head Teacher of Dazizai Demon Palace, their eyes moved slightly, and they had other thoughts in their hearts.

"Head Teacher, although we haven't obtained a complete set of true dragon treasures, we have imprinted one-tenth of the true dragon runes, and we can also gain insight into some true dragon secrets." You Daozi said.

As soon as this remark came out, some teaching staff immediately showed joy...

"Why didn't my disciple come out?" Wandu Devil Monarch scanned the crowd at this moment, but he didn't see his own disciple come out.

He seemed to think of something, and his expression darkened.


He stretched out a big hand, grabbed a disciple, and wanted to ask about the disciple's situation.

"Say, what happened to my disciples?" Wandu Devil Monarch asked coldly.

This disciple is also a disciple of Wandu Palace, trembling all over at this moment, said: "Palace Master, Daozi is dead, he died in the hands of Changsheng Daozi."

"What?" When Wandu Devil Monarch heard this, he was trembling with anger. Just now he had bluffed, thinking that his disciple could stand shoulder to shoulder with Changsheng Daozi and others. In the blink of an eye, his disciple died at the hands of the other party.

"Longevity God, if you don't give me an explanation for this matter, then don't leave." Wandu Devil Monarch looked unfriendly, staring at Su Chen.

The Lord of Longevity turned in the chariot and said: "Devil Monarch, the young cultivator duel, no matter life or death, what do you want me to give you, do you want to hand over Su Chen to you?"

The tone of voice is very bad, although Devil Monarch's strength is powerful, but he has not been To put in one's eyes by Changsheng Tiansheng.

"Longevity God, we also want to ask you for an explanation on May 6."

Another dozen or so leader-level figures stood up with indifferent expressions.

They learned that own Daozi was also killed by Su Chen.

The God of Longevity looked slightly surprised, Su Chen was so courageous that he actually killed more than a dozen Taoists.

While he was happy in his heart, he felt a headache at the same time. Although the strength of these Head Teachers was uneven, he also felt tricky when they joined forces.

Wandu Devil Monarch sneered and said: "My disciple died at the hands of Changsheng Daozi. It is because his skills are not as good as others. I don't need to pursue it, but I need to watch the real dragon technique."

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