Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 356 Supreme Falls (Please Subscribe!)

Haizu's third son's eyes were cold, and his face was full of guard.

Yuantian Supreme burns Shouyuan to unify the human sword, which can temporarily display the power of the Bright Sword. This is equivalent to the power of a single blow from an enlightened person. Even if he half-steps into the Realm of an enlightened person, he dare not take it hard .


Bright Divine Sword screams, Sword Qi is vast and incomparable, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way pouring down, piercing through the sky.

In the Galaxy Cluster, there are bright Sword Qi everywhere, and Stars are surrounded by killing intent and quickly disintegrate.

Yuan Tian Supreme didn't say a word, his young and handsome face revealed a look of indifference.


He once again used the fusion of human and sword, and the radiant divine sword turned into an eternal immortal light, transcending time, ignoring space, suddenly appearing in front of the third son of Haizu, and slashing down diagonally.

The third son of Haizu felt his skin hurt and his soul was about to split. The power of the Bright Sword was too strong for him to resist.


With a movement of his figure, his huge body suddenly shrank to the height of a normal person, and the trident in his hand stabbed out, meeting with the Bright Sword Boy.


The sound waves vibrated, two ripples spread in all directions, the galaxy exploded like fireworks, and an unknown number of light-years around it turned into dead silence, and all tangible substances were shattered.

At this moment, even the avenue became chaotic, turning into a symbol of the avenue, sweeping the universe and impacting all directions.


08 The third son of Haizu opened his mouth and coughed up blood, and his body flew out in tatters.

If it wasn't for his Supreme body being strong enough, and the weapon also being of the level of an enlightened person, his physical body would have been shattered and his primordial spirit exploded with just one blow.

"Under the enlightened ones, they are all ants." Haizu's third son, Blood Qi Lingling, repaired his injured body and said softly.

When he arrived at this Realm, he discovered the gap between himself and the enlightened ones.

"We can't let Yuantian Supreme use the human-sword fusion again, otherwise his lifespan is not exhausted, and I will die under the sword of light." The third son of Haizu planned to take the initiative to disturb Yuantian Supreme.

He put away the Haizu trident, swiped it with both hands, with a mysterious charm, full of first rhyme.

One after another blue ripples, like the undulations of the sea, appear as tangible avenue tracks, spreading in all directions.

"Song of the Sea!"

Yuan Tian Supreme's eyes moved, and said.

The Song of the Sea is a Secret Technique created by Hai Zu, which was very famous in ancient times.

When the song of the sea sounds, the caster will be blessed with the endless power of the sea, drowning everything.

When Haizu first became enlightened in ancient times, he killed an old enlightened person with the song of the sea.

Although the enlightened man's lifespan is about to be exhausted and his blood Qi dried up, but Hai Zu's ability to kill the opponent when he first entered the enlightened man's Realm is enough to illustrate the power of the song of the sea.

The blue ripples spread, and fairy sounds rang out, disturbing Yuantian Supreme's primordial spirit, making him unable to use the unity of human and sword with the unity of mind and mind.

"Three bodies in one breath!" Suddenly, Yuantian Supreme performed a miraculous treasure technique.

I saw a burst of fresh air rushing out of his head, and it turned into three figures, one was young, one was middle-aged, and one was old, all of which were the faces of Yuantian Supreme.

This is a well-known treasure technique in the upper world, and it was created by an enlightened person.

The three bodies transformed by Qingqi all contain part of the combat power of the deity.

"You actually mastered this treasure technique." Haizu's third son's eyes became serious.

He naturally knew about this well-known treasure technique in the upper realm. He had searched secretly, but failed to obtain this treasure technique.

Unexpectedly, Changshengtian has a complete three bodies in one breath.

From this we can see how profound the foundation of Changshengtian is.

The four figures moved together and raised their hands to make a seal, which is another treasure technique of enlightened people.

The great seal is like a high sky, towering and unreachable, and the rhyme of Taoism cannot be seen.

It is the Seal of the Heavenly Monarch!

The third son of Haizu played the song of the sea to fight, the sound waves rolled, the blue ripples spread, and collided with the four figures.

But it's useless, the seal of the Heavenly Monarch's Dao Seal cast by three of the figures is extremely powerful, just like the king of heaven cut through time and descended to judge and suppress the song of the sea.


At the same time, a blazing light flew out and split out.


The body of Haizu's third son was split open again, and Supreme's blood splashed, dyeing Universe Star red.

But he is not dead yet, the blood flowed backwards, reorganized the Supreme body, but the Blood Qi weakened a lot.

The third son of Haizu suddenly had a trace of fear in his heart. Since his debut, he has been invincible in everything, invincible in killing films of his peers, and invincible for an era.

He never knew what fear was, what fear was.

But at this moment, there was a trace of fear in his heart, which was something he had never felt before, which made his invincible state of mind unbalanced.

"I'm actually scared." The third son of Haizu sneered and cut off the fear in his heart.

"Yuantian Supreme, come on, even if I fall today, I will fight with you to prove my way."

The third son of Haizu has only one thought, that is to fight, he wants to use this pressure to attack the Realm of the enlightened person, even if it is Death, he is willing.

"Haizu's third son, as my senior, you have this kind of belief, I admire you very much, but it's a pity... the way is different, we are destined to fall one today." Yuantian Supreme said with a voice Tranquility, performing the fusion of human and sword three times in a row has consumed a lot of his life energy, and the light on his body has dimmed a bit at this moment.

But he is still young, with exuberant vitality, his Blood Qi is strong, and he is still at his peak.

This is the benefit of living a second life, the lifespan far exceeds that of cultivators in the same realm, and there is more lifespan to squander.


The third son of Haizu held a trident in one hand, stabbed it out forcefully, and performed the Song of the Sea in the other hand. The tyrannical Supreme aura swept across the world, the Star shattered, and the Galaxy Cluster dried up.

His aura is getting stronger and stronger, the blood shackles in his body are broken one by one, and the aura of the enlightened person is getting stronger and stronger, as if he wants to step into this Realm completely.

However, Yuantian Supreme knew that it was impossible for Haizu's third son to step into the Realm of the enlightened one.

Because the opponent has already burned Blood Qi, Shouyuan, making the final blow.

"Men and swords unite!" 277 yuan Tian Supreme casts his treasures, the light sword shines, and the three thousand worlds revolve around the sword, and the power of endless worlds gushes out and pours into the sword.


The sword of light is like eternal immortal light, breaking through the song of the sea, shaking the trident, splitting the third son of Haizu, and letting Supreme blood sway the universe.

This time, Yuantian Supreme didn't give Haizu's third son a chance to reorganize his body. He used one Qi to transform three bodies, pulled Blood Qi, and refined them.

"Ah...I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

The sound of pain and resentment came from the broken bones, and a blazing light rushed out from the Blood Qi, and a blue figure was wrapped in the light, which was the primordial spirit of Haizu's third son.

"You have no chance."

Yuantian Supreme wielded the Divine Sword of Light, piercing through the Yuanshen of Haizu's third son with a single blow, and the Yuanshen was shattered with a strong shock.

At the same time, he started to refine the soul of Haizu's third son with a large Magic power, without leaving any chance.

Supreme's vitality is very strong, as long as there is a drop of blood, a piece of bone, and a wisp of soul, it can be reborn and resurrected.

In order to prevent the resurrection of Haizu's third son, Yuantian Supreme sacrificed a large formation to block the time and space of this starry sky.

I don't know how long it took, with the last scream, all the Blood Qi, broken bones, and Yuanshen fragments of Haizu's third son were all refined.

At this point, the third son of Haizu fell.


The fall of Supreme caused the avenue to fluctuate, blood rained from the sky, ghosts cried and gods howled, and visions continued to emerge, flooding the Universe Galaxy Cluster. .

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