Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 220 The Land Of Good Fortune, The First Rank Magic Medicine (Please Subscribe!)

"This is the secret realm opened up by the ancient immortal, and the rules of the avenue contained in it are different from those of the outside world.

Su Chen stood on a peak, looked at the mountains in the distance, and sensed the changes in the avenue.

The Spiritual Qi within the secret realm has a vivid aura, full of vitality, which can prolong life and strengthen the physical body.

This was caused by being contaminated with the breath of the ancient immortal.


At this time, roars of anger came from a distance, and a glutton appeared, its body was bigger than the mountain, like the ancestor glutton, it opened its bloody mouth and "swallowed the sky and devoured the earth.

Su Chen saw that even the rules of heaven and earth could not escape, being swallowed by this glutton.

This is a "200" true god-level glutton, with boundless magic power and a powerful physical body, far exceeding the normal real body.

It found Su Chen and five people and killed them.

"Naughty animal, dare to be presumptuous!"

Duguxue makes a move, sacrifices a secret treasure, blooms the divine glow, and releases the god-level wave to face the layer-tie.

Taotie's combat power is very strong, under the suppression of the god-level secret treasure, he can still resist, knocking the secret treasure away, and fleeing.

"As expected of the secret realm developed by the ancient immortals, the fierce beasts in the secret realm have far surpassed the outside world." Qian Xiyue sighed.

Ling Moxue stood beside Su Chen, her pretty face was tense, she felt the threat of Death just now.

Su Chen stood with his hands behind his back and said, "Lin Kui, which good fortune land are we in now?"

A young man named Lin Kui ranked second in the Changshengtian core discipline.

Hearing this, he took out a map and compared it with the terrain of mountains and rivers. After a while, he said, "Daozi, we are at Good Fortune Land No. 36."

The ancient fairy secret realm was specially developed by the ancient fairy to cultivate young cultivators.

In the entire secret realm, there are a total of 360 good fortune lands, and each good fortune land has a good fortune, or inheritance, or secret treasure, or treasure technique, or magic medicine, etc. Everything you need.

The thirty-sixth good fortune field is at the forefront. According to previous records, the treasure in this good fortune field is a first rank magical medicine named Nirvana divine flower.

It is rumored that the divine flower of Nirvana is transformed by being contaminated with a breath of Phoenix Nirvana, and it can help people to rebirth Nirvana, and it is a very precious magic medicine.

Generally, a cultivator who gets the Nirvana flower is enough to become a genius, and a genius who gets the Nirvana flower can transform into a genius.

"Nirvana, the divine flower, is very suitable for Senior Sister Feng." Su Chen whispered.

Feng Yunxiu is a True Phoenix bloodline. If you take Nirvana God Flower, you can regenerate Nirvana and activate the True Phoenix bloodline in your body. When the time comes, the potential will increase greatly, and the Cultivation Base will be able to advance by leaps and bounds.

"Senior Sister Feng? Daozi still has a senior sister?" Ling Xue felt nervous, but she didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Let's go, go to the core of Good Fortune and get the Ness God Flower." Su Chen said lightly.

He is very calm, as if the Nirvana flower is within reach, and he is not worried about others taking it.

There are 360 ​​good fortune lands in the ancient fairy secret realm, each good fortune land is very vast, the small ones are thousands of miles, the big ones are even tens of thousands of miles, or even hundreds of thousands of miles, completely like a plane world.

The speed of the few people is very fast, and Dugu Xue and Lin Kui will take action on the fierce beasts blocking the way, and sacrifice the secret treasure, and they will be optimistic.

Soon, five people came to the core place.

Ahead, there are continuous volcanoes, connected one after another, extremely hot, the scorching temperature distorts the space, making everyone's vision blurred.

It can be seen that there are various fire spirits flying in the volcanic area, all of which are composed of flames.

"Be careful, Daozi, there must be a divine fire here." Duguxue reminded.

The power of fire is so powerful that it can burn cultivators below the divine realm, especially the divine fire bred by heaven and earth, even more)  …

"No problem."

Su Chen slapped his palm, the rune was brilliant, turned into a blossoming flame Lotus flower, and rushed forward [open ten safe passages.

He masters the avenue of fire, not only is not afraid of divine fire and fire spirits, but can also absorb divine fire and fire spirits to practice and enhance Magic power.

"So powerful." Dugu Xue and the others expressed admiration.

When they came here, they had to be careful and sacrificed Magic Treasures to protect themselves, but Daozi opened up a safe path with one palm, and realized that it was too big.

Several people walked along a road made of fire lotus to the depths of the volcano group.

The further you go inside, the higher the temperature of the flame, and various fire spirits fly around, attacking Su Chen and the others.

"It's just right, it's for my use." Su Chen folded his palms together, and the rune turned into a fire lotus and spread out in all directions. Those fire spirits collided with the fire lotus and dispersed, and then were absorbed by the fire lotus .

This fire lotus is his condensed rune, representing his understanding of the Dao of Fire.

The fire lotus became clearer and clearer, and its power became stronger and stronger.

Not long after, many fire spirits 0.8 were afraid and fled in all directions.

Su Chen didn't go after him, but chose to get the magic medicine first.

On the way, they also found many magic medicines, most of which were seventh-grade or eighth-grade magic medicines.

"We're approaching the location of Nirvana's magic medicine." Su Chen calculated in his mind.

Ahead, there is a huge crater with a radius of three thousand miles, like a sea of ​​fire, magma billowing, burning the void.

In the center of the sea of ​​flames, there is an incomparably huge divine flower that radiates brilliant brilliance and absorbs the energy in the sea of ​​flames to grow.


At this time, a terrifying energy fluctuation spread from the depths of the sea of ​​fire. .

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