Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 235 Conquering The Immortal Swallowing Insect (Please Subscribe!)

Nine devouring worms, each the size of a palm, with natural lines intertwined on their bodies, are like young dragons, slaughtering, and except for the young Supreme, no one is their combined enemy.

These immortal-swallowing insects can devour treasures, Magic power, and Magical Items by opening their mouths and sucking them in, refining them without harming their bodies.

"Flee, run away."

A group of cultivators panicked, and they used all kinds of hole cards to escape from here.


A swallowing worm suddenly became extremely huge, like a real dragon, flowing with brilliance, and the crystal clear body exuded terrible lines, imprinted in the void "block cultivator


This immortal-swallowing worm was extremely powerful "Nine Eighty Zero", and swallowed three cultivators.

On the other side, the disciples of Yuanchu Mountain made a move, and the sword light shook, piercing through the world, fighting against the swallowing worm.

Chu Yuan and the young man in purple also took action, using different means to suppress the swallowing worm.

They also have calculations in their minds, wanting to subdue the Immortal Swallowing Insect for their own use.

Immortal swallowing insects are very precious, and only the immortal tree contains the laws of immortality, and there is no strong person guarding it, so the group will give birth to immortal swallowing beans.

Otherwise, even if you search the upper world, it will be difficult to find a few.

Immortal swallowing worm grows to the state of gods, powerful and incomparable, it can become a big hole card, used to save one's life.

"call out!"

The three immortal-swallowing worms rushed towards Su Chen, opening their mouths to spew out rays of light. Those rays of light could melt Magic power and devour Magical Items, which is the talent of the immortal-swallowing worms.

With a flash, Su Chen appeared in front of a swallowing worm, and punched out.


The sound of metal collisions resounded through the Immortal Dao Tree, and the body of the swallowing worm was like immortal gold, solid Immortal, and it was only kicked back by a punch without any injury.

"As expected, it is the most famous insect in the upper world. Not only can it be subdued, but its body can also be used to refine Magical Items." Su Chen whispered, his eyes sparkling.

It is rumored that there is a leader-level person in the upper world who accidentally obtained the corpse of a god-level swallowing insect. He used various methods to train the corpse of the swallowing insect into a Magical Item. Item sacrificed, and directly swallowed and refined a strong man who was in the same situation as him.

"I see how many punches you can block."

Su Chen used the Immortal Fist, and the Indestructible Fist exploded, surrounded by gods and gods, blessing on the fist.

A god wheel appeared on his fist, supported by the gods, opened up the void, and crushed it forward.

With a sound of "bang", an immortal swallowing worm was sent flying, but this immortal swallowing worm didn't suffer any injuries, but was a little dizzy, and rushed towards Su Chen in a trance.

The same is true for the other two swallowing worms, they culled them.

Su Chen had no fear in his heart, and kept punching, using the Immortal Fist.

This area was immediately flooded with golden energy and blood, all kinds of rays of light danced, and the runes were dazzling.

"Dang Dang Dang!"

Immortal devouring worms had just culled them before they were blown out again.

Su Chen chased after the stars like chasing the moon, and kept punching.


A swallowing worm suffered hundreds of punches, a crack appeared on the sturdy worm, and crystal clear blood beads overflowed, exuding a faint fragrance.

"The sturdiness of the swallowing worms also has a limit." Su Chen saw this scene, his eyes moved, and the Double Pupils flew out wisps of light, criss-crossing each other, forming a chessboard shape, sealing off the void.

He is sure to win these three swallowing worms, but he will not allow them to escape.

"Bang bang bang!"

After doing all this, he continued to punch "continuously bombard the swallowing insect.

His Magic power is extremely deep, his vitality is strong, and he has a lot of Medicine Pills on his body, so there is no need to worry about his Magic power being exhausted...

Thousands of punches were thrown out again, cracks appeared on the bodies of the three swallowing worms, a trace of fear appeared in their ignorant will, and they wanted to escape.

"It's already here, why rush to leave!"

Su Chen chased after him, squeezed the dragon seal with his hand, and sent a swallowing worm flying out.

Then he made mudras with both hands, drawing the ground as a prison, and the rune formed a cage, trapping a swallowing worm in the courtier.

"Soul Seeding Seal!"

Su Chen used this secret method, the power of divine sense condensed a complex rune, and penetrated into the body of a swallowing worm.

This immortal-eating worm has been severely injured, and the will in its mind is very ignorant and weak. With only instinct, Su Chen can easily plant a magic seal.


Tunxian Chong suddenly felt a sense of closeness to the person in front of him, crawled into Su Chen's palm, and cried out.

"Successful." Feeling the connection, a smile appeared on Su Chen's face.

For the other two swallowing worms, he planted the seals one by one.

"Finally the three-headed swallowing worm has been subdued." Su Chen whispered.

In order to subdue the three swallowing worms, he spent too much 2.8 Magic power and blood, more tiring than fighting a young Supreme.

But fortunately, everything is worth it. When these three swallowing worms grow up, they are enough to kill gods and swallow immortals.

Of course, if the three-headed immortal-swallowing worm wants to grow into the realm of swallowing immortals, it needs to consume a large amount of divine substances.

"What you want to eat."

Su Chen felt a ray of emotion from the three-headed immortal swallowing worm, and he immediately took out several elixir plants and handed them to the three-headed immortal swallowing worm.

The three-headed swallowing worm devoured the elixir, and then continued to eat.

"Raising these swallowing worms really consumes energy." Su Chen cried and laughed, and took out a large amount of elixir, magic medicine, to feed the swallowing worms.

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