Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 342 Taikoo Ninth Killing Formation (Please Subscribe!)

Outside the Ancient Immortal City, Nine-headed Water Qilin pulled a gorgeous chariot and drove into the distance.

The chariot has a vast space, and Su Chen is sitting cross-legged on the soft fur cushion, holding the purple animal skin in his hands, and is doing the Insight Nine Words.

Beside him, Ling Moxue was making tea, while Qian Xiyue was sitting on the other side, peeling the grapes with her slender jade hands, and putting them into Su Chen's mouth.

Su Chen left Ancient Immortal City, ready to return to Longevity Heaven.

This time he came out to practice and gained a lot.

The first is the real dragon treasure technique and the wild dragon gate, and then the treasure technique and ancient fairy tale book obtained in the ancient fairy secret realm, and then he will return to the Closed Door Training in the Changshengtian for a period of time to digest the gains during this time.

Nine-headed water Qilin all have God King Realm, they are fast, crossing the void, blinking thousands of miles away, and soon far away from the ancient fairy city.


Suddenly, a huge palm cut off the void and slapped towards the chariot.

The chariot glows, the rune shines, branding the void, condensing a mask to block this palm.

But the chariot was also shaken out of the void.

This is a brown land, thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles without human habitation, weathered rocky mountains everywhere, spiritual Qi is thin, not suitable for life.

"Who dares to stop Changsheng Heavenly Dao." Su Chen's follower spoke with indifferent eyes.

They glanced around, cautiously guarding.

Someone who dared to risk the world's disgrace to stop them must have extraordinary means, and it is very likely that they are the opposing forces of longevity.

Changshengtian is an Immortal orthodoxy that has existed for a long time, but over the long years, it has also had conflicts with many orthodoxy.

What's more, Su Chen performed so well in the True Dragon's Lair and the Ancient Immortal's secret realm, it's very possible that some orthodox in the upper world don't want him to grow up smoothly, and send people to assassinate him.

"Su Chen, you must die today!"

A icy killing intent swept across the area, causing a cold wind to blow in this area, as if the cold winter was coming, and it was full of chills.

Su Chen sat cross-legged in the chariot, unmoved. He urged the Double Pupils to observe the surroundings and catch the enemy's traces.

The person who came was very extraordinary, with a profound Cultivation Base, and was constantly moving in the void. If it wasn't for his possession of Double Pupils, he might not have been able to capture it.

At the next moment, a blue figure came into view, it was a familiar person.

"Lan Tianyi, I can't imagine the most impatient, you are the one who wants to kill me." Su Chen's voice came out calmly.

He didn't have any accidents. Changshengtian is an Immortal orthodoxy, and the competition in the Sect is fierce. Although he is a Daoist, one person is less than ten thousand, but there are too many true disciples who want to become a Daoist. Naturally, they will not want him to grow up smoothly. .

As far as he knew, in the upper realm, many of the successors of the Dao traditions could not grow up smoothly, and at least half of them died at the hands of their own people.

It has to be said that this is the cruelty of the monastic world, even more cruel and cold-blooded than when the mortal dynasty competed for the crown prince.

"Su Chen, Junior Brother Su, you are worthy of being Double Pupils. You can actually capture my figure in the void, which makes me very admired. If you weren't a Taoist, maybe we could still be friends. It's a pity, a pity, you Blocking my way, I can only ask you to die."

As soon as Lan Tian appeared, he was wearing blue armor, handsome as jade, but at this moment, he was staring at Su Chen with a murderous intent on his face and a cold smile.

"Lan Tianyi, you dare to assassinate Daozi, it's a heinous crime." Dugu Xue shouted coldly.

Lan Tian glanced at him and said, "You are all going to die this time, who will know? Who can condemn me."

After saying that, he bowed respectfully to the void, and said: "retired elder, please do it!"


A figure sits cross-legged in the void, his whole body is blurred, with dense runes flowing, like Supreme descending, the laws of heaven and earth are changed because of him, and a terrifying aura spreads in all directions.

If it weren't for the chariot emitting rays of light that dissipated the aura, everyone present would not even be able to stand firmly.

A Saint!

The person who came turned out to be a Saint.

Saint is a big figure in the upper world, who can rule a state, and is a power in the upper echelon of a great religion. In this era, Saint can already grasp the authority of the ancient religion and command the world.

Next to Lan Tianyi, there was actually a Saint who shot for him.

"Saint of the Sea God Clan, do you Sea God Clan want to exterminate the clan?"

A calm voice sounded, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of the chariot. It was Su Chen's guardian.

He revealed the origin of this Saint in one word.

The Sea God Clan is an ancient clan of the Sea God Dao State. It is an ancient clan founded by an enlightened person. It is powerful but very low-key. Lan Tianyi is a member of the Blue God Clan.

"Fellow daoist, you are not qualified enough to destroy our Sea God Clan. For the Longevity God, this sentence is not bad, but this area has been blocked, and you can't spread any news

"The Sea God Clan Saint spoke, his tone was indifferent, revealing his killing intent.

This is an adventure, and if you are not careful, there will be a crisis of genocide. They are fully prepared and will not let Su Chen's party have any chance to escape or spread information.

"`"Okay, very good, it seems that you Sea God Clan planned for a long time, Hai Tianyi came here for the position of Daozi of Changshengtian. " Su Chen's protector spoke, and said three good words, his eyes were full of coldness and anger.

"Fellow daoist, there is no need to talk nonsense, you are doomed today." Saint of the Sea God Clan said lightly.

"Really? Are you really sure to trap and kill us all?" Su Chen's guardian sneered, his body was full of light, and he started to escort Su Chen away.

I saw the chariot glowing, the rune shining dazzlingly, to open up a void passage.

But in the blink of an eye, the surrounding sword lights vibrated, the aura of killing shook the heavens and the earth, cutting off the void, one after another Sword Qi penetrated the sky and the ground, like pillars of the sky, shattered the void passage, and the chariot was forced out.

"Prime Ancient Ninth Killing Formation?!" Su Chen's guardian exclaimed (Nuo Qian Zhao).

The Primordial Era was a very prosperous era in the Upper Realm. In that era, there were ten killing formations that were astonishing in the past, and each killing formation could trap and kill enlightened people. It was a very terrifying killing formation.

Since the end of the ancient era, the ten strongest killing formations have gradually been lost, and now the killing formations of all Dao traditions are dilapidated, only about one-tenth of the original formation.

"No, it's not the complete Ninth Killing Formation, it's just one-tenth of the formation patterns. Unexpectedly, you Sea Gods found one-tenth of the formation patterns of the Ninth Killing Formation." His Cultivation Base was not inferior to him, and he had arranged a ninth killing formation in advance, so he was not sure of defeating the opponent.


The Sea God Clan Saint didn't have any worries, he directly controlled the Ninth Killing Formation, and suddenly his sword light shook the sky, like Nine Heavens Milky Way pouring down, it struck over.

At the same time, several figures appeared behind Lan Tian, ​​all of whom were God King, Gu Su Chen. .

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