Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 230 Immortal Scriptures (Please Subscribe!)

An ancient tree is rooted in the Sea of ​​Laws, with luxuriant branches and leaves, it is incomparably huge, surrounded by sun, moon and stars.

Immortal tree!

This is one of the most sacred ancient trees in the world. It is as famous as the Chaos Tree, the World Tree, and the Myriad Tree, and it breeds the laws of immortality.

"It turned out to be an Immortal Dao Tree, the ancient Immortal is really generous." Chu Xuan exclaimed.

The Immortal Tree is a rare treasure in the world, it is too precious, and you can’t find a few even after searching the universe. Whether you are refining the Immortal Tree for your own use, or refining your life’s Magic Treasures, the Immortal Tree is the first choice.

Such a precious fairy tree, which makes the hearts of immortals so excited, is actually placed in the secret realm, which shows how broad Guitar's heart is.

"Let's hurry up to the Immortal Road Tree." Someone hurriedly said.

The immortal law is bred on the immortal tree. If it is a mature immortal tree, it can bear immortal fruit. One immortal fruit can create a young Supreme of "350".

Everyone approached and urged the Magical Item to approach the Immortal Dao Tree.

However, the Immortal Dao Tree seems to be very close to everyone, but it is far away. After a few days, everyone came to the trunk of the Immortal Dao Tree.

One after another, young cultivators climbed onto the branches and rushed back to the top of the fairy road.

The Immortal Dao Tree is very vast, a branch is like a continent, and a leaf is a small world.

Su Chen saw that the leaves emitted a hazy light, and the runes were dazzling, as if a Minor World was conceived in the leaves.

"The scriptures of the immortal way, here are the scriptures of the immortal way."

Suddenly, a cultivator exclaimed.

"There are also immortal scriptures here."

After a while, one cultivator after another exclaimed, with ecstasy on their faces.

Su Chen saw that dense lines emerged on some leaves, explaining the truth of the universe, which is the scriptures of immortality, mysterious and obscure.

Everyone stayed in front of one leaf after another, poking out their spiritual thoughts, watching the scriptures carefully, trying to remember the scriptures of immortality, Insight.

"Double Pupils!"

Su Chen activated the Double Pupils, and the leaves changed in his eyes, and those complicated lines turned into small characters one after another, appearing in front of him.

And those small characters roam like dragons and snakes, showing the laws of immortality, the lines of the avenue, expounding the principles of the universe, and the mystery of Sacred.

Su Chen fell into a state of epiphany, and the sound of Taoism was endless in his mind, and there was bursts of fairy music.

"Su Chen's comprehension is so high that he fell into a state of epiphany."

In the distance, Chu Yuan saw the voice of Dao, rune, burst out from Su Chen's body from time to time, his eyes flashed, and he was extremely shocked.

He has already cultivated the eyes of the sky, can see through the void, and penetrate the changes of the avenue, but these immortal scriptures are in front of his eyes, and it is difficult to Insight.

"This person is very enlightened." From the other direction, a young man in white looked at Su Chen with his eyes slightly moving.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a tiny ray of green light flew out and pierced Su Chen's forehead.

Some people were jealous of Su Chen's comprehension of the scriptures of immortality, and they secretly took action.

"Hmph." Su Chen's eyes turned cold, and he flicked his fingers, shattering the green light.

"Hehe, sure enough someone couldn't bear it anymore and wants to disturb this person's comprehension." The young man in white smiled lightly and said.

Su Chen glanced around, his eyes were very cold, the person who attacked secretly was very ruthless, even if he couldn't kill him, he still had to plan his comprehension.

Moreover, this person's attack was very secretive, even Chu Yuan and others did not notice it.

"Do you think I can't find you?" Su Chen urged the Double Pupils, one cultivator figure after another appeared, and suddenly a pale young man in black armor appeared in his eyes.

"I found you." Su Chen pinched the king's seal and typed it out.

"What are you doing?" The young man in black armor roared angrily, confronting the king's seal.

"Secretly interfering with my Insight Immortal Dao scriptures, do you think I didn't notice it? You are looking for your own death, and I will send you on your way."

Su Chen's five fingers moved slightly, and the rune was brilliant, condensing into five finger awns, shaped like a small dragon, piercing through the void, and rushing towards the young man in black armor shaking his head and tail.

"Don't slander me, I'm meditating, and I didn't attack you."

The young man in black armor said loudly.

He was terrified in his heart, he was born in the underworld, he is a psychic corpse, just now he used a strange treasure technique, but it was hard for Shendu to detect it, the other party actually noticed it, and found out that it was him who made the move.

He flicked his hands, the black rune was thick, the black mist filled the air, it turned into a black claw, and crushed the five fingers.

"Don't deceive me too much. Could it be that my talent is amazing and you want to disturb my enlightenment?"

The young man in black armor incited others with words, and said righteously: "Fellow daoists, this person is narrow-minded, please help suppress him together.

When the others heard the words, their faces showed indifference. They are all smart people, so why don't they understand the provocative words of the young man in black..

They determined in their hearts that the person who shot just now must be a young man in black armor.

Especially those who know Su Chen know that Su Chen will not shoot for no reason, that is not in line with Su Chen's character.

At the same time, they were terrified that Su Chen was so keen that he could discern the person who shot in the dark.

Seeing that the others were not incited, the young man in black armor shouted coldly: "I am from the Underworld, how dare you touch me?"

Netherland, the mysterious and unpredictable territory of the upper world, the people of the Netherland are all psychic corpses, which are extremely strange and powerful. Patriarch.

"Ningtu? Hehe, it's not bad to let you Mingzi of Netherland come and say this to me." Su Chen sneered, and cast the real dragon treasure technique. Various Magic Treasures.

Then, with a movement of his body, the Longevity Knife slashed out, and a beam of light flew out, with a palpitating aura.

Cut the road!

The young man in black armor discovered that his own treasures were disintegrated inch by inch, the magic power was cut off, the rune in his body was also cut off, and the Realm began to fall.

"What kind of treasure is this?" The black armor was filled with fear, and horror was written on his face.

Dao Slashing Treasure Technique!

Cut off the avenue in the cultivator body.

"What a terrifying treasure technique, I have never seen it before. Although it is not as powerful as the real dragon treasure technique 3.8 and the Kunpeng treasure technique, it seems even more weird and unpredictable."

Each cultivator's eyes were full of fear.

The young man in black armor fell to the Realm in panic, and soon fell to the Realm of the flesh.

"I...this......" His face was full of fear, as if he saw a devil.


With a single finger, Su Chen pierced through the eyebrows of the black armored youth, killing him.

After doing all this, he put away the Longevity Saber and continued to Insight the Immortal Scriptures.

"It's so powerful. The cultivator of Netherland is a corpse psychic. Although he doesn't have the skills of his previous life, his body is nourished by the energy of the underworld. It is very strong and powerful, and it can't stop Su Chen's moves.

"What a powerful boy, has the upper world reached the Golden World again?"

The cultivators discussed one by one, their eyes full of fear and dignity. .

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