Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 228 Law Of The Sea (Please Subscribe!)

The first good fortune land is vast and boundless, larger than the sum of the previous good fortune lands. There are mountains and rivers everywhere, and floods and beasts are rampant, wanting to split the world.

Su Chen walked among the mountains and ravines, and flew to the depths.


In the distance, a Sirius appeared among the mountains.

Sirius is a thousand feet tall, standing above the clouds, with silver-white radiance flowing all over his body, he opened his mouth and breathed in, suddenly a sky full of stars appeared in the sky, and the radiance like Galaxy Cluster hung down one after another, pouring into Sirius' mouth

This is a Howling Moon Sirius, whose strength has reached the realm of the gods. It is extremely terrifying, and it can be regarded as a master in Shangsi.

Prehistoric ferocious beasts like Xiaoyue Sirius are not uncommon in the first good fortune land. Su Chen flew a hundred thousand miles and saw several ferocious beasts from the Celestial Realm.

He even saw a ferocious beast, surrounded by white light, walking on the sun and moon, surrounded by gods.

It was a White Tiger, although it was not pure blood, but its combat power was very powerful, it had already reached God King Realm.

"As expected of the secret realm opened up by the ancient immortals, it's really old enough." Su Chen whispered, avoiding one wild beast after another.

These prehistoric beasts are powerful in battle, the weakest ones reach the Realm of the True God, and the mighty ones even reach the God King.

It would be too dangerous for him to fight these ferocious beasts, so he could only use his hole cards to escape.

Fortunately, he has Double Pupils, which can see through the void, perceive subtle changes, seek good luck and avoid bad luck, and avoid a lot of wild beasts.

Su Chen could avoid wild beasts, but some young Supremes who entered later did not have such ability.

Some young Supremes flitted past powerfully, startling a lot of prehistoric beasts, and started a big battle. Many young Supremes were injured and had to use their hole cards to escape.


A blazing purple light pierced through the void, and a lion surrounded by golden brilliance flew out, and its huge body was torn apart in the air.

This is a golden lion whose combat power is comparable to that of a true god.

A young man in purple clothes stood with his hands behind his back. His whole body was surrounded by purple energy, and his eyes were also purple. There were purple lightning ups and downs inside, exuding a huge coercion.

"The first good fortune is very dangerous. It seems that we need to fly in a low-key manner." A rune appeared in the pupils of the purple-clothed youth, reflecting a mountain and river, and a prehistoric beast exuding a terrifying aura was hidden in the mountain and river.

In a flash, he disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, in another direction, Chu Yuan's figure disappeared into the void, and flew past without disturbing the beast.

As a disciple of Supreme, he has many treasures on his body. This time he used the void animal skin, which can be integrated with the void, even the God King realm powerhouse cannot detect it.


(aibj) Suddenly, the void opened, and a big furry claw stretched out, covering Chu Yuan.

"Not good." Chu Yuan was startled, he never thought that there would be a beast that saw through the void skin "He made a move.

A talisman on his body burned, and the rune was brilliant, wrapping him, turning into a ray of light and disappearing.

Time passed by in a hurry, and everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they all rushed to the depths of the first good fortune.

"Is this the core of the first good fortune?" Su Chen looked ahead and muttered to himself.

Ahead, the blue sea was surging to the sky, and white waves swept across the Ninth Stage sky, shattering the sky for thousands of miles.

A mighty sea appeared in front of Su Chen.

But this sea is very different, and the power of law is contained in the sea water, which is very dangerous. Even if God King comes, it is difficult to cross the sea and reach the other shore.

This is a sea of ​​laws.

Every drop of sea water contains laws, which can be used to smash the treasure and penetrate the body of the god.


A ray of light emerged, and a young man in blue clothes appeared, it was forbidden to play.

He cast the cross-domain talisman, crossed the endless territory at once, and came to the depths.

"It turned out to be a sea of ​​laws, the ancient immortals are really generous." Chu Yuan said softly, even if he is the descendant of Supreme, he was shocked to see this scene.

This sea of ​​laws can be said to be the supreme land of the gods, and even the leaders of the upper world will be moved and fight when they see it.

Because the sea of ​​laws can not only be used to enlighten the Tao, but also can be refined into a treasure.

Just imagine, if the sea of ​​laws is sacrificed, even the leader-level figures will be smashed to death alive.

"It's a pity, we can use the sea of ​​laws to gain insight into the laws of heaven and earth at most, and we can't take them away. Chu Yuan shook his head immediately, feeling sorry.

"Brother Chu."

Su Chen was not surprised when he saw Chu Yuan. He would be surprised if a Supreme successor couldn't come here.

"Brother Su." Chu Yuan cupped his hands. .

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