Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 345 Longevity Divine General (Please Subscribe!)

"Your Highness Daozi, I am willing to surrender to you, please spare my life.

As soon as Lan Tian saw Su Chen's gaze, he quickly bowed his head, willing to submit to Su Chen's commands.

He is very decisive, in the face of life, dignity is not worth mentioning.

Moreover, he was terrified in his heart. If he failed to assassinate Changshengtian's Daozi, the Seagod Clan would definitely be retaliated by Changshengtian. He was born in the Seagod Clan, and he didn't want the Seagod Clan to be destroyed.

"You think it's possible?" Su Chen asked lightly.

"Su Chen, if you don't let me live, I will perish together!"

As soon as Lan Tian glowed all over, a terrifying breath was released, and there was a blue flame dancing between his eyebrows, and his Cultivation Base had reached the False God Realm.

A False God Realm cultivator self-destructs, the power is very huge, not to mention that Lan Tianyi is not an ordinary False God Realm, the armor on his body glows and begins to disintegrate, a destructive force erupts.

Lan Tianyi still had a glimmer of hope from "Zero One Zero" in his heart, that he could kill Su Chen, and the retired elder left Su Chen's guardian, so that the news would not be leaked and the Sea God Clan could be preserved.

A blazing blue light burst out, the rune burned, and rushed towards Su Chen.

"I underestimated you, so decisively blew yourself up." Su Chen's eyes were bright, and a beam of light was shot out, freezing the blazing light.

He manipulated the power of time to slow down the speed of the light cluster.

The next moment, the chariot disappeared from the original place and appeared in another place.


The light exploded, and the blazing light hit the four directions, turning into nothingness in a radius of ten thousand miles, and many cracks appeared in the void, densely spreading to the four directions, and it was extremely dark.


At this time, the Saint of the Sea God Clan knew that the plan had failed, so he put away the ninth killing formation and left quickly.

If a Saint wants to escape, it is very difficult to stop it, unless he arranges a lot of formations to trap him in advance, not to mention that the Saint of the Sea God Clan also controls a corner of the ninth killing formation, which is very powerful. Although he cannot kill Kong Lao, it is no problem to block Kong Lao's attack .

"The Sea God Clan is too courageous. It seems that Changshengtian has been hidden from the world for too long, and some orthodoxy in the upper world no longer have the heart of awe." Kong Lao came to the chariot with gloomy eyes and said.

This time the Sea God Clan assassinated them, which made him very angry.

"Why should Kong Lao be angry? Tell God about this matter, and God will decide." Su Chen poured a cup of tea for Kong Lao with a smile.

Elder Kong glanced at Moon God and Elder Soul, and said with a smile: "Daozi, your chance is not small, there are not only ghost cultivators, but also an Innate sacrificial god by your side.

After finishing speaking, he didn't ask Su Chen how to kill the five great God Kings of the Sea God Clan. This is Daozi's secret, and he will not take the initiative to explore it.

Sitting in the chariot with an empty old plate, began to recover the Magic power.

Nine-headed water Qilin flew back, pulled the chariot to open up the void, and returned to Changshengtian.

Ancient Immortal Daozhou is not very close to Changsheng Daozhou, even if God King rushes across the many teleportation formations, it will take half a month.

Su Chen is the Son of the Heavenly Dao of Longevity, crossing one after another Taoist states, easily borrowing some orthodox teleportation arrays.

Ten days later, he returned to Longevity Heaven.

longevity day.

The sacred mountains are suspended, surrounded by divine light.

The precious medicines are rooted in the mountains, and the medicinal fragrance is strong.

The palaces are gorgeous and located on the sacred mountain.

In the depths is a misty, chaotic air lingering, one after another terrible sound of breathing came out, shaking the earth.

The Daozi Palace, where Su Chen ordered people to arrange the residence of the old soul and the moon god, immediately closed the nine Tao characters of Closed Door Training Insight.

As for the assassination of the Sea God Clan, they naturally went to see the God of Longevity when they had time, and explained the details.

In the Hall of Eternal Life, God of Eternal Life heard what Kong Lao said, and there was a trace of indifference in his eyes.

He sits cross-legged in the void, surrounded by chaotic air, mysterious and unfathomable, with the sun and moon Samsara in his eyes, and the scene of opening up the world emerges.

"The Sea God Clan is too courageous to assassinate Daozi. Old Kong, you go down first. I will make my own decision on this matter. The God of Longevity waved his hand and said.

After Elder Kong left, the God of Longevity split a ray of spiritual thought and passed it on to the Elder of the Heaven of Longevity.

Three days later, a group of iron cavalry rushed out of Changshengtian. Each of them was wearing black armor with densely carved runes. Each of them exuded a fierce aura, with sharp eyes, lingering killing intent, and strong blood qi.

This is the elite of Changshengtian, named Changsheng Shenluo.

Under normal circumstances, Changshengtian would not use the Changsheng Divine General, only when killing some big forces, Devil Dao orthodoxy, would use the Changsheng Divine General.

The last time the Divine General was used was at least ten thousand years ago.

A total of thirty-six long-lived Divine Generals dispatched, with a strong killing intent, broke through the sky and alarmed the long-lived heaven.

Some disciples, Elder was extremely surprised and talked a lot.

"What's going on? Could it be that someone provoked Changshengtian, why did they dispatch Changsheng Divine General!"

"The weakest of these longevity Divine General Cultivation Bases all have a big God King Cultivation Base, most of them are quasi-sages, thirty-six long-lived Divine Generals are dispatched, enough to destroy some sect orthodoxy

Taixu Daozhou.

This is a very mysterious Daozhou, full of barren mountains, land, and sparsely populated.

The center of this Daozhou is a vast ruin named Taixu.

The Taixu is very dangerous, even if Saint goes deep, he will fall.

However, some source stones and divine mines are sometimes unearthed in Taixu, which are highly valued by the major roads in the upper world. Therefore, some big forces close to Taixu Daozhou will send cultivators to garrison them to dig out divine mines and divine veins.

Sea God City, this is the territory of the Sea God Clan, and the god mines and god stones dug out by the Sea God Clan in Taixu will be transported back to the Sea God Dao State through this place.

"Hurry up, your team hasn't completed the task yet, and you can't enter the Sea God City to practice. You haven't dug up enough sacred stones before night, so live outside!"

In a garrison outside Poseidon City, a group of Poseidon guards beat a group of miners with whips.

The inside of Taixu is very dangerous. Generally, cultivators are unwilling to enter, fearing that they will be contaminated.

Most lineages use thralls to mine.

Restrictions were placed on these servants, and they could not escape. They could only mine obediently, otherwise they would surely die.

The whip lashed at the servants, with blue light, which made people's skin torn apart. A group of servants screamed in pain and walked towards Taixu like walking corpses.

"Well, the number for this month has not been reached yet, I'm afraid I will be punished if I return to the clan." A guard sighed 0.1.

"We are not bad. Even if the number is not reached, we are only punished for a period of time. If those servants do not dig enough god stones, they will surely die."

"Hehe, these slaves are really useless. They caused us to be punished. It seems that the punishment is less."

"It can't be too much. Now the slaves are hard to catch. If the slaves die, we will go to the mine."

Some guards commented, looking proud.


Suddenly, the sky and the earth trembled, like thousands of troops and horses galloping, the sky trembled.

"what happened?"

"Could it be that there are hostile forces attacking?"

A group of guards were shocked.

"Everyone go to the designated location and guard the formation."

A tall, middle-aged man with an indifferent face rose into the sky, he was a big God King, and began to command the guards. .

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