Fantasy: Start Rewards Double Pupils

Chapter 358 Cleaning Up Spies (Please Subscribe!)

In Changshengtian, the sacred mountains are floating, the fairy mist is floating, and the Sacred is incomparable.

The masters of Changshengtian are dispatched, although there will be discussions from time to time, but most of the disciples in the sect don't care.

Although the Sea God Clan is powerful and profound, they are not worth mentioning in the eyes of Changshengtian, and their destruction is just a snap of the hands.

On the contrary, some Elders, retired elders feel that it is a pity that they cannot go to the battlefield, and cannot get a share of the Sea God Clan's collection.

On a mountain peak flowing with red clouds, an old man sat cross-legged, and in front of him was an extremely huge alchemy furnace.

At this moment, he was refining the pill, and wisps of danxiang came out of the pill furnace, which was fragrant and fragrant.

"Changshengtian's defense is too tight, and all the magical powers learned will be set as Restrictions, which cannot be leaked out. Although I have completed the task and obtained the dragon and tiger pill refining technique, I can't pass it on." The old man frowned. 040

He was trained by Ziyang Pill Sect since he was a child, and sent to Changsheng Heaven for the purpose of stealing the dragon and tiger pill refining technique.

This pill refining technique is the unique technique of a very famous pill refining master in ancient times. Later, it was obtained by the people of Changshengtian and stored in the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

The people from Ziyang Pill Sect ordered him to go undercover for Changshengtian, so that he could obtain the dragon and tiger pill refining technique.

Although he obtained the pill refining technique and completed the task, he couldn't pass it on, otherwise the primordial spirit would disintegrate automatically.

In the Changsheng Heaven, only God, the elders, and the Taoist learn the treasures, so there is no need to set Restrictions.

Even retired elders learning treasures and supernatural powers will also set Restrictions.

Of course, the treasures that can be set as Restrictions to prevent soul searching are of very high grade, at least they are all holy treasures.

"Maybe I can curry favor with Daozi, and after gaining Daozi's trust, maybe I can ask Daozi to lift the Restrictions." The old man thought to himself, thinking of a way.

"Purple Elder, your identity has been leaked, come with us."

Suddenly, a group of people came out of the mountain, wearing iron clothes, holding chains, staring at the old man with serious eyes.

"Law enforcer." The old man was startled, knowing that his identity had been discovered.

Before he had time to think about it, he sacrificed a void breaking talisman to escape from Changshengtian.

"Hmph, you don't have to drink a toast." A law enforcement officer in a silver iron suit said, with a sneer on his face, he didn't try to stop him.


The void vibrated, and the gold and silver threads criss-crossed, forming a huge net, blocking the space and knocking down the purple Elder.

"Take it away." The leader law enforcement officer sealed the purple Elder Cultivation Base with his palm and waved.

Immediately, Zi Elder was dragged away by the law enforcement officers like a dead dog.

At the same time, some spiritual peaks in Changshengtian, on the sacred mountain, emanated the same scene.

Bands of lawmen, in chains [Catch the spies and the Elder who betrayed the Sect.

In a quiet place, a middle-aged man is making tea on the holy mountain where the holy spring is gurgling, with a leisurely expression.

Suddenly, his eyes moved, his face lost his composure, and with a flash of his figure, he was about to break open and run away.

It's a pity that the sky and earth net fell and the space was blocked. Unless you have a Great Saint-level Cultivation Base, it is difficult to escape.

"My identity has been exposed." The middle-aged man is a retired elder of Changshengtian, with a profound Cultivation Base. He took out a big knife and slashed at the net of heaven and earth, intending to kill him out.

"Dare to fight in Changshengtian, because of us."

A faint sound sounded, a huge palm slapped, and with a bang, the sword shattered, and the middle-aged man flew out, half dead, and was taken away by the law enforcement officers.

In the next few days, people in the outside world were all paying attention to Sea God Dao State, and during the Supreme battle, the spies of Changshengtian were captured one by one and locked up. .

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