Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 350 The Beginning Of The Destruction Of The Sea God Clan (Please Subscribe!)

These days, the upper world is turbulent, and there are discussions everywhere, talking about how the Changshengtian will target the Sea God Clan.

In a restaurant, a well-informed middle-aged cultivator is talking with his own friends.

"Have you heard that the Sea God Clan pleaded guilty to Changshengtian, but was rejected, and they didn't even step into Changsheng Taozhou?"

"From this point of view, the Sea God Clan is in danger of being exterminated, and Changshengtian was really angry this time, and wanted to shock the world with a single battle.

"August 27" "Ah, the Sea God Clan is seeking their own death. Back then, the Longevity Heaven was in full swing, and even some of the longevity families, the Immortal sects had to stay away and dare not take the lead. Recently, the Ten Thousand Year Longevity Heaven is only in seclusion. In this state, some people think that the tiger is critically ill, and want to pull out the tiger's beard, not knowing the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, which will bring about the danger of extermination."

In the restaurant, some cultivators were discussing. During the conversation, some gloated at the Sea God Clan's misfortune, and some were in awe of the Longevity Heaven. Their expressions and tones were different.

The Great Religion of the Upper Realm, Guzong is also paying attention to the movements of Changshengtian, wanting to see what the other party does so as to calculate the strength of Changshengtian.

As time passed day by day, everyone felt a depressing atmosphere, as if a storm was coming, and a tsunami was about to erupt.

Finally, Changshengtian made a move.

First of all, thirty-six divine general horses stepped on the sea god's way state, rushed directly into the sea god clan's land, and began to arrange a large formation to seal off the world.

Then one after another warships opened up space passages and landed on the Seagod Dao State.

Everyone saw that there were warships inside and outside the Sea God Dao State, Shrouding the Heavens covering the sun.

Those are not ordinary warships, but godships, made of divine gold, equipped with god-killing cannons, which can kill the God King at any time. The god-killing cannons on ten warships are fired together, and can kill quasi-humans. St.

There are more than ten warships in Sea God Dao State, more than thousands of them.

A large flag was erected on those warships, with the word "Longevity" written on it.

In the following time, iron cavalry continued to arrive and besieged the Sea God Clan.

At this moment, in the Sea God Clan, many creatures were trembling with fear in their eyes.

"Patriarch, we must take the initiative to attack before we can break the blockade. If all the Changshengtian army arrives, we will definitely die."

"That's right, as long as we defeat these large armies and warships, we can escape in the chaos and enter the lower realm. There are so many planes in the lower realm, no matter how powerful the Changshengtian is, it will be difficult to find our trace...

Some retired elders open.

"Okay, let's do it!" The Sea God Clan patriarch's tone was sonorous and forceful, with a cold killing intent.

Immediately, the Sea God Clan's army moved into action and began to attack the Changshengtian army on its own initiative.

"Hehe, the mere Sea God Clan dares to disobey the Longevity Heaven, just to shake the tree." On a warship, a figure appeared on a warship with fluttering white hair, hands behind his back, and a pair of eyes looking at the sea.

He saw groups of Sea God Clan soldiers appearing, wearing armor and holding weapons, attacking and killing them.

"Listen up, all godships, fire the godkiller cannon," he ordered.


The first hundred warships fired the god-killing cannon together, and the bright beam Shrouding the Heavens covered the sun, penetrated the void, and enveloped the boundless sea.

It can be seen that the soldiers of the Sea God clan are broken like 2.6 sand.


At this time, a big blue hand came through the air, aiming at the divine boat.

This big hand is too huge, covering the sky, exuding holy light, completely composed of runes, the powerful breath makes the ship tremble, and all the god-killing beams rushing towards it are crushed by this big hand.

The Saint of the Sea God Race made a move. .

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