Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 209 Longmen Ru Qi Sea, The Woman Who Escaped Marriage (Please Subscribe!)


Su Chen's expression moved slightly, and he sensed something was wrong.

He immediately looked inside, checking himself.

The next moment, he looked shocked and felt very shocked.

In his Dantian, a three-inch-high stone gate exudes simplicity and nature, with an incomparable atmosphere, standing quietly on top of the Qi Sea, with hundreds of millions of wisps of dragon energy hanging down.

"This is...... Great Desolate Dragon Gate?!" Su Chen blinked, feeling very surprised.

He clearly saw the Great Desolate Dragon Gate breaking through the void and fleeing hundreds of millions of miles away, so how could he suddenly rush into his Qi Sea? It seems that it consumes a lot, constantly absorbing his Magic power to nourish itself.

"Could it be..."

An idea popped up in Su Chen's mind, the dragon gate that broke through the void and escaped far away was deliberately created by the trick of the prehistoric dragon gate.

Of course, the major leaders untied the seal, and it took this opportunity to escape.

It's just that its energy consumption is too large, and it is the body of a real dragon. The Great Desolate Dragon Gate feels close, so it automatically rushes into Qi Sea to recuperate.

"This prehistoric Longmen is really a ghost." Su Chen thought.

He put away his internal vision, sat cross-legged in the chariot, and headed towards the ancient Immortal Daozhou.

Now that Honghuang Longmen fell into his hands, it is naturally impossible to speak out, so he can take this opportunity to build a good relationship with Honghuang Longmen and take the opportunity to subdue him.

Nine-headed water Qilin was very fast, pulling the chariot and rushing towards Wanmo City, he wanted to use the teleportation array of Wanmo City.

On the way, Su Chen took out a real dragon jade biscuit and took a serious insight.

Inside the real dragon jade biscuit, the rune flows and turns into a phantom of the real dragon. Su Chen is immersed in it, constantly observing the real dragon's body, imagining the real dragon's shape, flesh and blood, bones, charm and so on.

Time passed in Su Chen Insight's True Dragon Jade Bibi, and they had already left the Demon State, crossed dozens of states, and came to the Ancient Immortal Dao State.

Ancient Immortal Daozhou, within an ancient city.

In a mansion, the lanterns were hung high, brightly, and the mansion was very lively.

Today is the day when the young master of the Zhang family married the daughter of the Ling family.

"It's a pity. It's a pity that such a beautiful woman as Ling Moxue wants to marry Zhang Chuan."

"Sigh, who let the ancestor of the Ling family sit down, the Ling family's property suffered a blow, and the cultivation base breakthrough of the ancestor of the Zhang family reached the God King Realm.

"Time and fate."

Inside the mansion, some people talked in low voices, some were dissatisfied with the Zhang family, and some felt sorry for Lingxue.

"What, Lingxue has escaped."

"What on earth are you guys doing to let Ling Moxue escape?"

Inside the Great Hall, Patriarch Zhang was extremely angry when he heard the report from his subordinates.

Zhang Jiashao advocated that Chuan was also very angry at this moment, and said: "Father, Ling Moxue can't escape very far, let me go and catch him back.

"Okay, but you have to be careful, Ling Moxue's Talent is not weak, and the Cultivation Base has reached the Venerable Realm, I will let the two False Gods follow you there." The Zhang family said.

Immediately, under the suspicious eyes of all the guests, Zhang Chuan left the mansion with a group of people.

"Daozi, you've arrived at the Ancient Immortal Dao State, should you go directly to the Ancient Immortal City?" Dugu Xue stood outside the chariot and asked Su Chen.

Nodding slightly, j "Go straight."

He is not interested in admiring the mountains, rivers and lands of the Ancient Immortal Dao State, and went directly to the Ancient Immortal City, where the most important thing is to observe the ancient immortal ruins.

"do not run."

"Lingxue, you can't run away."

"Ling Moxue, go back obediently, and I can let the past go."

When the chariot passed over a mountain range, a shout suddenly came from the mountain not far away.

0………seeking flowers… 0

"Stop." Su Chen said flatly.

He opened the curtain and looked over.

In the mountains, a woman in a red wedding dress was galloping between the mountains at a very fast speed.

And behind her, a group of people chased after her. The leader was only the king of Realm, but there were two servants of the False God, who flew with the leader.

"A woman who escaped from marriage is interesting." Su Chen said with a smile.

"Daozi, do you need us to save that woman?" Qian Xiyue asked.


As a woman, she is even more on the side of women who escaped from marriage. After all, if there is no secret, who would want to escape from marriage.

Su Chen nodded slightly, a smile appeared on Qian Xiyue's face, and her clothes fluttered out.

"This girl, come to me." Qian Xiyue stood in the air and shouted to Ling Moxue.

Ling Moxue hesitated for a moment, and flew towards Qian Xiyue.

"Okay, Lingxue, let me tell you how dare you run away from marriage, and you are willing to have someone outside to help you.

Zhang Chuan stared at Qian Xiyue, and said: "Venerable Realm, she looks no worse than Ling Moxue, you guys go back with me, I'm going to marry two today, hahaha."


Qian Xiyue's eyes turned cold, and a vast aura radiated out. She made a seal with her jade hands and slapped it out.

"Give it to me." Zhang Chuan realized that the woman in front of him was not easy to mess with, and hurriedly shouted.

The Void God beside him made a move before he gave an order, blocking the treasure technique.

"Venerable Realm, unexpectedly has such combat power, it's no wonder that Dazong Zhenchuan came out to experience it." The two Void Gods muttered in their hearts. Although they had defeated each other's treasure just now, they were shocked by the opponent's strength. .

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