Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 347 The Fear Of The Sea God Clan (Please Subscribe!)

There are endless storms in the upper realm, and various news come every day.

Although there are often battles in the upper realm, they will all be mentioned to the end, and will not involve such a large range.

"Investigate for me, is it the Taoist party from the Upper Realm who made the move?"

For a while, everyone in the upper world was in danger and sent guards to investigate.

The upper realm is vast and boundless, with major restricted areas, no-man's land, and three thousand Taoist states. Except for the Immortal orthodoxy and the Longevity Family that stabilizes the Diaoyutai and will not fall forever, the rest of the orthodoxy is inferior, so I dare not ignore it.

After all, the Sea God Clan was a lineage of enlightened people in the ancient times, and their background cannot be underestimated. They are not much weaker than some ancient religions in the upper world.

Some people deal with the Sea God Clan today, maybe one day they will target them.

The upper world is about to come. Except for some very distant Daozhous, the orthodoxy of other Daozhous has more or less obtained some information.

Therefore, there are various news from the upper world every day, and no one can tell the truth from the fake.

Some people say that the Poseidon tribe dug up an Innate god in the Taixu, so that the Innate god did not achieve perfection in practice, and was retaliated by the Innate god.

Some people also deduce that it was the Sea Gods who provoked the living creatures from no man's land.

Some people even said that the Sea God Clan had offended one Immortal Cult.

People discuss it every day, and hundreds of millions of cultivators pay attention to this matter.

Finally, after half a month, a piece of news came out secretly.

The source of this news came from a long-lived family, and the accuracy is very good.

"The Sea God Clan is too courageous, they dared to assassinate Daozi of Changshengtian."

When everyone saw this news, they were all stunned, almost petrified.

Longevity Heaven is the Immortal orthodoxy of the Upper Realm. Immortal True Immortals once came out of it. It has a long inheritance and is extremely prosperous.

Daozi of Changshengtian is the God of Changshengtian in the future. His status is honorable and his status is very high. The Sea Gods dare to assassinate Daozi of Changshengtian. Could it be that someone in their clan has become enlightened?

"This time it is Changsheng Divine General." Someone revealed another piece of news, and everyone was shocked.

The Immortal Divine General is the elite of the Immortal Heaven, with incomparable combat power. The last time the Immortal Divine General took action was ten thousand years ago.

Thousands of years ago, the Dazong of the Upper Realm touched the bottom line of the Changshengtian for some reason. On the same day, the Changshengtian sent the Changsheng Divine General to destroy this ancient sect.

You must know that this ancient sect inherited a Supreme orthodoxy from the ancient times, and was actually obliterated by Changshengtian in a very prosperous era.

This shows how terrifying Changshengtian's strength is.

Ten thousand years ago was the last time Changsheng Divine General made a move. After ten thousand years, everyone's impression of Changsheng Divine General has weakened a lot.

Now that it was brought up again, recalling the records in the ancient book, everyone was shocked.

Because for 10,000 years, few people in Changshengtian came out and walked around, almost in a state of seclusion.

Some cultivator bases are relatively weak, and in very remote Daozhou, cultivators have never heard of the name of Changshengtian.

Gradually, everyone no longer feared Changshengtian.

"It's dangerous. Fortunately, when I met Changshengtian's disciples before, they were treated with courtesy and did not dare to neglect. "

At this moment, many Sect Head Teachers in Qiujie let out a sigh of relief.

At the same time, Sea God Dao State.

There is a vast sea in the Sea God Dao State. Islands are dotted all over the sea, vaguely forming formations. This is the homeland of the Sea God Clan.

On a vast island, palaces and pavilions are densely covered.

In the palace, the atmosphere is very oppressive and dignified at the moment.

"Hai Feng, you have eaten Xiong Xin and Leopard's guts, and dared to assassinate Chang Sheng Tian's Taoist body.

An old man with a blue light all over his body, with rune dazzling (Wang Zhao's) eyes, opened his mouth with deep eyes.

He was very annoyed, not annoyed that Haifeng assassinated Daozi of Changshengtian, but annoyed that the other party failed, causing the Sea God Clan to suffer catastrophe.

"Patriarch, what should we do? Changshengtian dispatched the Changsheng Divine General. In just one month, all our resident camps outside the Sea God Dao State have been pulled out. The next step is to take action against our clan." A retired elder said. asked.

"I think handing over Haifeng to appease Changshengtian's anger, after all, this incident is done by Haifeng's lineage and has nothing to do with us." Another retired elder said. .

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