Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 216 Ancient Immortal Scriptures, Dao Slashing Supernatural Powers (Please Subscribe!)

"Young man is great.

On the square, Ling Xue looked at the back on the high platform, her big eyes were full of stars, she was very excited.

She also tried to step on the fairy ladder just now, but she only reached the three hundred and sixty-seventh floor, and she couldn't go up anymore, so she could only come down.

Su Chen stood on the three thousandth floor, looking at the Great Hall standing in front of him.

The Great Hall stands majestically, like an ancient heavenly palace erected in the world, exuding a majestic atmosphere.

At this moment, the closed palace door opened, and an immortal light spread out, and various visions emerged, cranes danced, dragons chanted and phoenixes sang, and flowers fell.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Su Chen stepped onto the immortal light avenue and walked into the hall.

Inside the Great Hall, after Su Chen entered, the hall door was closed, and no one could see the scene inside.

In the hall, there is a high platform in the innermost part. On the high platform, there is a tablet without a name, flowing immortal light08, which seems to contain the rules of heaven and earth.

After Su Chen stepped into the Great Hall, the tablet glowed, and the celestial patterns gushed out and turned into scriptures, which were displayed in front of Su Chen.

The so-called ancient immortal scriptures are actually the Dao rune, and what is passed down is not the art, but the Tao.

This is the rune that points directly to the mysteries of the origin of heaven and earth. Different people can comprehend different magical powers.

Su Chen looked at the avenue runes lined up in the sky, urged the Double Pupils, and gained insight into the mysteries of the runes.

At this moment, his heart calmed down and he realized it carefully.

This is a great opportunity, and if one can gain insight from it, one's own supernatural powers can be used for a lifetime.

While comprehending, Su Chen swiped his hands to pull back and evolve.

"When I was fighting with the young man in yellow condensed in the avenue rune, the last Saber Technique that the opponent cast seemed to be able to cut off the avenue, which was very terrifying."

The Saber Technique came to his mind.

In the end, if he hadn't mobilized all his strength and poured it into the real dragon treasure technique, he might not be able to suppress the opponent.

And that was Dao Rune's condensed body, after using that move, he had no power, and with his True Dragon Treasure Technique, the opponent collapsed directly.

"Knife, Dao!"

Su Chen whispered, the Longevity Knife appeared in his hand, and began to practice the Saber Technique continuously.

Inside the Great Hall, a snow-white and gorgeous knife light emerged, without any fluctuation of Magic power, as if it was just a move.

If someone enters the Great Hall, they can see Su Chen's whole body surrounded by a saber intent, the radiance of the saber is magnificent, like the moonlight falling, and the coldness is biting to the bone.

He has begun to enlighten, immersed in the mysterious cause of Heavenly Dao rune.


He kept swinging the knife, and the hall was full of knife light, filling the entire Great Hall.

But what is surprising is that those knife lights seem to be tangible and intangible, piercing through pillars and walls, leaving no knife marks, and there is no sound of collision.

But suddenly, there was a sound of breaking.


Su Chen suddenly opened his eyes, shooting out a gorgeous light, his knife cut forward, all the lights of the knife merged into one, turning into a gorgeous knife light like a flame burning, splitting the space and cutting into the void.


It can be seen that the laws of heaven and earth that emerged in the void were cut off with a single blow.

"This move, let's call it Zhan Dao!" Su Chen was very satisfied with the power of this move.

Cutting Dao, this is the Saber Technique he comprehended through the ancient immortal scriptures, and it is also a treasure technique, which cuts off all Dao with one blow.

Of course, his current strength is not enough to cut off Wan Dao, but it is still no problem to cut off Tianjiao's magical power.

The magical powers of treasures are also composed of the rules of the Dao. If he cuts off the rules of the Dao, the power of the treasures will naturally collapse.

It can be said that this supernatural treasure technique already has the embryonic form of the most powerful treasure technique.

For the next time, Su Chen sat cross-legged in the Great Hall, continued to gain insight into ancient immortal scriptures, and perfected his own Dao-slashing supernatural power.

Time passed slowly, and soon half a month passed.

Su Chen's name spread along with the news, causing a sensation in the upper world.

Naturally, many talented cultivators came here, first to participate in the ancient fairy secret realm, and second, to see Su Chen's strength.

During this time, the ancient fairy city became lively.

Many young Tianjiao gathered, many of them were Daozi-level figures, all of them were leaders in one Dao state, and even number one in ten states.

When geniuses gather, conflicts will naturally arise.

In half a month, there have been at least 30 conflicts in 417 in Guxian City, all of which were caused by young arrogance.

As time passed, the news that the ancient immortal secret realm was going to be opened spread in the ancient immortal state, and some Taoist forces with quotas in the ancient immortal state came one after another.

"The secret realm of the ancient immortal, it is rumored that the ancient immortal opened it up with his own hands, and there is a lot of opportunity in it." Outside the ancient immortal city, a young man in purple clothes appeared, with a magnificent appearance, very extraordinary.

Behind him, there are more than a dozen young figures, both men and women, all of whom are dragons and phoenixes.

This person is the purple-clothed youth who came out of Xuanming Realm with Su Chen, and he has now become the son of Zi Xiaodao.

The city is getting more and more lively, many young talents are in the limelight, attracting the attention of the public, causing a lot of sensation, and being valued by the big shots.

"Finally Insight is over."

Inside the Great Hall, Su Chen stopped.

He has almost gained the Insight of the ancient immortal scriptures, and his supernatural power of cutting Dao has also been perfected.

It's time to leave the Great Hall. .

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